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Old 09-25-2012, 10:09 AM   #1
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Default How many have you had?

Naturally it varies according to who did the research... now I originally intended on just polling the guys on this, but since girls were popping up in the research, if one were to want to respond... feel free.

Out of several different sites I've checked that are not older than 2 years, the numbers for amount of partners in a lifetime:

Guys: 9, 9, 7
Girls: 4, 4, 3 (I figured after Jersey Shore, the numbers for women would be way higher...)

I kind of find these numbers appalling... are they also polling amish people? I cant imagine having only had 9 partners at this point in my life, much less only having that much in my entire lifetime. I'm sure most of you will feel the same way... I simply assume so because you're on this site... and clearly if you're on this site, sex is more than just a small priority in your life. Still, the only way I could possibly imagine only having 9 partners is if I were to have gotten married when I was very young... assuming fidelity.... and also assuming she lived until my penis didnt work anymore.

Anyway.... how do your sex numbers compare to your hobbying numbers? Have you had more providers than normal hookups? Do you think you'd have more partners if you werent into hobbying? Would you barely have any sexual experience without the hobby?

I realize this is the internet and getting something accurate when on a board where nobody wants to be made fun of kinda makes this post worthless... but I was curious on what kind of numbers a hobbyist (and providers... if you feel like sharing... and I doubt you do!) have.
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Old 09-25-2012, 10:29 AM   #2
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I guess I should include my response if I'm to ask such a question. I think I'd be around 200/60

I've had over 200 women in my life, starting at age 16. I've kinda lost count after that... is probably closer to 250 but whatever. That's straight up non hobbying hookups... I dont usually pick up girls much out of bars or clubs... I have a high success rate using social networking and honestly I should receive a reward for how much ass I"ve pulled off of match.com.

As far as hobbing numbers... I'd say I'm around 60. I've probably only had about 20 in the US. The majority of my numbers would come from a 3 week trip to Thailand... still, a lot of those numbers are from trips to Germany and Amsterdam.

But still... comparing my numbers to a lifetime average of 9....? Mind blown...
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Old 09-25-2012, 10:37 AM   #3
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Way more different providers. But more times with civi girls.

If you land that much ass at bars why pay? Are you banging the leftovers at the end of the night or something?
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Old 09-25-2012, 10:45 AM   #4
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I went military rather than college... so I know my numbers are lower than you guys who went on a 4 year fuckfest at some university.

lol, you read that wrong... I dont get ass from bars much...

Besides... even if I did... it's not that I cant get it... it's that I like the hobby. I like seeing the ad... doing the research... reading the reviews... comparing... the hunt... the drive to the incall... I actually enjoy it so much it kinda scares me thinking that one day I might have to stop.
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Old 09-25-2012, 11:38 AM   #5
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What is your secret to the hookups on match. I have been on it and there is some success but
the women for the most part are living in a dream world where they want a stud muffin that has the body of an adonis and is a billionaire. Most are unrealistic.
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Old 09-25-2012, 11:46 AM   #6
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I wasnt trying to make this post about me... I actually wanted to know other people's information... I'm curious what the trend is on the the sexually active male and female these days in a circle like we belong in... in comparison to your standard citizen.

Secret? Nothing really... I'm pretty good with words and I'm not too hard to look at. Persistence without seeming lame, compliments without seeming excessive, being nice without seeming like a pushover... oh, and alcohol.
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Old 09-25-2012, 11:56 AM   #7
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Hmm...never really thought about how to compute it...

Some of the Master Players would be pretty impressive...
Figure they are in an SC 3 times a week, 150 times a year...give them 2 weeks off to recover each year...
If they had only a 50% new hit ratio, that would be 75 babes a year...running for 2 yrs would be 150 hits...
This is not to mention the Indy's and civis that wander in and out...
Or some crafty gray haired ol bastards that do more than 1 per SC visit...

Just guessing...if you have been doing this for 5-10 years...the numbers you show seem to be off quite a bit...

