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Old 01-05-2010, 01:52 PM   #1
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Default A little info

First, for the moderators and such. I realize that you all want this section for reviews only. But I really don't feel that threads like this belong in the Coed section. Many of us have gotten used to seeing threads like this in the "others" section on the sites we came from. And this is where we look. Many of the other members look down on street action. They don't want to be bothered by seeing posts about SWs. Or recon from the street. That is another reason why the "others" section is perfect for everything street. Please allow posts like this stay in the "others" section......

Now... With ASPD going down for good. Possibly even today. I wanted to take this time to update a few helpful things I said over there. I will basically give my tour. But on here. And at no cost. Most of what I say comes from me. But there is stuff that others have said that I find very useful. Here we go.....

Before heading out. Make sure your car is legal. Getting pulled over for a busted taillight or expired registration is just plain dumb. In a lot of these areas LE is looking for a reason to pull people over. Not to just fuck with you. They are doing there job. There is no telling what they can find after they pull you over. So don't help them out any.

Make sure you follow the laws of the road. Signal when you turn. Follow the posted speed limits. Wear your seatbelt. Same reason as before. Any reason to pull you over and see what they can find.

Make sure you are legal. If you got warrants for tickets or for a mass killing in upstate New York. It might not be a good idea to go out trolling. What starts out as you innocently trolling around for a BBBJCIM. Could end up with you in jail. And even worse.. in Busted in Austin. And if I see you in BIA. I will make fun of you!!! If you see me... I will autograph copies for you and the mizzus!?!?!?

Here are the areas I know of. And basically how I go about driving them. I usually start up north. The big blocked area inside of Rundberg/IH35/183/Lamar is one big giant area for finding SWs. The best usually being Powell and Wonsley. But I have seen SWs on Rundberg, the access road of 35 between Rundberg and 183. On Lamar and on Georgian. So when trolling this area. Make sure you hit all of these roads. Paying closer attention to Powell and Wonsley. A little sidenote about this area. The one time I saw sting action up north. The Church parking lot on Wonsley and Georgian was filled with LE. Marked cars, unmarked, undercover, tow trucks, paddy wagons, you name it. So if you ever see something like that while trolling. It is best to just give up for that night. Or at least go to another area.

Next spot is St. Johns. I have never picked anyone up off of SJs. The SWs I have seen are not my cup of tea. But there is action there. And it is a good spot to go and waste time if you are trying to let Powell turnover. Just go east on SJ. Then turn right on Grand Canyon(I think). There is usually some action around there.

From there I usually make my way to Ceasar Chavez. My last find was on CC. You can find something walking at all times. Usually up till Pleasant Valley. I see the most SWs between Perdanales and PV. Sometimes I will cruise 2nd street too. Sometimes you can find something. Nothing to write home about. But it is worth looking into. Especially if you are trying to waste time because someone beat you to the punch and you are waiting on a SW to get back out.

Then I cruise down PV on to Elmont. I rarely see anyone on Elmont. And when I do it is all the way on the end close to Walgreens. But it is a good way to get to Burton. And Burton was starting to become a hot spot. So drive down Elmont until you get to Burton(or whatever the street is named on that side of Riverside). Follow Burton all the way down to Oltorf. Before I get away from this area. Riverside has some action as well. In the few blocks around the Walgreens. Back to Burton. Most of the action is from that first stop sign until Oltorf. Hard to tell a SW from anyone else though. Lots of people sitting up at the bus stops. I guess if they give you the look then they are fair game.

Now for Oltorf. Not much to be found on Oltorf. I usually just cruise it to waste time and let the other areas turn over. One of my best finds was on Oltorf. Her name is Phoenix and she gives one helluva BBBJCIM. But she is not a street walker. She is just a girl that will do what it takes to pay her bills. So if you ever see her. Don't approach her like a SW. Just ask if she needs a ride and let nature tak it's course. Eventually you will be able to fit it in the conversation. And well worth it.

I will take Oltorf down to South Congress(SoCo). SoCo between Oltorf and Ben White used to have a lot of action. Now I think it is just SWs that did not get the memo that street is dead on SoCo. But when I have seen them out in this area. It has usually been on the west hand side of the road. And usually around St. Ed's or the titty bar.

