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Old 06-11-2010, 11:46 AM   #16
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Probably the subjest of it's own thread, but in my opinion, tiping in general is out of control. I went out for dessert the other night to a nice restaurant with 4 others. We shared 3 desserts and coffee. The bill was $68.00. A 20$ tip is $13.00, for dessert!!

I also was at Twin Peaks a few weeks ago with 2 friends and we had appetizers and beers. The service was TERRIBLE, so I only tipped 15% when I paid the bill on my CC. About 10 minutes after she had picked up the CC slip, she brought back the little wallet thingy that they bring you the bill in. I thought....hmmmmm, I already paid the bill. When I opened it, my tip was inside in cash? I guess she was insulted by my $8.00 tip for her lousy service. Never had that happen before.

Sorry for the hijack!!!
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Old 06-11-2010, 12:09 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Spacemtn View Post
Probably the subjest of it's own thread, but in my opinion, tiping in general is out of control. I went out for dessert the other night to a nice restaurant with 4 others. We shared 3 desserts and coffee. The bill was $68.00. A 20$ tip is $13.00, for dessert!!

I also was at Twin Peaks a few weeks ago with 2 friends and we had appetizers and beers. The service was TERRIBLE, so I only tipped 15% when I paid the bill on my CC. About 10 minutes after she had picked up the CC slip, she brought back the little wallet thingy that they bring you the bill in. I thought....hmmmmm, I already paid the bill. When I opened it, my tip was inside in cash? I guess she was insulted by my $8.00 tip for her lousy service. Never had that happen before.

Sorry for the hijack!!!
Agreed, especially the waitstaff at Twin Peaks, Tilted Kilt, Hooters, etc.. I've noticed that because so many guys tend to pay for the show rather than the service, they have come to expect a big tip regardless of service level.

To me, service is baseline, you have to meet that minimum requirement before I will tip for eye-candy. If you don't, then I did not have a good dining or drinking experience regardless of what you parade around in in front of me.

Back on topic, I think if one -expects- a tip, then one should just include it in your donation. Otherwise, it's toeing the line of false advertising.
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Old 06-11-2010, 12:46 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Spacemtn View Post
Probably the subjest of it's own thread, but in my opinion, tiping in general is out of control. I went out for dessert the other night to a nice restaurant with 4 others. We shared 3 desserts and coffee. The bill was $68.00. A 20$ tip is $13.00, for dessert!!

I also was at Twin Peaks a few weeks ago with 2 friends and we had appetizers and beers. The service was TERRIBLE, so I only tipped 15% when I paid the bill on my CC. About 10 minutes after she had picked up the CC slip, she brought back the little wallet thingy that they bring you the bill in. I thought....hmmmmm, I already paid the bill. When I opened it, my tip was inside in cash? I guess she was insulted by my $8.00 tip for her lousy service. Never had that happen before.
Wow, I've never heard of a girl displaying Platinum Pussy Syndrome without actually giving up the pussy.