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Old 09-25-2012, 12:56 PM   #8
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I don't view this as a "partnership"....it is a service........I have had very few "partners"........ijs
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Old 09-25-2012, 12:59 PM   #9
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Good point...

However... I'd say I treat a provider about as nice as I do a one night stand.... actually I prolly treat the provider better because I have more respect for her.
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Old 09-25-2012, 05:02 PM   #10
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Nine seems like a very normal number to me. You gotta realize only a very small percentage of the male population hobbies, an even smaller percentage hobbies on a regular basis. For instance in my circle of friends I'm probably the only guy I know who hobbies.

Most guys I know settled down by age 25 and even if they got alot of ass before settling down they pretty much lost their mojo by around age 27 or 28.

And the myth about college being some big fuckfest is way overblown. Looking back at my college days I remember alot of geeks hanging out at the dorms on saturday night playing video games and studying with other geeks. I did the frat parties and the spring breaks and yes the better looking guys did bang quite a few chicks, but for the most part it was some 19 year old kids doing keg stands and puking all over the place. Most of the sex going on at my school was between boyfriend and girlfriend in steady relationships, and most of those couples went on to marry eachother.

Then you have to factor in the percentage of the male population who just never were attractive to women because they are too fat, too skinny, ugly, no social skills. Alot of these guys just shut out the idea of having sex with women. Some of them turn to the hobby but most don't.
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Old 09-25-2012, 05:43 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by klutz View Post
I went military rather than college... so I know my numbers are lower than you guys who went on a 4 year fuckfest at some university.

lol, you read that wrong... I dont get ass from bars much...

Besides... even if I did... it's not that I cant get it... it's that I like the hobby. I like seeing the ad... doing the research... reading the reviews... comparing... the hunt... the drive to the incall... I actually enjoy it so much it kinda scares me thinking that one day I might have to stop.
Where did you get Stationed at? I went in at 19, left at 25, and fucked my way around the world until I was stationed in the Upper Peninsula of MI, it slowed there some... I fucked my supervisor there, lived in a coed dorm, witch was pretty cool ( I was a nco by then and had my own room) made it easy for nookie,,,,, When I got out of the Air Force, is when the work for the nookie began.......
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Old 09-25-2012, 07:59 PM   #12
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9 sound like a normal average number to me.

Anything more than 50, I would say you are in the upper 3% of all men who gets action.
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Old 09-25-2012, 09:05 PM   #13
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Seriously? I had 9 by the time I was 21. I'm not beating my chest here, I dont care about that.

I just cant fathom the majority of people in the US right now, especially those 18-35, not having had more sexual partners. Especially with society seemingly being more acceptive of promiscuity.
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Old 09-25-2012, 09:09 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by lookn4boobies View Post
Where did you get Stationed at? I went in at 19, left at 25, and fucked my way around the world until I was stationed in the Upper Peninsula of MI, it slowed there some... I fucked my supervisor there, lived in a coed dorm, witch was pretty cool ( I was a nco by then and had my own room) made it easy for nookie,,,,, When I got out of the Air Force, is when the work for the nookie began.......
Apparently pretty shitty areas. I was also in a service that had a way worse male/female ratio than yours.... so bad to the point to where fat ugly cows were pulling pretty good looking dudes... in Iraq we'd call them "Queen for a year." My confidence wasnt high... I didnt get much action the first few years I was in.

When I got out, came home... and started doing contracting... the pussy just flowed in. Young, in shape, nice apt, nice harley... I didnt know what to do with all the attention.

Mind blown.
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Old 09-26-2012, 06:23 AM   #15
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women tend to lie about the number they have had toward a lower number.
Men tend to lie about the number to a higher number.

I can honsetly say, I have absolutely no idea of the number of different women I have been with and would not speculate a guess.

As a mental exercise when I wopuld drive on the road and would begin to tire, I would attempt to recite them by name in alphabetical order.
This is a difficult task when you think of the one night stands and such.
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