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Old 06-22-2010, 01:34 AM   #1
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Default "DESPERATE" Providers - How cool is that?

What do you guys and gals think of providers who post ads that express their current financial struggles and are willing to do anything to remedy it?

I do not mean that they are completely up front about their situation....but they might imply that ..... oh... car payment is due on the first....so cum one cum all!!!

What happens to the quality of clients she might receive replies from......and is it safe for her to announce her current status?

I dunno....
but I wondered.....do the white knights come out to rescue?......or do the leaches at that point take hold?


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Old 06-22-2010, 02:20 AM   #2
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Interesting... I wouldn't classify them as "desperate", but rather, "business owners".

The main point of the ad is to attract customers. Businesses do it all the time on television and radio:
Liquidation sale, everything must go.
Limited time offer...
Need to make room for new inventory.
Overstock of products; shop now while the deals are good.

I would suppose that all the females on this board are here for financial reasons or else we'd all just be swingers (some are both). Some may not be struggling, but it doesn’t matter. Many outside of this "hobby world" would say that the ladies here are willing to do anything to remedy their financial concerns; not giving any distinction as to whose ad was conveyed in a tasteful manner.

If an ad is drawing attention and the telephone is ringing, then I would say that she is darn good at advertising. No matter how polished the ad, the quality of gentlemen responding will vary. Furthermore, She has the right to refuse anyone that she chooses.

The gentlemen who are longtime participants here at Eccie are no fools. They know when it's the first, last and the middle of the month.

To classify a respondent as a "White Knight" or "leech" would be imply that all the active hobbyists are "White Knights" or "leeches".

IMO, as long as the ad is in the proper forum (there are many that have been popping up here in Coed) and doesn't violate the preset guidelines, I say: If her phone is ringing and mine isn't, then I must be doing something wrong. Heck, I may even IM her for pointers.
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Old 06-22-2010, 07:17 AM   #3
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Default In general showing your need is a bad idea.

One of the top motivational teachers of our time is credited with this quote.

Don't bring your need to the marketplace, bring your skill. If you don't feel well, tell your doctor, but not the marketplace. If you need money, go to the bank, but not the marketplace.
Jim Rohn

At some level in my psyche, I am put off by a vendor, a provider, a coworker, who tells me about their financial troubles so I agree with Mr Rohn.
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Old 06-22-2010, 07:44 AM   #4
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Well spoken Will. I've lost track of how many salesmen and managers I've told that a good purchasing agent can smell fear better than a shark can smell blood in the water.. . but they never seem to listen.

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Old 06-22-2010, 07:53 AM   #5
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I JUST said this....If you are slow, for goodness sake don't broadcast it. What guy wants to see a girl that can't attract attention selling pussy? A pity fuck he has to pay for? no way. You cut your own throat. (EDIT I included part of the quote that didn't belong.)

Now look, providers don't take advice. They don't. Cat had to beat me with barbed wire to get me to understand business amongst other things. Any advice I give here was gained at some great cost and I'm starting to really appreciate why my parents get so pissed when I don't appreciate the intellectual property they GIVE me.

It really is somehow a slap in the face when you offer something for free that you paid for.... Providers are sweet kids that have no idea about squat in most cases. I'm beginning to wonder if they still think the earth is flat. They will all eventually learn at their own great cost or get drummed out of the hobby. You ladies could save yourselves a ton of hurt if you would just LISTEN.

PS Blackspanishteacher... I was looking at your avatar and then I really read your sig line... You are flat fucking HOT.

If I were a guy, those three things... handle, avatar, and sig line would be enough for me. Bravo!!!!!
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Old 06-22-2010, 08:02 AM   #6
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I agree with most of what Kayla says. It is not rocket science. If a provider runs a ridiculously low special or complains about being slow, right or wrong, I assume she is not keeping her customers happy. So why would I want to be next. Bad sex is free and readily available.
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Old 06-22-2010, 08:10 AM   #7
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I can't speak for the WK's and leetches but I agree with what Will said. Not attractive and a big red flag for me. Fair or unfair that's how I react to it.

