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Old 05-30-2010, 10:12 AM   #16
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ACP .45 accurized by a noted gunsmith with tritium signts; very accurate and deadly with great knock down power

More random pistols and shotguns than I can keep track of
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Old 05-30-2010, 08:19 PM   #17
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My favorite gun? The one I have on my hand when I need it!

My carry gun is a Kimber CDP II .45 ACP. I have it with me 90% of the time. Take your chances on the 10% I don't.

At home for defense it's the tried-and-true Remington 870 pump. Don't have to be perfevt to take them down

I have several other guns & like them all. But I LOVE my Beretta 686 over 7 under. It's a work of art & I wish I could afford 10 more of them!
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Old 05-30-2010, 08:24 PM   #18
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Sorry for the typos. I'm on my cell. Hard to type without fat fingering
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Old 05-31-2010, 12:01 AM   #19
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Benelli M4 Tactical with pistol grip and rail light loaded with "0" buckshot.

Never missed yet. Never killed a family member in the next room, or a neighbor in the house next door. Even when shaking like a leaf on a tree during the real thing!

Carry and Conceal: Strictly hush, hush.
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Old 05-31-2010, 08:31 PM   #20
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Hmm, Weapon of Choice....
My Mind
The Only Things I Shoot Are (LOL):
(1) Shoot Pool
(2) Shoot Alcohol
(3) Shoot the Shit
A long time ago I used to go out to the country with a bunch of guy friends. We would shoot rifles at cans, pumpkins, targets, etc. I have to say there is something very exhilarating about shooting shit up LOL. I can understand why boys/men have a love for powerful guns. They play cops/robbers & cowboys/Indians as boys, then grow up to be hunters, protectors and weapons collectors as men.

And Now for Something Funny...

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Old 05-31-2010, 11:41 PM   #21
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I won't tell you what I carry, but it'll put you down if you need puttin' down - but I WILL tell you what I want . . .

A girl can dream!


Of course, I can only legally get my hands on the PS90. The Olathe PD is the only area agency that will publicly acknowledge possessing the FN P90 LV/LIR (other than the Feds) - at last count they had 23, I get wet just looking at one . . . now you know what I want for Christmas DD.


- Jackie
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Old 06-01-2010, 01:18 AM   #22
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Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm, for my all grown up now days, and for protection.
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Old 06-01-2010, 08:37 AM   #23
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I recently purchased my first pistol. It's a Sig P220 - .45 I have only had the opportunity to shoot it once. Considering it was the first time I have shot a pistol since I was 12 (that was a few years ago) I thought I did pretty good. I hope to get the time to practice more and eventually get my conceal/carry permit.

I also have a Remington 1100 12-gauge with a ventilated rib and modified choke. I used to be pretty good with it but it has been a few years since I fired it. The good thing about shotguns in the home is that all you have to do is point it in the general direction of "the intruder." No aiming necessary.

I have two other guns I have never fired. One is an old Stevens lever-action, single shot .22. The other is a replica Cap and Ball.
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Old 06-01-2010, 09:47 AM   #24
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Bubba, I used to have a Sig 220, its a very nice pistol, I never had any problems with it and it never jammed on me. Unfortuately I am sure it is now in the possession of one of our fine ATFE agents, due to my long ago problems. I sure wish I had it back, they really got some great weapons from me, in addition they got a Striker Street sweeper 12 guage which I bought for the very brief period where they were legal. Today it would be worth a mint, they also got a Desert Eagle .50 and a Colt Anaconda .44 mag., plus numerous others weapons, it pains me to think that they went into the melting pot. But you will love your Sig, they make an excellent weapon.
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Old 06-01-2010, 09:50 AM   #25
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"Of course, I can only legally get my hands on the PS90. The Olathe PD is the only area agency that will publicly acknowledge possessing the FN P90 LV/LIR (other than the Feds) - at last count they had 23, I get wet just looking at one . . . now you know what I want for Christmas DD."

Sweetie there was a time when I would have been able to make that happen, but those days are long gone, most of the people that I knew who would have been able to aquire one for me are either locked up or dead. But oh what might have been had I been able to offer that up in trade LOL.
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Old 06-01-2010, 11:49 AM   #26
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Finally a subject that I am familiar with.

Sig P220 .45
RRiver AR10 .308
Browning A-Bolt 30-06
Browning Citori 12 guage

Just to name my favorites.

Thank you, founding fathers, for having the foresite to allow us to protect ourselves from tyronny, oppression, and censorship by creating the 2nd Amendment.
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Old 06-01-2010, 12:00 PM   #27
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Blue Sea, how are you liking the Rock River in .308 I have been trying to decide on a new AR but cant make up my mind on a caliber, I have a Bushmaster in 5.56 but was thnking about the .308 or the 6.8 so I can do some hog and whitetail hunting with it.
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Old 06-01-2010, 12:02 PM   #28
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Not really wanting to bring up Politics but I think those of us who are shooters need to press our Reps for some type of legislation to protect our AMMO as much as our weapons, because I am afraid that is the tactic that is going to be used to hurt us. Okay last time I am bringing up politics LOL. sorry guys.
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Old 06-01-2010, 12:09 PM   #29
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I presently own uno gun. Its a plain jane .22 by Savage Arms from Wal-Mart. Ammo for it is dirt cheap, so I can have alot of fun target shooting....and it serves a purpose, several possums have met their maker.

I fired everything under the sun in the Army, and I've gotten alot of the 'big gun' out of my system...I might opt for a 9 mm (M-9) in the near future though. I can attest to its accuracy being superior to the 1911 .45...and stopping power? Since I plan on carrying this thing around, I may go smaller yet. Most people run away when any bullet is fired.
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Old 06-01-2010, 12:29 PM   #30
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Wow Jackie, you must like the excitement of full auto fire. I got tired of carrying the ammo real fast. For personal protection, when it should not be obvious, I still like the 22 magnum. You only need to show it when you need it.


"This leaves us with the obvious conclusion that the 5.7x28mm cartridge has little advantage over the .22 WMR in terms of killing power and serious disadvantages in terms of the price and availability of both firearms and ammunition. Without doubt, being shot with either can have deadly results, but there are much greater threats and more important things with which to be concerned. The top "man stopping" handgun cartridge remains the .357 Magnum, and it has been around since 1934."

"Undoubtedly, some think the Second Amendment is outmoded in a society where our standing army is the pride of our Nation, where well-trained police forces provide personal security, and where gun violence is a serious problem. That is perhaps debatable, but what is not debatable is that it is not the role of this Court to pronounce the Second Amendment extinct." - Justice Scalia, DC vs Heller

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