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Old 08-25-2012, 07:04 PM   #1
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Default Pet Peeves - Poll

Not sure this is the correct formum for this but here goes anyway. This question applies to both providers and hobbyists alike.

What are your top five pet peeves in the escorting world. Rate them in importance from 1 to 5. I'll get the ball rolling.

1. People who are late, either for an appointment or if they say they will call at a certain time and don't.

2. People who are unnessicarily rude.

3. People who lie.

4. People who are unhygenic

5. Providers with messy incall locations or show up for outcalls dressed to provocatively.

I figure this will be a great way for both sides to clear the air and avoid some of the pitfalls that tend to lead to poor experiences, both for providers and for hobbyists.
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Old 08-26-2012, 02:48 AM   #2
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1. Providers who use old pictures

2. Clockwatchers

3. Messy incall locations

4. Providers who don't see AA men

Those are the only 4 that I can think of right now
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Old 08-26-2012, 10:33 AM   #3
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1. Bait and switch aka laying about age, size, services, etc

2. Flakey girls who at some point during the process fail to follow up on communication or are late in returning expected calls, texts, etc. This has happened to me a lot.

3. Providers who won't answer direct questions but expect us guys to lay out all our info on the table prior to setting an appt.
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Old 08-26-2012, 11:23 AM   #4
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In my limited experience these are mine.
1. Talk/text on the phone during the time I paid for. I have decided that I get up and leave at this point.
2. Provider not freshly showered
3. NC/NS. This happens TONS in Mobile.
4. Messy incall
5. Being rushed. I will tell you when I am ready to switch dammit
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Old 08-26-2012, 05:20 PM   #5
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You hit the nail on the head Tekase about providers who talk/text on our dime. That is another issue I have with a certain pcola provider. Could not believe when this happened. The only other time that something like this happened was when a providers phone rang and she had the courtesy to turn the phone off. But taking calls/texts during a session is a complete turn off and the next time it happens to me I will simply walk. Great point.
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Old 08-26-2012, 09:54 PM   #6
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I have no issues with the phone ringing and them getting up to silence it. When they answer and talk for 5-10 minutes really pisses me off. And then you have providers that like to text during the last 5 minutes or so. Doesn't matter if I am done. I paid a lot of money for an hour dammit, don't just give me 55 minutes.
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Old 08-27-2012, 09:09 AM   #7
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Pet Peeves
1. Not answering phone
2. Voicemail filled up.
3. Say they are open minded, then have a lot of things they don't do .
4. CBJ
5. Being late for date.
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Old 08-27-2012, 11:42 AM   #8
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1. Not freshly showered (instant turnoff)
2. Lateness without Calling (getting text saying "I'm on my may" after the appointed time)
3. Old Pics (that just pisses me off)
4. Lack of Involvement (just laying there)
5. Overly Talkative Gals (some convo is nice but it can be overdone)
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Old 08-27-2012, 12:52 PM   #9
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Great post 44. #'s 3 and 4 really get me steamed.
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Old 08-27-2012, 03:22 PM   #10
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1. Old pics or pics not even the same person. If the girl has to use old pics they may as well get out of the biz!! I'm paying to see the girl in the Pics! I just turned around and left on one occasion.
3. Poor Hygiene
4. Having so many rules you have to break out the pen and paper
5. Showing no interest. It's about like a girl saying "Are you done yet"?
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Old 08-27-2012, 03:57 PM   #11
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1. No DATY. For me this usually means its gonna be a business like session and the lady has no interest in enjoying herself also.
2. Clock watching.
3. The disinterested bj. Makes me feel as if I should have stayed home and watch porn on the ol' laptop and keep my $$$.
4. Accepting me for an appointment if you are tired, sick, or having such a bad day already that she's in a bad mood when I get there.
5. Bad hygiene.
6. Asking me for a tip afterwards.
7. Seeing the ads and reviews for the hotties that are NBA. One always wants what one cannot have.
I know the OP only asked for 5 things but I wrote 7 dammit deal with it.
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Old 08-27-2012, 04:03 PM   #12
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Oh I forgot.
8. Stating FETISH FRIENDLY in the ad and the only kinky thing you do is role play. No Greek, no bdsm, no bls, no prostate massage, no toys for yourself, no nothing.
Sorry I had to stay off from work today for this bullshit storm that's not doing a damn thing in Pensacola so I have lots of time to think about this issue. I'm done now.
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Old 08-27-2012, 09:57 PM   #13
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1) People that write glowing reviews that aren't even close to accurate. We all have different tastes, but come on! I know you want to say something positive, but don't lie. "she has nice firm breasts" Reality: they look and feel like socks.

2) Grossly deceptive pictures.

3) Providers that say they will give you a reference, then don't. (although some say they do this for their protection)

4) Providers that make you schedule WAY in advance. I don't know where I will be or what I will be doing 2-3 weeks out much less 1-2 months away.

5) Providers that tell lies for no apparent reason. Are they mentally ill and delusional? One even told me she that a client took her to NORAD and let her play with the buttons to launch nuclear missiles. Really!!!
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Old 08-28-2012, 11:35 PM   #14
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Love the NORAD thing Marten. I had a provider who would tell me way, way too much about her other clients. Never named names, but it made me wonder if she is telling stories about them what is she saying about me behind my back. One of several reasons why she isn't my regular provider anymore.
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Old 09-23-2012, 04:56 PM   #15
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1. NC/NS - if it is the first visit it will also be the last.

2. Saying they do role play but then having no idea what that really means.

3. I don't mind women who are overly talkative but if they are so and they tell me we have to hurry because my time is almost up it is over. I have no problem letting the women get to know me a little to be more comfortable but don't use it as an excuse for a short session.

4. Too many rules (CBJ is usually an instant non-starter).

5. Pictures/Age - Pretty much split on this one. Basic rule... don't lie. They are customers out there for everyone but it doesn't matter how good you are if you are not what I am expecting the session is going to suck, if it happens at all.

HONORABLE MENTION: Drivers who sit outside our location for the entire hour.
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