she is one of my all time favorites but had a bad deal with her. she text me out of the blue and said she was back in town. i was all woo hoo! told me to meet her at the usuall place and park in the back. i did and text her that i was there. she came around and asked me for the money up front for the room. flags went off in my head big time (i know i am gonna get lots of PM's about this) but then i thought well, i have seen her numerous times and never anything odd so i gave it to her.
she said the old man that runs the motell is is very suspicious so she would get a room on the back row and go strait to it. then i was to follow 5 min later.
i waited for 30 minutes and never saw her and she never answered her phone or returned my text.
sad to see one of my prior ATF go down the drain. heard a couple others with the same story but where smart enough NOT to give her the advance

guess this one is really on me for being a dumbass!
i know that was stupid so yall be kind