Two other spots sorta worth mentioning are 12th street and Manor. Even though I don't troll these areas too much. Two of my best all time finds were on 12th. So it is worth coming to your own conclussion on. Usually take 12th from about Chicon to Airport. Then hit Airport til you get to Manor and turn right there. But on the whole. These areas are not all that great.

Now you are out and about and you know the areas. What do you do now? First I suggest knowing how much you are willing to spend ahead of time. Put that aside and hide the rest. Along with any values(BlackBerries or Iphones). Even though I have never been robbed or held up by a SW. I know they are out there. So better safe than sorry. It would be better to lose 30m bucks than your whole wad along with your $500 cell phone. And when you put aside the money you are willing to spend. Make sure that you can make change. What I mean by this. Say that you tell yourself that you are willing to spend 40 bucks. And you put two twenties in your pocket. What are you going to do when the SW says that she only wants 30? So hold onto a twenty, a ten, a five, and 5 ones. Then you can make any amount she asks for. Now I do recommend tipping. I have found that when they have something to work for. They do a better job. But I am getting ahead of myself.

How to pick up a SW? Now I like to make it as easy for them as possible. By pulling up to a corner and letting them come to you. Even if I have to pass them by a time or two. But sometimes they make it hard to do that. So if you pull over to pick them up in the middle of the block. Just make sure you have no headlights in your mirror. Or no car is coming from the other direction. Those lights could be LE. And if you are seen trying to pick up a known SW. That can only be bad. Normally I just ask them if they need a ride. That is it. Don't say anything about sex. Don't negotiate with them while they are still out side. That only leaves time for a cop to cruise by. And it really is in your best interest to get the SW inside as quick as you can.

You got her in the car. Now what? First... I troll a lot at night. And it is very difficult to see what they look like before they get in the car. Some do this on purpose. If you don't like what you see. Don't be afraid to tell her that you changed your mind. If you do change your mind. Don't be afraid to ask them to get out. If they are nice about it. I usually give them a few bucks. For their trouble. And because I might have stopped some other car from picking them up. Now if I like what I see. I usually ask their name or introduce myself. Soon there after the SW usually asks if you are a cop. But if she has not asked then you can ask. I thought it was good enough for them to say that they are not LE. But I am not a lawyer or a cop. So maybe more is needed. Usually a titty flash or grabbing a titty is good. Definitely letting her grab my cock. That will prove to me that she is not LE and then the negotiating can start.

Usually once I find out that they are not LE. I flat out ask them how much for a blowjob. Point blank. I really don't like to set the price. I want them to do that. I might be weird like that. Usually Sixx just tells them how much he will pay and that is it. I like to leave it up to the SW. That leaves me room to tip. If I have set aside 30 bucks. And they tell me that they want 20. Then I still have 10 bucks to tip with. If I tell them that I will pay them 30. Then I have nothing to tip. So I ask them how much for a BJ. They tell me 20. I agree. Now we need a spot.

I usually try to have a good spot to go to. I really don't like going to their spots. So scout the area. Find that good dark spot. Even if it is a few miles out of the way. Regardless... You do not give them the money until you are about to get what you paid for. I usually go like this. Get to my spot. Park. Lock. Crack the windows. Seatbelt off. Lean the seat back. Reach into my pocket. Hand them the money. And as they are looking to see it is what they asked for. I am unzipping. And that is when I tell them that if they do a good job I will give them something on the back end. That usually insures the CIM.

Sounds easy enough. Did I miss anything? Anything you would like to add, Sixx? Or anything anyone else would like to add? If anyone has any questions... Please don't be afraid to ask. Either on here or through PMs. Be safe......
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Old 01-05-2010, 05:31 PM   #2
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Good guide. That is what i have done and stayed safe for years. I would reccomend keeping a wallett that just has your id and limited cash so if you do get robbed they dont get your cc's.
I totally ageree with never using her spots. I had a experiance 15 years ago arround 12th st where she guided me to her spot where her pimp came out with a 45 and told me not to harrass his girlfriend. She left, he left, i shook for a while then left.
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Old 01-06-2010, 11:14 AM   #3
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It is getting bad out there though. Not enough privacy. Just got to go with your gut on the spot issue. I have yet to have a "pimp" approach me like that. But it could be because I am extremely safe when it comes to those things.
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Old 06-21-2010, 12:05 AM   #4
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Interesting info, will have to try it sometime.
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