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Old 08-13-2012, 02:18 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by ekim008 View Post
the grand old party ain't anymore you have kicked out the moderates and replaced with tea sippers who think compromise is treason.
The reason people are frustrated with the GOP is because they act like democrat lite. I hope the Tea Party principles are taking over and compromise that creates an agreement but avoids solving the problem or puts in a bad solution is not worth having.
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Old 08-13-2012, 02:27 PM   #32
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COG/CJ, I already read your link; which is NOT the hearing transcripts......but an obvious anti-NDAA blog....

Don't YOU PAY ATTENTION ?????...............why not post the transcript of the hearing ?

What happened to verification of the facts on an issue like this ?

The headline of your link alone begs for confirmation of the facts....."a statement from one of the plaintiffs"...that is rich, and very funny......you want us to go all chicken little based on a biased blog ................

I thought you were a better lawyer than this COG.
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Old 08-13-2012, 02:39 PM   #33
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It's a plaintiff in the case reporting what she heard. You want to call her a liar, go ahead. It is an anti-NDAA blog, as it should be. There is nothing pro-NDAA to report.

Keep your head in the sand, WW. Maybe they won't find you as quickly. Your blind support for anything GOP is getting as irritating as the Obamatons. You're no different from them, you realize that, don't you?

What is it about the NDAA that you like? You want to see your neighbors carted away with no recourse?

If you think the NDAA doesn't provide for the indefinite detention of American citizens, why wasn't this lawsuit thrown out? Why was there an injunction placed against doing something you think the law doesn't allow?

Why will the Obama Administration appeal if their right to indefinitely detain US citizens, which you say they can't do, is overturned?

You are just the ignorant type of Nationalist the Establishment loves. You'll give them the power to do anything they want, as long as they promise to not do it to you. Which they haven't.
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Old 08-13-2012, 02:55 PM   #34
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Good one; I asked for the actual transcript of the exchange, and you go all attack dog............

I find it amazing that you consider yourself to be a thoughtful type and you don't even want to question the headline of the blog.....................if you don't have the transcript just say so. Don't be a jerk.

Just the opposite; you use the headline as your proof that NDAA is evil...........you are cluless about the exact exchange in which the Administrator "refused to assure the Judge"; yet you assume the Administrator is hiding something......that is the kind of tactic that I thought you would deplore.........

Your just a shyster pimping a POV and when asked for reasonable facts such as the transcript you go attack mode........Fuck You !

And do you know how many lawsuits are frivioulous but allowed to proceed by our courts ? And a court injunction isn't proof of anyting other than a judge saying "I don't know what is going on but put a stop to anything that may be happening" until we can get more definintive information......but you have already asserted that the injunction is proof in itself.....fool.

Judges issue injunctions all the time without determining guilt or innoncence.....it is an injunction not a determination.
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Old 08-13-2012, 02:58 PM   #35
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I don't see the Tea Party as being corrupted yet. Yes, I recognized the possibility and likelihood of it happening but not yet. Too many deeply embedded GOP place holders have gone down in defeat. Yes, a few Tea Party candidates have been corrupted their first time out but we are watching them. We got rid of the former place holder and we can get rid of them.
Obama and his administration is a cancer on this country. This goes beyond Obama though. Chicago, New York, and San Fransisco are focal points of socialist corruption. I remember years ago when Barry Goldwater warned against anyone who wanted to be president from an early age (Clinton) and anyone from Chicago. (Obama, Emmaunual, Blago, Jarrett, Rodham, Daly, Rostenkowski, etc.) Shakespeare said that first we get rid of all the lawyers. Now we have to say that first we get rid of all the Obama folks and then we worry about second. We are buying time.
As a historian I recognize that everything ends. Many liberals think that they can do anything to this country like an African desert dweller can bleed their liverstock. At some pont the animal and this country will die. Liberals are mistakenly thinking that the USA is forever. I am sure that the Roman senator who lined his own pockets figured the Roman Empire would be around in a thousand years or more. Much smarter people have published their theories about the cycle of a civilization. We are at tipping pont. We can pull back and continue to rise or we can go forward in Obama land and begin the descent into a future dictatorship. For the unenlightened, a dictatorship is how these things always end just before complete collapse. Denying this is denying historical reality.
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Old 08-13-2012, 03:00 PM   #36
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BTW; you wouldn't know if the Plaintiff lied in the blog or not...you haven't confirmed any of the underlying facts the blog asserts...you just accept the bloggers presentation as the facts !

