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Old 08-31-2012, 12:25 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Amber Rain View Post
Read what I require in my Signature line... if you have any more questions feel free to call me... I have a whole hell of alot of suggestions.

But, no... if they don't have references.... and dont wanna give up the info to make you feel safe enough to see them... THEN DONT. Are they gonna do your jail time for you when you get busted? Nope.

Are they gonna sit in the hospital when you get hurt or worse. NO.

Simple, either have references and check them out. P411 is a plus but granted not all gent's want to get that deep into this for personal reasons. To each their own.

But, regardless..... Screening is KEY and required.
I think you're hot and I'd love to see you, but I never will because I don't have time to waste on all that stuff.
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Old 08-31-2012, 08:26 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie View Post
Since you quoted me:

Did I say anything about asking for personal info, unless you consider giving up a few references as "über top secret information"?? I missed the part where I said that.

If you have nothing to hide, screening is of no worry to you.

And screening based on your "ECCIE reputation" is about the most ridiculous thing I have heard. Ladies, DEFINITELY do not take that advice, and happily let these types go their merry way LOL!! That's like the guys who go around saying "I'm a lifetime P411 member and premium access on FOUR hooker boards! So I'm a safe guy!" ....because bad guys obviously can't pay by credit/debit card. I'm sure if Ted Bundy wanted to collect a few Okays, he could have. I'm fairly certain he would have had a very charming ECCIE personality, too. Ijs.

Screening based on ECCIE rep and reviews. Funny stuff!

Caleb, I must admit, this happens mostly outside of Texas/Dallas. Y'all are spoiled rotten!
Only good guys pay with cc. LOL, We can agree to disagree
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Old 08-31-2012, 08:47 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by biglatinmale View Post
I disagree, Why would us men want to give up personal information to visit a provider? If my eccie reputation is not good enough to visit a provider, I/Most Men move on. that simple!
I don't hobby that often maybe a few times a year so but I have a fair number of reviews and it really bites when I can't get to see a provider that I am interested because the provider I saw a year ago is not going to remember me.

Any thoughts??

Fuck eccie reputation, posting and review count don't mean shit.

And I agree with the OP, most of you women don't screen and/or don't give out references.[/QUOTE]

I agree, what good is giving out references if the ladies won't respond to the request from another provider when asked!!!!
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:42 PM   #19
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You guys think you have it tough? Try being a newbie who's trying to break in without giving up your whole life's history, including the name of your first grade teacher (Mrs. Hinton). Talk about frustrating!

So, here I sit, trying to figure this whole thing out (lurking, trolling, whatever) & it just seems impossible. I've even offered to pay for lunch or drinks as a "get to know me" strategy to no avail. Oh, and before I get slammed with "We'd lose money", I offered to pay "travel expenses".

My question is, why on earth won't this approach work??? She gets paid; she gets a free meal/drinks; nothing illegal or illicit is involved; and, we both get to decide whether to meet again. Makes perfect freaking sense. Right? So, what am I missing? Other than a guy not wanting to put out the "fee" without the intended end result happening that day (maybe he can't afford it or whatever), I fail to see a reason NOT to do it this way. $200 + a meal is probably what you'll spend on a date anyway and it's actually cheap if you don't want to sign your soul away.

As for why providers wouldn't jump at this, I haven't a clue. Maybe I'm way off base here and should just keep quietly watching from the sidelines. Just the random ramblings of a newbie.

One last ramble: I'm picky. So seeing the girls that may be willing to see me isn't super appealing. My goal would actually be to find one or two regular providers to frequent and stick with them. Not seeing that quality of women who don't require my lifelock passcode.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:50 PM   #20
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You guys think you have it tough? Try being a newbie who's trying to break in without giving up your whole life's history, including the name of your first grade teacher (Mrs. Hinton). Talk about frustrating!

So, here I sit, trying to figure this whole thing out (lurking, trolling, whatever) & it just seems impossible. I've even offered to pay for lunch or drinks as a "get to know me" strategy to no avail. Oh, and before I get slammed with "We'd lose money", I offered to pay "travel expenses".

