Originally Posted by CanDo01
I can't believe he got all the way to 52 posts before he was banned. Especially one of his first posts that mentioned a racist group. I hit the RTM button on that post as he had already posted 11 times at that moment.
I'm a night owl.....hint, hint
I thought the RTM button was like the bat signal.
I Like that....we need to rename that little RTM button TBS for "The Bat Signal!" LOL
@BS...thanks.....what a nice compliment! Brownie points have been awarded....
@tracie....thanks hon....I think I just pissed him off though....he's now on a mission...he found my number and has texted and tried to call me a couple of times...sigh. Guess he didn't understand I have no intent on feeding a wormy lil' ole Troll like him. Poor thing seems to have comprehension problems.