I think a big challenge in this business for the provider, is to get the guy past the usually unspoken reality of "I'm only seeing you because you have money". When you advertise based on your financial need...no matter how subtle or cleverly done you put the elephant in the room prominently on display. From a LONG TERM business view...better to keep Dumbo in that dark corner over there where we can both ignore him. Well...Dumbo is way to cute to ever ignore completely but you get the idea.
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Old 06-22-2010, 08:17 AM   #8
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wait a minute. do you mean saying repeatedly that "I know you dallas guys don't like me, but I'm putting up this ad anyways" isn't a good business slogan!??!?!
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Old 06-22-2010, 08:18 AM   #9
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I dont even know how to answer this.

I do not concern myself with providers and how they present themselves in their ads. I do read the provider ads, some I say wow, that ad was great and some I just shake my head. It's their damn business, not mines.

On another note, this is a business, present the best way you can, If I went to my favorite restaurant and the owner told me they were late on their car payment, i would look at them strange. I dont need to know whats going on you, just give me the best you can.

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Old 06-22-2010, 08:31 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
I've lost track of how many salesmen and managers I've told that a good purchasing agent can smell fear better than a shark can smell blood in the water.. . but they never seem to listen.
Not only can we sense it, but can use it to our advantage. That being said, when I see that desperation in a provider I can't get past the feeling that an upsell is going to be involved. That's why, for me anyway, desperation doesn't sell and I don't buy.
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Old 06-22-2010, 08:56 AM   #11
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as I thought....not a good path to go on if you are "desperate" to pay the bills.....

Fake it till you make it girls.....that's my motto!!!
It's fun....and...it works!!!

Love to all,
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Old 06-22-2010, 09:59 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by GingerB View Post
What do you guys and gals think of providers who post ads that express their current financial struggles and are willing to do anything to remedy it?
Personally, I think they've failed to manage their business very well and often it's not hard to figure out at least a few of the reasons why. I've given money to providers on several occasions, but I'll skip the long stories here other than to say in one case, the provider managed to do what she wanted (get out of the business) in spite of her efforts to just take the money, disappear and throw it away without accomplishing anything.
What happens to the quality of clients she might receive replies from......and is it safe for her to announce her current status?
The clients you get in that case are the luck of the draw, but if I were in that provider's nightie, I'd certainly expect more sharks than altruists.
I dunno....
but I wondered.....do the white knights come out to rescue?......or do the leaches at that point take hold?
Be grateful for the altruists, but expect the worst. You could always turn that around and ask about hobbyists who are broke and would like a discounted session.
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Old 06-22-2010, 10:38 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Will View Post
One of the top motivational teachers of our time is credited with this quote.

Don't bring your need to the marketplace, bring your skill. If you don't feel well, tell your doctor, but not the marketplace. If you need money, go to the bank, but not the marketplace.
Jim Rohn

At some level in my psyche, I am put off by a vendor, a provider, a coworker, who tells me about their financial troubles so I agree with Mr Rohn.
i agree w/ you will and w/ jim rohn.

i think it is better to give good reasons why people should obtain your product or service than to give reasons why you need their money.

a good social worker once told me - just say what you want. dont say why you want it. telling them why leaves you open to an argument why you dont really want it, distracting you from your goal.

so, when i go visit women, i just want to know their consulting fee, location, and time [and hopefully what delites they'll consult me with].

i dont need to know what they are going to do with their money - buy food or clothes, pay rent or car pmt, go on vacation or fix up the house.

there are just a few other things that will remove them from my black book faster than a "i need some money to ....." story.
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Old 06-22-2010, 11:01 AM   #14
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Don't bring your personal problems to work.
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Old 06-22-2010, 11:09 AM   #15
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Wow, I am so glad this was posted.

I just figured how a person advertised was just that. I rarely, read the ads, and rarely advertise (I think once every three months or so).

Being that I don't depend my hobby money to pay bills, I may have had a skewed idea of what is acceptable.

When related to the outside world, I can see that there are some very good arguments made here, in which I can completely relate. I wouldn't want a restaurant owner informing me that his/her rent is due.

I do, however, still don't see these ladies as "desperate", more so perhaps "ignorant on the subject matter of advertisement", as apparently, I am myself .
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