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Old 08-07-2012, 01:35 AM   #1
JD Barleycorn
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Default Can't let August 6th pass without mentioning this.

In May of 2011 members of Navy Seal Team Six entered a compound in Pakistan and killed Osama Bin Laden. The president, vice president, and staffers of the White House opened their pie holes and told the world that Seal Team Six were the heros of the hour. Biden had to be prevented from giving their names.

On August 6th three months later an American unit came under fierce attack. They called for help from the rapid response force waiting several miles away. Seal Team Six was that force. They loaded up and lifted off for the pinned down US force. The path of the helicopter could be figured out by the bad guys. They waited for the helicopter to arrive and they shot it down killing 31 sailors, medics, and pilots. Radio traffic revealed that the bad guys knew who was on the helicopter and had staked out several possible flight paths.

If was the loose mouths of the White House that gave the bad guys the opportunity to kill these men. Honor August 6th and the Navy Seals.
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Old 08-07-2012, 05:50 AM   #2
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So JD are you implying that if the White House had not said anything the bad guys would not have tried to shoot down the helicopter. I guess in your world the bad guys sat around and said something like this.

Bad Guy #1 - Hey wanna shoot down that helicopter?
Bad Guy #2 - Not really, who is on it?
Bad Guy #1 - Seal Team 6 I think.
Bad Guy #2 - Well alright then. But let's hope that J.D. on that hooker board doesn't find out
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Old 08-07-2012, 01:27 PM   #3
JD Barleycorn
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Thinking is not really your strong suit is it? An investigation by the military revealed that the terrorists understood that SEAL team six was on standby for a quick response. A unit was pinned down and required help. The passes that the helicopter would have to fly were set up with an anti aircraft team of terrorists. They knew that if they pinned down a unit SEAL team six would respond, they knew that they could cover the possible routes for the short period of time that the helo would navigate over the area. They were waiting. They hadn't pulled this before because they take losses when they openly engage a US Army unit like they did to bait the trap. They were willing to take losses in order to get a shot at this particular rescue mission.

Now put some gas and oil in your head and start your two cycle brain.
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Old 08-07-2012, 01:47 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Thinking is not really your strong suit is it? An investigation by the military revealed that the terrorists understood that SEAL team six was on standby for a quick response. A unit was pinned down and required help. The passes that the helicopter would have to fly were set up with an anti aircraft team of terrorists. They knew that if they pinned down a unit SEAL team six would respond, they knew that they could cover the possible routes for the short period of time that the helo would navigate over the area. They were waiting. They hadn't pulled this before because they take losses when they openly engage a US Army unit like they did to bait the trap. They were willing to take losses in order to get a shot at this particular rescue mission.

Now put some gas and oil in your head and start your two cycle brain.

Show me some links unless you are a coward and are afraid to have your lies revealed.

Just sayin...
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Old 08-07-2012, 02:03 PM   #5
JD Barleycorn
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This is only wikipedia but you can do the finger work to run down the actual sources cited at the end. You can read that the US military said that all tactics were sound but that doesn't discount a planned shoot down. It just says that almost every commander would have made the same decision in those circumstances.

You answer the question; why didn't this kind of operation take place before or afterwards this one shoot down?
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Old 08-07-2012, 02:05 PM   #6
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the whitehouse has gps transmitters on every helo in action and has a dedicated person watching the helos and an exact list of military personel on board

as soon as they found out it was Seal Team 6, the person watching said helo "leaked" that info and it made it back to the bad guys just in time to shoot down the chopper ..

sure is some fast leaking, or pure bullshit from J-DSL

you decide
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Old 08-08-2012, 09:40 PM   #7
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
In May of 2011 members of Navy Seal Team Six entered a compound in Pakistan and killed Osama Bin Laden. The president, vice president, and staffers of the White House opened their pie holes and told the world that Seal Team Six were the heros of the hour. Biden had to be prevented from giving their names.

On August 6th three months later an American unit came under fierce attack. They called for help from the rapid response force waiting several miles away. Seal Team Six was that force. They loaded up and lifted off for the pinned down US force. The path of the helicopter could be figured out by the bad guys. They waited for the helicopter to arrive and they shot it down killing 31 sailors, medics, and pilots. Radio traffic revealed that the bad guys knew who was on the helicopter and had staked out several possible flight paths.

If was the loose mouths of the White House that gave the bad guys the opportunity to kill these men. Honor August 6th and the Navy Seals.
are you sure this is the same seal team 6 that took part in the raid on the Osama compound?

