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Old 09-23-2012, 04:04 PM   #16
HELL's bell ringer!!
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1. haggling my ALREADY low donation rate
2. not having good hygene
3.texting -- especially if I do not know you
4.being EXTREMELY late to a session
5.NOT being open minded and ready for fun
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Old 09-24-2012, 12:48 PM   #17
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Really Dallas? Who could be close minded and not ready for fun with you? You are the naughty girl every "boy" was told to avoid. That's why we want you
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Old 09-24-2012, 02:43 PM   #18
HELL's bell ringer!!
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Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
Really Dallas? Who could be close minded and not ready for fun with you? You are the naughty girl every "boy" was told to avoid. That's why we want you
lol---mmmmmmm sweet talker!
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Old 09-26-2012, 04:57 AM   #19
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1. Females with too many rules (Instant turn off for me). You know those women that want to control/direct the entire session.

2. Bait and switch (Fake pictures, changing the price originally agreed upon). I actually saw a woman that posted a picture of a white woman, but when I went to see her she was black.

3. Being rushed. When a female ask "Are you done yet"? after 5 mins.

4. Bad hygiene.

5. Women that say they are independent, but obviously have a pimp. When they show up to your location with a guy, and he ask you to give him the money, uh...yeah right. Or with a driver sitting outside your location, as st_mike mentioned.
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Old 09-26-2012, 07:45 PM   #20
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Pet peeve......how bout when a stalker disguised as a hobbyist goes on a hobby board using multiple handles and starts drama to trash a reputable provider because she wouldn't see him after he became obsessed and intrusive. He gets other board members involved in his drama and his lies before anyone gave it a thought that this guy wasn't legit and his motive for posting was to harm a provider's reputation.
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Old 09-26-2012, 07:46 PM   #21
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Guys who smoke and don't chew gum or something before showing up and taste like an ashtray.

Men's hairy rear ends that like to have their salads tossed! YUCK

Men that expect my vagina to be like a washing machine with a timer to make it squirt each and every time.

Men who are just as catty as women tend to be.

Men that set an appt and don't let someone know things have changed.

Requests at the last minute.

The list can go on
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Old 09-27-2012, 08:02 AM   #22
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Mina, I agree with all of the above! The hygiene thing...yeah. Fellas, if you expect your experience with me to match my reviews-brush your teeth, WASH YOUR JUNK ( double tap it if necessary ), and please...please...trim it up. No one likes a mouth full of hair!
Pic collectors...you get ONE to prove who I am.
Conversation...if you engage me, I will participate. BUT DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT IT LATER.
And, of course, the classic ncns, cancellations at the last minute due to an emergency (when my girlfriend just took a call from you, and you set an appointment-yes, we do talk to each other guys lol)
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Old 09-29-2012, 05:08 PM   #23
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It looks like everyone is complaining about "hygiene." I've never had this problem before, nor had any complaints. Is everybody working outdoors and just taking a break?

What, exactly, are all these "hygiene," infractions?

Better yet, maybe this thread should turn-into an etiquette thread. Example: He/she had bad breath. Response: Say, "here, use this to freshen up a bit," as you hand them some mouth wash, etc.

I don't know if this falls into hygiene or not, but cheap perfume gives me a raging headache.
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Old 09-29-2012, 06:51 PM   #24
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Ok how about this one. I was with a well known well reviewed young lady and told her she could stay in the room I rented after our date. She then texted a client and set up a date between round 1 and round 2. Yeah that pissed me off. LOL.
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Old 09-29-2012, 10:27 PM   #25
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1. Bait n Switch. This is where the lady uses a pictures of someone else. Umm hello princess, I paid for the girl in the pictures!

2. Old pictures/ misleading pictures. This is almost as bad as the bait n switch but this is when a girl uses pictures from 10 years ago and says they are “ Recent “.

3. Hygene, specifically smokers who don’t have FRESHLY brushed teeth. I try to avoid ladies who smoke because the smell of cigarettes repulse me. But in this line of work it seems a lot do and sometimes it is unavoidable. At the very least I expect them to have freshly brushed teeth and not have smoked immediately before hand. This means brushed teeth, not just throwing a piece of gum in there. Can’t stand it at all. If I wanted to kiss an ashtray I’d pick up a girl at a bar or something.

4. Unsexy attitude. I don't want to hear about rugrats, other hobbyists, significant other. I would think that any lady with common sense would realize that we don't really get turned on by hearing her talk about how many guys she has seen that week, but this gets lost on some. It'd be fine if the lady were advertising on backpage or something, at least there you know the caliber of girls you are getting, but if she advertises herself as a seductress or GFE and she talks about stuff like that then its a big no no. If I comes to the point where I have to tell explain to her why this stuff isn't attractive then most likely she is too far behind the 8 ball at that point to be able to get it.

5. Girls that have bad presentation. What I mean by this is that when I see a lady I expect her to be looking the best that she can possibly look. This includes makeup, hair, sexy outfit, the whole deal. Again, you'd think the being freshly showered thing would be common sense. I seen ladies at 1 am and they show up with fresh makeup and looking amazing. And I have seen others who I can give several weeks heads up and it still looks like they rolled out of bed. It's really quite interesting.
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Old 09-30-2012, 01:42 PM   #26
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1. Saying the time started when my foot hit the door, then talking too much which cuts into the time and saying when asked about it "thats just part of it, everybody does it". If I wanted someone to talk to I would hire a psychologist.

2. Bait and Swith

3. Having a scripted session or you can call it a routine they use on everyone.

4. Using pictures of themselves from 10-15 years ago.

5. Saying it is that time of the month after donation has been paid. When I was a newbie I was told this and that she had only been a provider for a week and the only money she got to keep was tips. I bolted.

This is impossible to do listing only 5. My #6 is rare but had it happen. Too Much Lube used and it was not for Greek. Just for FS.
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Old 10-02-2012, 04:02 PM   #27
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lol no comment hudpud!!!
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Old 10-06-2012, 08:21 PM   #28
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Old 10-19-2012, 12:03 AM   #29
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Completely agree with Cpalmson on point #1 in post # 3. It's the oldest trick in the book and sooner or later they get exposed for being frauds. Bad hygiene is also a complete turn off along with women who curse too much. To be fair to the providers I believe a customer should never haggle over donations and always show up clean and presentable. I think the best policy on both sides is for the provider to be honest and for the customer to be clean and polite. That's my two cents worth anyway.
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