I mean, to me, 15% is where you start for merely adequate bare minimum restaurant service. If the service is good it increases proportionately, and if it's bad it decreases proportionately. If I get terrible service I'll go down to 10%. If it's really, really, really bad, (like Keystone Cops with ADD bad) then I let the manager know and, if they deserve it, stiff the server. I worked in food service when I was younger and I can tell the difference between a good server that's swamped (because the host/hostess is a retard, because the management understaffed to cut labor, because the kitchen has a problem, etc.) and an inefficient and/or lazy and/or poorly trained server.
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Old 06-11-2010, 12:49 PM   #19
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Here's a funny for ya. As a Dive tour leader, on trips, after I arrived at the resort/hotel, I would find the waiter that would be our "primary" waiter for the group table for the week.
Then I'd give him 1/2 of a $100 bill (torn in 1/2).
I told him that at the end of the week, if he took good care of us, he'd get his normal 20% tip, AND I'd give him the other 1/2 of the $100 bill.
Well, once, on a island near Venezuela, I did this and the service during the week was mediocre. At our last meal, I told our waiter that even though the service wasn't as good as I had counted on, it was "ok" and gave him the other 1/2 of the $100 bill. He looked at me like "big deal"!! I said, just tape it together and it's all good, or go the the local bank and cash it in for local currency.
Turns out, he thought that since I had torn the bill in half, it was worthless and had thrown away the first half!! We both learned a lesson.
As for tipping the ladies, I kinda feel at $ 200+ an hour, they've ALREADY been tipped.
To whom do you pay $200 an hr? Your attorney, your Dr?
I think within the normal rates for the ladies, the tip is already built in, and in some cases, (as we all know) the rate for her "time" was about 50% too high to begin with.
For something outstanding, above and beyond what I ALREADY paid for, then possibly, but when was the last time, on your job (probably making less than $200 per hour), your boss came up and told you that you deserve more than your salary? and on top of that, handed you an equivalent of 30 minutes of your normal pay, just cause you "did good"?
There ARE hours I make significantly more than $200, but like the ladies, it's not all 40 hrs of the week, so with that in mind, I feel like they earned $100-$150 for the hr, and the other $50 IS the tip.
Kinda like a resort where the tip is already built into the initial charge. I know some cruise staff that make over $90,000 a year for keeping the cabin neat...
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Old 06-11-2010, 02:08 PM   #20
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[quote=PeAcH;347926]Wow.. really?? I would never ask for a tip, or expect to see it up front.. a tip is earned and up to the person giving it.

Also, like a waitress you never tip up front.. unless you're weird like some of my friends.. anyways! Yeah..

I think it is probably good that you dont have an incall. If you did we would have meet a LONG time ago.

And then I would be a hopeless Peach addict scrounging for my next fix.
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Old 06-11-2010, 05:45 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Eccie42 View Post
Interesting and timely thread. I'm new and was curious about proper tipping etiquette. I would certainly tip if I was blown away with the experience, but I didn't know if it's expected. I don't want to get a bad reputation, so I appreciate the honesty here.

So, is it general concensus among indies that a tip is not expected or required, assuming nothing out of the ordinary was requested?
Reputable indie providers do not expect or request a tip.

In the rare instance that there is anything they expect above their normal posted rate, they need to tell you that well in advance of the appointment so you can make a decision as to whether or not you want to go through with it. And this would be for fairly unusual circumstances. Like lets say a guy requests that I wear a rubber chicken suit and I inform him that I don't have such a thing and if he really wants me to buy one, I'd appreciate it if he could subsidize the purchase by "x" amount. He is free at that point to decide how badly he wants me in that chicken suit.

That being said, many gentlemen bring gifts, overtly tip, "round up" the bill or do things like pay my full hourly rate despite my offered discount. They do these things because THEY want to and most of the time I am never aware of the tip until the guy is long gone and I open the envelope. So tipping happens sometimes, but it's NOT expected.

A reputable provider will give every client her best, regardless of whether or not they tip.
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Old 06-11-2010, 06:00 PM   #22
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I am shocked to hear that do not own a rubber chicken suit. Next, you'll tell me you don't even own a platypus suit either.

You young women these days...

Subsidizing special requests is not tipping, btw. It's part of paying for the service.
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Old 06-11-2010, 06:16 PM   #23
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Tips are never expected.
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Old 06-11-2010, 10:04 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Spacemtn View Post
Probably the subjest of it's own thread, but in my opinion, tiping in general is out of control. I went out for dessert the other night to a nice restaurant with 4 others. We shared 3 desserts and coffee. The bill was $68.00. A 20$ tip is $13.00, for dessert!!

I also was at Twin Peaks a few weeks ago with 2 friends and we had appetizers and beers. The service was TERRIBLE, so I only tipped 15% when I paid the bill on my CC. About 10 minutes after she had picked up the CC slip, she brought back the little wallet thingy that they bring you the bill in. I thought....hmmmmm, I already paid the bill. When I opened it, my tip was inside in cash? I guess she was insulted by my $8.00 tip for her lousy service. Never had that happen before.

