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07-07-2010, 05:43 PM
**PA Ownage**
Join Date: Sep 2, 2009
Location: Thigh-High Skies of Texas South
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WOW love your big brass signing up just for this post your the fukin joke! And quit tryn to back her, unless you are her......Poser! MAN
UP BITCH! Funny this business you speak of never really would have come out had she not posted. And now alot of new potential clients know who were talking about hmmm.
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07-07-2010, 06:40 PM
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O tisk tisk...the big bad internet tuff guy called me  Come on man...does the truth hurt that much  ? and does it matter if I just signed up to post? We're all part of the secret hobby brotherhood. Have to keep things on the DL. Wouldn't wan't to get in a pickle like your daddy would I?...I think not. I was mearly giving my honest opinion...freedom of speach remember? You member. I guess you're mad cause I didn't tell you to go get under laps nutsack, suck on his titty and stfu! Ok...Ok...take your little bitch azz, get back under laps nutsack, suck on his titty and stfu!
by the way, I love your big brass picking on a woman....Like I said...a bunch of little bitches.
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07-07-2010, 09:18 PM
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Folks, most of this thread seems awfully damn petty. I'm not an especially notable prescence on these forums, and I don't have any direct knowledge about this situation - but I'm going to (uncharacteristically) stick my neck out and offer the following thoughts.
First and foremost, I feel for LAP. No one should have to experience what he must be going through now. I wish I could somehow help.
Other issues, even though they may have some merit, pale by comparison: action or lack of action by the mods, accusations, bringing up past issues with other people, insults to individulas or entire cities, posting with alts - really, who gives a shit at this point? By now, anyone who is interested knows the story, has formed his/her opinions, and will base his/her future actions accordingly. I doubt anyone's opions on the matter are going to be changed, regardless of what "side" you are on, or how much you accuse someone, attack someone, defend someone, or defend yourself.
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07-07-2010, 09:18 PM
Wicked Tryst dot net
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1. I asked El gato for the invite as stated here as I sent him an email requesting it. 2. I was not pissed about not going to a lame ass social as I had appointments already lined anyway. The SOCIALS I have been to in corpus in the past are the most weak and d suck ass as far as I am concerned.....they are nothing compared to any others I have been too! Do you really think I cared about a fucking SOCIAL?.....LOL right okay......3. If I sent him a threatening text mesg say I would "get even" I challenge him to produce it.....Sprint can give him a copy 4. This phone call to his home number that you have mentioned twice did not come from me or my cell phone.....again I challenge him to get on top of his shit and produce the evidence 5. I have already warned you about the disrespect you have expressed towards me and the name calling along with the bogus lies you are spreading about me. I believe you have also been warned by a mod to watch yourself and your mouth and let me explain this does nothing for hobby future as you come off as a complete dick and LAP's BITCH. 5. If he was really outted after so many years in the hobby I guess that's his own fault for not covering his tracks. He had other providers he was seeing so I wasn't the only one and I recently found out there was someone else he was more exclusive with than me. If that really happened which I highly doubt it then maybe now he can finally take the time to be a man and work on himself and focus on his other issues so he can get things right in his life. 6. I've said it before and I will continue to say it....there is no amount of money that could force me to love that man. He threw sooooo much money at me but he also wanted to make sure I was taken care of as well. YES HE DID HELP ME LAST YEAR WHEN I GOT SICK, I was very ill due to a visit in corpus last summer. But as far as alllll this were rendered and LAP overstepped his boundaries by invading my personal relationship and my own space. He smothered me. He sent countless text mesgs even when I told him I was busy working or most importantly with my family. He took advantage of his MOD STATUS in the beginning of our relationship to intimidate me. He and I had an understanding or so I thought. "Ap got all of my time and then some so nothing is owed to anyone. Its really truly a shame that things ended this wayas I would've preferred the "friend" route. "Shakes head"his true colors have shown and from what I hear he is on a downward spiral to no where. I