Originally Posted by Pistolero
Some personas are not good ones. Those will find out about it.
Originally Posted by pyramider
About what?
Ok, pyramider, I will try to explain to you my thought on it.
I really do not care if a persona is the real person or not. The nicest guy on here can be shitty in person. The biggest asshole could be the nicest in person. Not always and I am thinking not often, either way.
But some people are on here just to cause trouble. No other reason. And those personas will hear from the mods about it. If not me, one of the others.
These contacts can come either in a PM or a comment in a thread.. Sometimes the mod will make a comment in a thread to let everyone know that it is being watched. I tend to do this. Like in this thread.
There is actually a lot of good info in this thread. Some could make people reevaluate their posting. Some will never change. And this comes from both sides of any discussion.
The problem mods have is there is very seldom a black and white decision. Always a lot of gray. Things can easily be brought to a halt with a black and white approach. This thread could have been closed several times using the latitude afforded mods. But, good info came out in comments later.
So, let's just say the what is when a persona is going too far without any redeeming value. This is how I look at things.
This post should extend this discussion for a while now. I am sure there are those who will want to pick apart my statements to prove their points or such. Just remember that exact words on a post do not show inflection like speaking does And if someone always dissects answers, soon there will many less available for dissection.