I seriously doubt it.

I understand Seal Team 6 has many members who maybe out on various missions.

there is another possiblility, no leak was involved, the U.S. military was too predictable and may have been too forth coming about certain military tactics & practices.
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Old 08-09-2012, 01:27 AM   #8
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I never said that this was the same exact Seal Team. It was Seal Team six but different members. This was personal. I forgot to link earlier http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Ch...in_Afghanistan
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Old 08-09-2012, 05:41 AM   #9
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Wait Hairy Reid thinks you have to prove him wrong so why should JD have to prove what he says is true?"
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Old 08-09-2012, 07:27 AM   #10
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
Wait Hairy Reid thinks you have to prove him wrong so why should JD have to prove what he says is true?"
Harry is a Democrat, that's why.
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Old 08-09-2012, 10:13 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
the whitehouse has gps transmitters on every helo in action and has a dedicated person watching the helos and an exact list of military personel on board

as soon as they found out it was Seal Team 6, the person watching said helo "leaked" that info and it made it back to the bad guys just in time to shoot down the chopper ..

sure is some fast leaking, or pure bullshit from J-DSL

you decide
I don't know if you like to feel like a big boy and say military terms like helo more or less than you don't like to read. Even with your deplorable grammar and bizarre collections of words cobbled together in "paragraphs" (Grammar Lesson: All the above is one thought. It should have been contained within one paragraph. Instead, you chose to use paragraph spacing in lieu of separating the statements with periods.) However, since I speak cobble, I get your meaning. Again, allow me to parse it out for everyone. So here it goes. Killa says that the White House (Grammar Lesson: I used two words and capitalized them because White House is a proper noun and two words.) keeps some kind of electronic tab on all helicopters in action. I assume he means worldwide, but it is unclear. It is also unclear if the "White House" keeps tabs on all air craft carrier groups, deployed fighters and the like also. I find that hard to believe that the "White House" monitors all "helo" positions. I would think that's more the DoD, the Pentagon or, and more likely, at the local level, and that's probably done by some commanding officer's staff or junior officers, not the general himself. But OK.

So then, the "White House" gets on the what? The phone, AP, batphone, what? To, in your mind, "quickly" leak the information. I'm surprised you didn't use intel being the military lingo using guy that you are. I was right about the Guns and Ammo reading wasn't I. (Grammar Lesson: I used a period instead of a question mark. I wasn't asking a question; I was stating a fact using the interrogative form of the statement thus the period.) (You couldn't take the time to click on the spell check and fix the spelling? Really? You must be a busy man.)

Instead of the above scenario, I think JD meant Obama leaked the info, the night he announced we got Bin Laden, by announcing that SEAL Team 6 was the US force that took Bin Laden out, but I could be wrong. But your knee jerk reaction is probably more right.............you know.............you being a man and all...............in deep water................in over your head..................but thanks for playing.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
In May of 2011 members of Navy Seal Team Six entered a compound in Pakistan and killed Osama Bin Laden. The president, vice president, and staffers of the White House opened their pie holes and told the world that Seal Team Six were the heros of the hour. Biden had to be prevented from giving their names.
You know they've set up a system here for people like you that like to be hateful. The Spider Hole keeps malcontents like you, and well let's face it, like me contained in one area so others that do not wish to read me bitch slapping you don't have to. Personally, I'd rather just talk politics in this forum, but if you do insist on taking it to the gutter, I'm down with playing the game with you under those conditions. I'm just not sure everyone else here is into it. So, I'd rather be polite and take it "outside".

I thought this thread was going to be about Hiroshima Day. I don't know know that the attack was personal. I wouldn't rule it out however.
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Old 08-09-2012, 10:15 AM   #12
i'va biggen
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Jeesh are you and I B hankering related???
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Old 08-09-2012, 10:41 AM   #13
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Here is a new term for CJ; "humint". It stands for human intelligence. It means that no one in the White House broadcast who was on the back up chopper but that people in and around the camp knew the schedule. If you disagree with that you are completely unaware of how the military works.
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Old 08-09-2012, 12:20 PM   #14
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Another Barleybrains boondoggle!

"Can't let August 6th pass without mentioning this."

Notice his post DID let August 6th pass! What a loser!

Have you not heard that Wiki has just recently locked down the editing feature on certain political candidates but that Wiki is editable by ANYONE who registers?

You're actually making an attempt to minimize credit for the President's role in the killing of bin Laden but you're not sourcing your feeble attempt to blame the White House for the other mission's failure.


I pity your "students"!

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