can't be blamed because I decided I did not love him. I have a real world relationship and have been involved with it for a year and a half and he will come before anyone. Just because he was there for me when I went thru a hard time does not mean I owe him a commitment. I made a huge mistake by getting involved with him but I can promise you I will stand with my head up and walk away from this saying what I have in confidence that he and I both know the truth and he and I both know what happened. His pride and ego are shot down and this all happened at the time he lost his status here as a mod. You guys all know how big his mouth mouth was and he gave up a lot of infomation he shouldn't have. He can't be trusted. He is losing it. He fell in love as he has with other providers. He is hurt and its not my fault........I do not know how much more I need to throw out there but I refuse to let you few individuals knock me down over something that is none of your business. guys obviously don't know how much of a strong independent Woman I really will take a hell of lot more than this bullshit to bring me down. I am not going anywhere. Get that straight. You can spend the rest f your HOBBY LIFE trying to bring me down but it won't work. The only time I am walking away from this Hobby is if I decide to leave to marry the MAN I am and have currently been involved with and finishing pursuing my career......GOOD LUCK WITH ALL THAT THOUGH.....and savior STFU......You don't even make wanna talk about money but you OWE LAP MONEY with your broke ass that's why you retired cuz you can't afford sapphire....... 1. We know how pissed you were that he shut you out of the CC social (all you have to do is look your rants about being excluded)
2. We know you sent him a threatening text about the social indicating you would get even.p
3. We know about the call to the home phone from a familiar area code.
4. Most importantly, we know what an emotional train wreck you are. I could go all over this board and find innumerable posts where you have "gone off" on any number of people for little or no reason. Bottom line is, your board personna is one of an unstable individual and there is ample evidence to support that.
5. He just HAPPENED to get outed after years of uninterrupted hobbying when all these circumstances came together.
Let's just put that in front of a jury of our hobbyist/provider peers and see where the prevailing opinion falls.
As for doing LAP's bidding for him, I haven't spoken to him. However, I have heard through back channels he would like me to stop the assault. However, I won't. Why? Because the people on this board need to know what a risk they are taking with you. There is a hobbyists credo that says we will protect each other from emotionally unstable people like you.
Lastly, you may be right about famous if you put the letters "i-n" in front of the word. Remember, Mata Hari was infamous.[/QUOTE]
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07-07-2010, 09:34 PM
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Was your screen name whatacroc or whataloser, either would fit. Did Berk offer you some freebies to sign up and post today?
Who am I? I'm a guy who writes whole sentences and spells correctly. Try it.
Go tell Berk you weren't man enough to save her sorry ass.
Originally Posted by whatacrock
This goes to rjdiner and savior: What a bunch of pussys airing out their business! You guys are acting like a pair of little bitches, especially rj. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought lap was banging you two. If the chic did what she did, and she's "crazy" like you say she is, it will all eventually come out. I mean seriously, I'm sure there's two sides to the story and I'm sure Laps getting what is long deserved. Karma! Why do you think he's no longer posting? (i'm sure he's reading). If the admins were going to do something, they would have done it by now, so you're better of waisting your time on something more constructive like reprimanding people for "not writing a review in par to your unatainable standards".
"We'll approach this one point at a time:" WTF???? who do you think you are? Perry Mason? need to go back and get under laps nutsack, suck on his titty and stfu! 
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07-07-2010, 10:04 PM
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*eats popcorn*
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07-07-2010, 10:28 PM
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That's your comeback? You're pulling the "spell checker Nazi" move? Dude, you went from lap's lil bitch to the the biggest pussy ever  . Again...quit sucking on laps titty and get back deep down under his nutsack because you're done!!  !!!
Just curious??? why all this hatred towards such a beautiful woman? Is it because Lap never let you drink from his milk saucer? or could it be something more sinsister?
I kinda like your Idea...maybe Berk should give me some
oh should always try to avoid contractions in formal writing.