Sorry for the hijack!!!
I NEVER do that, BUT: Once I was at the Tilted Kilt and our server spent the entire night looking at herself in her compact. We saw her probably 3 times, once to get our order (after waiting for 10 minutes or something), again to give us the check, then to bring back our cards. The Manager or Expeditor brought the food out, and literally dropped it on the table, I had to yell at her to get her attention to get some mustard or something. I rounded up to the next dollar for my tip and that is the only time I have ever done that. But she deserved it.

Tipping in general is out of control, I refuse to tip at places where I am not actually served (donut shop comes to mind). I do tip servers and bartenders, because I did that work once myself. But N. America is about the only place where tipping is so prevelant in our culture. It is time for restaraunts to pay there employees so we don't have to.

Just to be clear, until that happens I will tip.

Tip providers? HAHA! Nope, not when I am paying $200+ per hour, it is like tipping on a tip. On a VERY rare occaision I might tip, but mostly I bring a small gift.
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Old 06-11-2010, 10:37 PM   #25
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I used to bartend and wait tables during my college years so I am a firm believer in tipping.

I have tipped Providers in the early days of hobbying, but I haven't in the past year. Unlike wait staff, Providers are making allot more than sub-par minimum wage. I think their posted rate is the price you should pay. However, I do believe the occassional gifts, including benji's are nice way to show your favorite Provider you appreciate her.
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Old 06-13-2010, 06:38 PM   #26
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If I lady decides to tip me up front, I do provide a better BFE....
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Old 06-13-2010, 09:50 PM   #27
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When its a session that is mind blowing and I had a great time, I tip every time. When it's not, or when it's merely mediocre and "gets the job done", then there's no tip. Bluntly, I was always taught that if you can afford to have a good time, you can afford a tip.

As for independent vs. agency and having any impact on tipping, why should it? As Whispers said, each provider chooses their own path and, at least with the agencies I've dealt with, the girls are still bringing home more per visit than the indys.
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Old 06-13-2010, 11:20 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by ztonk View Post
If I lady decides to tip me up front, I do provide a better BFE....
Well I've never tipped you but I can't imagine how your BFE could get any better?
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Old 06-14-2010, 12:47 AM   #29
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I agree, you should never expect a tip. But....

I'm surprised to see so many say they don't tip. Tipping is not that rare. Guys do it. Sometimes even up front! I'm thinking as a gratitude for accommodating a last minute appointment; or they like the way you booked the appointment; they feel safe in your space with you; like others have mentioned, you do something they have never experienced. Maybe a little something extra for your momma because you know how to shake what she gave you (sorry mom. in every way possible. but thank you, thank you very much).

And a couple of you in this thread are just darn right lying....like you don't tip. Whatever and Thank you at the same time!
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Old 06-14-2010, 02:58 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Spacemtn View Post
Probably the subjest of it's own thread, but in my opinion, tiping in general is out of control. I went out for dessert the other night to a nice restaurant with 4 others. We shared 3 desserts and coffee. The bill was $68.00. A 20$ tip is $13.00, for dessert!!

I also was at Twin Peaks a few weeks ago with 2 friends and we had appetizers and beers. The service was TERRIBLE, so I only tipped 15% when I paid the bill on my CC. About 10 minutes after she had picked up the CC slip, she brought back the little wallet thingy that they bring you the bill in. I thought....hmmmmm, I already paid the bill. When I opened it, my tip was inside in cash? I guess she was insulted by my $8.00 tip for her lousy service. Never had that happen before.

Sorry for the hijack!!!
I was a waiter/bartender/Restaurant manager, before I "made it" in the music business (i.e. made a living)

If a customer lingered, I often would bring back the change I thought might have been left for me. Thinking that perhaps they were waiting for the change before leaving the tip, and subsequently leaving the bar/restaurant.

It's possible she thought you were waiting for her to bring it back, as you hadn't left yet. No excuse for crappy service though. She could have not been smart enough to figure out that the tip was left on the credit card and that the deal was DONE!. I actually witnessed this several times when I reached the point that I was managing some major Austin restaurants.

Just an FYI from a former server...
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