My question is, why on earth won't this approach work??? She gets paid; she gets a free meal/drinks; nothing illegal or illicit is involved; and, we both get to decide whether to meet again. Makes perfect freaking sense. Right? So, what am I missing? Other than a guy not wanting to put out the "fee" without the intended end result happening that day (maybe he can't afford it or whatever), I fail to see a reason NOT to do it this way. $200 + a meal is probably what you'll spend on a date anyway and it's actually cheap if you don't want to sign your soul away.

As for why providers wouldn't jump at this, I haven't a clue. Maybe I'm way off base here and should just keep quietly watching from the sidelines. Just the random ramblings of a newbie.

One last ramble: I'm picky. So seeing the girls that may be willing to see me isn't super appealing. My goal would actually be to find one or two regular providers to frequent and stick with them. Not seeing that quality of women who don't require my lifelock passcode.
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Old 09-01-2012, 03:37 PM   #21
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It works really well if one has done his homework and researched the lady he would like to see.

First thing to thinck about is "Is the lady I want to see newbie friendly?"

Then look into her hours of availability to see of she might be available when you can get away.
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Old 09-01-2012, 06:14 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by biglatinmale View Post
I disagree, Why would us men want to give up personal information to visit a provider? If my eccie reputation is not good enough to visit a provider, I/Most Men move on. that simple!
Darling, you have only four reviews TOTAL from reputable providers that would matter to a provider who screens. Everything else says you take a LOT of risks playing around on Backpage with girls that could have probably got you locked up.

And please don't speak for most men. You do not know them. You speak for yourself. Some of the best clients are the ones that don't have an ECCIE reputation at all.
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Old 09-01-2012, 06:39 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Giddyup View Post
You guys think you have it tough? Try being a newbie who's trying to break in without giving up your whole life's history, including the name of your first grade teacher (Mrs. Hinton). Talk about frustrating!

So, here I sit, trying to figure this whole thing out (lurking, trolling, whatever) & it just seems impossible. I've even offered to pay for lunch or drinks as a "get to know me" strategy to no avail. Oh, and before I get slammed with "We'd lose money", I offered to pay "travel expenses".

My question is, why on earth won't this approach work??? She gets paid; she gets a free meal/drinks; nothing illegal or illicit is involved; and, we both get to decide whether to meet again. Makes perfect freaking sense. Right? So, what am I missing? Other than a guy not wanting to put out the "fee" without the intended end result happening that day (maybe he can't afford it or whatever), I fail to see a reason NOT to do it this way. $200 + a meal is probably what you'll spend on a date anyway and it's actually cheap if you don't want to sign your soul away.

As for why providers wouldn't jump at this, I haven't a clue. Maybe I'm way off base here and should just keep quietly watching from the sidelines. Just the random ramblings of a newbie.

One last ramble: I'm picky. So seeing the girls that may be willing to see me isn't super appealing. My goal would actually be to find one or two regular providers to frequent and stick with them. Not seeing that quality of women who don't require my lifelock passcode.
Honey, do like some of these guys have done: review some of the no-name BP girls who don't even know they're being reviewed, and voila! Instant ECCIE reputation!

I'm being facetious, but I'm surprised no one hipped you to the game yet. But that wouldn't help you get in good with someone who screens since BP providers don't do references, or would probably be a sucky one at that. In order to meet reputable women, you will have to be screened.

The meet and greet method actually leaves much to be desired in the way of safety, freedom, and surety for a provider. Telling a girl to meet you in a restaurant and she has no earthly idea that you're serious is not smart. Then if you were LE, you could just take her to jail, and worry about the incidentals later (especially since Dallas has this thing called manifestation, where if a lady has an escort ad up, they can still arrest her even though they have not caught her in the act). Then even if you do meet, what guarantee does she have that you're not going to change your mind, or not give her a donation for her time? I encourage you to think about this like a provider, and ask yourself what you would do and accept as screening if your safety and freedom were on the line.
All the best to you!
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Old 09-01-2012, 07:29 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by missblue View Post
I have a screening process in place, but it seems that alot of guys dont want to give up the info. if you girls dont mind helping another provider out, what are some screening processes you have. any sugestions would be greatly apretiated.
Amber Rain gave me some very helpful advise, and seamed sincerely happy to do it.
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Old 09-01-2012, 11:35 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson View Post
Darling, you have only four reviews TOTAL from reputable providers that would matter to a provider who screens. Everything else says you take a LOT of risks playing around on Backpage with girls that could have probably got you locked up.