Originally Posted by rjdiner
Was your screen name whatacroc or whataloser, either would fit. Did Berk offer you some freebies to sign up and post today?
Who am I? I'm a guy who writes whole sentences and spells correctly. Try it.
Go tell Berk you weren't man enough to save her sorry ass. 
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07-07-2010, 11:04 PM
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And I thought the S. Texas threads were getting lame...although at this point, it's looking more like a slap fight and the parking lots empty.
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07-08-2010, 12:46 AM
Wicked Tryst dot net
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Rj.... I need no one to save my ass....I did NOTHING WRONG HERE....*yawn* your boring me now .....are you done yet?
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07-08-2010, 01:16 AM
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The only part of this thread that REALLY got my attention was Berks reference to Saphire. IS SHE BACK?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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07-08-2010, 06:20 AM
**PA Ownage**
Join Date: Sep 2, 2009
Location: Thigh-High Skies of Texas South
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Originally Posted by whatacrock
why all this hatred towards such a beautiful woman?
 Yea its her.
And your ref' with Saphire is your fake ass attack at me?! LOL
I wont even say all the shit you couldn't afford to get out of, that LAP did.
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07-08-2010, 07:56 AM
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hey Berk before you make whataloser your bitch for his freeebie let him teabag that strapon before you bend him over..he seems to have a thing for nutsacks...
PS: let me know if he cums from the just the bangin' you give him or if you have to do a reach around...LOL
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07-08-2010, 07:57 AM
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*pops open a bud light and passes it to sign painter*
At this point it looks like we have a pissing match and nothing more is being said that is constructive or informative. Opinions on both sides have been stated.
Berkleigh, might I say in the nicest way possible that with Corpus being a relatively small community in comparison to your city or that of the other larger cities, that we tend to be a tight knit group. Having said that we do try to look out for one another and are personally offended when one of our own or the city we live in is attacked. You could have thanked the RGV without mentioning "wasting your time in Corpus". And maybe our socials are lame or suck ass compared to Dallas or wherever but WE enjoy them and appreciate the effort that is put into making them happen. Your statements can be made without negative opinions while still getting your point across. It is offensive to what we have so of course our little community is going to rise to the defense. Imagine if you will if one of us went to the Dallas forum and started bashing a respected member of your community and saying that Dallas was lame and sucked ass. Do you not think for one minute that posters will come out of the woodwork to defend your community? Of course they would. Human nature and all that. Whether you disagree or not LAP is a respected member of our area by most if not all of us.
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07-08-2010, 11:44 AM
Wicked Tryst dot net
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In reference to the last few posts.....I am also a well known HIGHLY RESPECTED MEMBER OF THIS BOARD and I came from a small community. I have been around for quite some time and have maintained a flawless reputation OF WHICH I WILL CONTINUE to do reguardless of this bullshit going on. All "this bs" does not affect my ability to perform nor does it affect my attitude. I am not bitter towards the man at all. I think its sad. I also think its pathetic they way I have been attacked and it was brought here.I can understand how y'all feel for your friend but our HOBBY RELATIONSHIP ENDED like a divorce. Its done. Can we move on? I can promise you that this will not stop me from coming back to corpus. I STILL HAVE BUSINESS whether any of you like it or not. I am not one of those Women who will not stand up for herself and as EVERYONE can now see and call bullshit on RJDINER and the others for starting the drama in these threads. I'm sure LAP is embarrassed as he should. This was his doing and it did not have to publized like this. Um it was like 3 months ago so why is it now coming out??? This was entertaining but really who cares anymore? RJ .....I am still waiting for you to produce the proof of what your accusations are and I don't see that happening....LIKE my advice to you is to go pick on someone else. The men here have displayed how disrespectful they are to women as well as how they have nothing else better to do but start drama.
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07-08-2010, 02:27 PM
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I guess my job here is done  . My one and only intension was to bring out the true character of rj and savior, and let the board see them for what they really are  . I think I did a heck of a job. Good night, and good luck  .
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