Talk about stupidity !
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Old 08-13-2012, 03:07 PM   #37
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In fact; it is likely that NOBODY is being detained/harmed by NDAA because the plaintiff's lawyer never made the claim and actually argued otherwise:

"The danger posed by the sword of Damocles is not that it falls, but that it can fall,"

A false and almost laughable argument because there is no fear from a sword that will never fall ! Why would I fear my neighbords "attack dog" knowing Fido is not viscious, won't bite, and probably can't jump the fence ?
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Old 08-13-2012, 03:12 PM   #38
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As an alternative to COG's chicken little post of a plaintiff's blog, here is a more reasoned presentation of the hearing from the Tea Party rag The Village Voice:

Key paragraph:

"Forrest also appeared unconvinced, noting that a national election could soon install a new administration with a new set of intentions and interpretations. She quoted Chief Justice John Roberts's ruling in a 2010 case: "The First Amendment protects against the government," Roberts wrote. "It does not leave us at the mercy of noblesse oblige. We would not uphold an unconstitutional statute merely because the government promised to use it reasonably."


"Forrest closed the hearing with a promise that she had not yet made her mind up,..."


But COG will likely argue that Judge Forest is a Tea Party hack statist....especially if she doesn't rule his way !
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Old 08-13-2012, 03:22 PM   #39
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And the Plantiff's are notable lefties: Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Wolf, and Daniel Ellsberg. If Saul Alinsky was alive he would likely have joined them........This group has no interest in the truth; thier main driver is left wing agenda to transform America.
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Old 08-13-2012, 03:29 PM   #40
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Keep trying, WW. Keep trying.
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Old 08-13-2012, 03:34 PM   #41
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Keep trying COG; keep trying......
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Old 08-13-2012, 03:47 PM   #42
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Curious that the right wing rag The Village Voice article never mentions the screaming headline "Administrator Refused To Assure The Judge That They Are Detaining Citizens Under NDAA" as stated in COG's anti NDAA blog ................chances are the "Administrator" (or US Attorneys) made a reasoable statement to the court that COG's blogger and plaintiff twisted somehow.......in an attempt to mis lead presumably.
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Old 08-13-2012, 04:01 PM   #43
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Didn't read the article, did you, WW? Here's a quote:

That argument didn't persuade Forrest, and she told him so. But it also posed further complications for the administration's case. If the challenged NDAA provisions really didn't change anything, why was the government ready to go to the mat to defend them? Perhaps more troubling, Torrance admitted that the government doesn't specify whether detainees are held under the NDAA provisions or under the Authorization for the Use of Military Force. Consequently, the government was continuing to detain people covered by the challenged provisions in spite of the court's injunction.

And here's the link to the "famous right-wing rag" the Village Voice.

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Old 08-13-2012, 04:08 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Curious that the right wing rag The Village Voice article never mentions the screaming headline "Administrator Refused To Assure The Judge That They Are Detaining Citizens Under NDAA" as stated in COG's anti NDAA blog ................chances are the "Administrator" (or US Attorneys) made a reasoable statement to the court that COG's blogger and plaintiff twisted somehow.......in an attempt to mis lead presumably.

you yammering about a "right wing rag" is pretty fucking FUNNY

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Old 08-13-2012, 04:14 PM   #45
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The Village Voice has a long, distinguished reputation as a bastion of right wing thought.
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