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Old 09-25-2012, 11:09 AM   #1
i'va biggen
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Default &^%&&*&^%

Packers took it in the shorts last night...Please get the regular refs back...
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Old 09-25-2012, 11:19 AM   #2
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Oh don't get me started on that game. What makes it worse, the NFL is standing by the call.

I hope the owners/Rodger Goodell are happy now.
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Old 09-25-2012, 12:53 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
Oh don't get me started on that game. What makes it worse, the NFL is standing by the call.

I hope the owners/Rodger Goodell are happy now.
And if the players or coaches complain or harass the scabs/ replacements they get fined mucho dollars.

They need to Fire Goodell now before somebody gets seriously hurt or paralyzed.
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Old 09-25-2012, 04:51 PM   #4
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The replacement refs have nothing to do with football being dangerous. With Goodell the NFL has constantly been taking away dangerous types of hits especially protecting QBs and WRs.

As for the NFL standing by the catch, by the letter of the law it is an accurate call. In the real world it was an interception, but if you break it down it was by rule a correct call.

Now for the blattant fail, that push in the back would have changed the outcome of the game. So this is the first actual case of the replacement refs affecting the outcome. They had been ugly at times before, but equally ugly for both teams.

And one last thing that some wont like, the NFL has valid gripes with what they want to implement with a new agreement with the refs. The NFL wants to change from a pension to a 401 type retirement plan like everywhere else in the country. The NFL wants to expand the number of officials for two reasons, less travel for refs and to be able to start getting future refs experience. They also want to be able to evaluate refs more on their performances. I think it is in the leagues best interest to spend more on the refs, but I also believe that it is fair for them to push for the other changes that everyone else in the country deals with. I have a hard time feeling sorry for someone making $150,000/year for a part time job, with a regular career also, who doesnt want their employers to be able to evaluate and take action on their performances.
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Old 09-25-2012, 05:48 PM   #5
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There's a ref who is from the Omaha area and he isn't making 150K a year. He broke it down on one of the local radio morning shows last month. That pay grade is for guys who have been refs for years and when I say years, I mean at least 15 yrs.

That job isn't easy and from August until Nov/Dec depending on your ranking, you're not working your "regular" job full time because of the travel.

Both sides need to come to terms and get them back to work.
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Old 09-25-2012, 05:54 PM   #6
The DarkSide
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Shit I love it, keep these refs, it's like watching a train wreck! I say we just pick 10 people from the stands to officiate each game, this is awesome! Now if you can handicap these games with the replacement refs, then you are good!
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Old 09-25-2012, 06:38 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
There's a ref who is from the Omaha area and he isn't making 150K a year. He broke it down on one of the local radio morning shows last month. That pay grade is for guys who have been refs for years and when I say years, I mean at least 15 yrs.

That job isn't easy and from August until Nov/Dec depending on your ranking, you're not working your "regular" job full time because of the travel.

Both sides need to come to terms and get them back to work.
$150,000 is the average salary, so yes not every ref makes that, but some make more. The first year refs only make $80,000 per year with 5-11% raises every year after that. And not every ref is a lawyer or a Washington lobbiest, but they do have the time to have careers outside of being an NFL ref.
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Old 09-25-2012, 07:02 PM   #8
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No, lets not keep those ref TDS. Hell, Vegas went crazy last night and this morning after that game. If those refs are kept, they will cost more teams the game. It could end up effecting the playoffs.
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Old 09-25-2012, 11:03 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
No, lets not keep those ref TDS. Hell, Vegas went crazy last night and this morning after that game. If those refs are kept, they will cost more teams the game. It could end up effecting the playoffs.
Affecting...c'mon Mizz E, don't make me lose faith. You need to set an example for the...well you know what(who) I mean.
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Old 09-25-2012, 11:20 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by The DarkSide View Post
Shit I love it, keep these refs, it's like watching a train wreck! I say we just pick 10 people from the stands to officiate each game, this is awesome! Now if you can handicap these games with the replacement refs, then you are good!

Make it 5 and 5 form each side of the stands.

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Old 09-25-2012, 11:27 PM   #11
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Hahaha M. My bad. Please forgive me.

Some times my fingers type faster than my brain thinks.
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Old 09-25-2012, 11:32 PM   #12
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Default Yeah sure..

Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
Hahaha M. My bad. Please forgive me.

Some times my fingers type faster than my brain thinks.
Got a little Moscato brain goin there Missy.....?

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Old 09-26-2012, 06:50 AM   #13
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No, but I was thinking about it at the time I typed the post. Maybe that was it.

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Old 09-26-2012, 03:15 PM   #14
Maverick 07
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Default ?? WTF

Originally Posted by bigryan222 View Post
The replacement refs have nothing to do with football being dangerous. With Goodell the NFL has constantly been taking away dangerous types of hits especially protecting QBs and WRs.

As for the NFL standing by the catch, by the letter of the law it is an accurate call. In the real world it was an interception, but if you break it down it was by rule a correct call.

Now for the blattant fail, that push in the back would have changed the outcome of the game. So this is the first actual case of the replacement refs affecting the outcome. They had been ugly at times before, but equally ugly for both teams.

And one last thing that some wont like, the NFL has valid gripes with what they want to implement with a new agreement with the refs. The NFL wants to change from a pension to a 401 type retirement plan like everywhere else in the country. The NFL wants to expand the number of officials for two reasons, less travel for refs and to be able to start getting future refs experience. They also want to be able to evaluate refs more on their performances. I think it is in the leagues best interest to spend more on the refs, but I also believe that it is fair for them to push for the other changes that everyone else in the country deals with. I have a hard time feeling sorry for someone making $150,000/year for a part time job, with a regular career also, who doesnt want their employers to be able to evaluate and take action on their performances.
The bottom line is the call wasn't correct by the rule of the law...Tate only had 1 hand on the ball when he fell as he took his right hand off the ball and never had simultaneous posession by the rules. It was totally off base. And the replay official had the right to overrule and he didnt/ Two jackass on one play. Br you need to read the rules and understand them before you back these kindergarten jagoffs.. the NFL refs are the elite in the world.. they deserve the 401k and other benefits they are seeking and in the end they will prevail..
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Old 09-26-2012, 04:09 PM   #15
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The temporary refs are truly not only a joke, but strikes at the credibilty of the NFL.

And this is a sport that just reeks of dollars, no matter what the product is, that is put onto the field.

I got to believe that the NFL refs' piece of the pie is a modest amount.

Can you imagine how gun-shy the temps will be this coming week????
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