Kat and I are Traveling and we are getting the calls from Abilene.
However it seems like this City is not stopping with the prostitution bust and I know screen screen screen but damn damn damn.
WHo the hell wants to be very very un easy when you can go somewhere else and just be some what un easy. But I like Abilene that is the City that I first went to in the West and allowed me to branch out.
So we decided last night we would come to Abilene Sunday and Monday Maybe till Wed. Not Sure...... Depend on the work and what I found out by doing my searches on if the heat had cooled down so since I was getting different numbers on arrests and stings SO I did a search. With my best friend Google
And I came across this
Abilene, Colorado, and Big Spring,
... and stepped up
arrests of
prostitutes, although they by no means eliminated
.... accessed August 02,
PROSTITUTION - Texas State Historical Association
I found a sting set up in every month in this City?? WTF?? Well since this was was on August 2 does that mean it is over for this Month or just began? Or that their little 8 month spree is done and they are going to go now work on the drXXX dealers and the abusers and robbers now or what? ? I had been avoiding it like the plague but it seems so unfair and it is much much easier if we can pit stop their in the middle of that long as drive to Mid/Odessa ......
Any info is welcomed We are wanting to pack up here and go to Abilene Today or may go out to Amarillo then through Tuesday. CHOICES CHOICES CHOICES LOL