And please don't speak for most men. You do not know them. You speak for yourself. Some of the best clients are the ones that don't have an ECCIE reputation at all.
Thanks for approving the "four providers TOTAL" that you see reputable I will sleep better tonight

I have had pretty good luck with BP girls, Most end up on eccie anyway.
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Old 09-02-2012, 12:20 AM   #26
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well tiffani, how can criticize someone who only has 4 reviews from reputable providers when you only have 4 reviews total yourself. i believe that the screening should be left up to the provider what they feel comfortable with, but i dont believe a hobbyist should give out their personal info out as well. numerous occasions, another provider will not give out a reference out for a guy to see someone else. i have dealt with that before and was a burden trying to get appointment with someone i wanted to see.

Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson View Post
Darling, you have only four reviews TOTAL from reputable providers that would matter to a provider who screens. Everything else says you take a LOT of risks playing around on Backpage with girls that could have probably got you locked up.

And please don't speak for most men. You do not know them. You speak for yourself. Some of the best clients are the ones that don't have an ECCIE reputation at all.
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Old 09-02-2012, 12:34 AM   #27
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Default 4 reviews in over 2 years?

4 reviews in over 2 years BP providers have more reviews than Tiffani Jameson.

I know what it is, Only 4 guys have passed her screening requirements. Sounds like most guys passed! I forgot, I have no business speaking for other guys
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Old 09-02-2012, 12:46 AM   #28
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Awww thank you,. Melody.. I really am. I just want us all to be safe.
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Old 09-02-2012, 01:59 AM   #29
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Even if I wanted to get screened it has been far to long and I don't have any references so I will just keep going to the massage parlors. I understand the screening process but if you don't have references the girls I tried to make an appointment with shut me down. Like I said I understand it but for people like me I will most likely never get to see a provider who I want.
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Old 09-02-2012, 02:19 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by putoputo View Post
well tiffani, how can criticize someone who only has 4 reviews from reputable providers when you only have 4 reviews total yourself. i believe that the screening should be left up to the provider what they feel comfortable with, but i dont believe a hobbyist should give out their personal info out as well. numerous occasions, another provider will not give out a reference out for a guy to see someone else. i have dealt with that before and was a burden trying to get appointment with someone i wanted to see.
I don't chase dicks for reviews, and give review specials because I know the secret. The last thing I'll be is frazzled about a damn review.

Reviews are not the end-all be-all of this business. And LOT'S of guys have passed my screening. Some people just get the concept of anonymity and discretion. I have enough reviews to let you know that I'm legitimate and what I'm capable of, and that's all I need. I'll get more, but it won't be because I begged for them. I don't have an 'ECCIE reputation' for anything but being fair.

And I didn't criticize him at all. I was just remarking to his illustrious ECCIE reputation. I understand the reason why you review the ladies that don't know they're being reviewed. These ladies need to be reviewed if they're giving what they say they will for the money, or if they aren't. As a matter of fact, I had four reviews on TER before I knew I had them. But just as you guys stay away from ladies that indulge in risky behavior, some of us ladies stay away from you guys for the same reason. He may change his MO today or tomorrow, and start seeing the women at $300+ who actually really screen. I was just letting him know what his reputation really looked like. But since he's not worried about how a lady conducts herself, or if she's in and out of jail due to carelessness with his hobby phone number in her phone when it's confiscated, he has nothing to worry about.

There are ladies that screen, and those that don't. There are gents that will get screened, and those that won't. If you get on here bitching about not wanting to be screened, please know that there are no tears shed for the loss of your business. With all the men that are actually well-verified and willing to be screened, you are considered an undue risk. The ones that know better aren't going to change their screening process to fit you in.

Personally, my screening process is not a problem I struggle with.
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