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Old 08-05-2012, 06:29 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Malaya View Post
Ok, I didn't get to finish what I had to say. I was running errands. For the person who said you should have the freedom to deny service to whomever you want..how is that fair? You have the freedom to deny others their rights? Does this include african americans and women? Because I know we had to fight for our EQUAL rights. I do not understand intolerance. Just because YOU don't like something you think it's ok to deny other EQUAL rights? So take away their freedom because you don't like it? Why does gays getting married bother everyone so much. I'm pretty sure it's not hurting you. So you say it's ok to deny and limit their rights. So I'm assuming you thought it was perfectly ok to deny women and african americans their rights too? This same intolerance made it hard for african americans to have equal rights and even women. So I do not think it's ok to deny people service just because you don't like them. Their marriage and love shouldn't hurt you. You're the ones getting all hyped up when there are more important things in the world. This should not even be an issue. Forgive me if I'm getting irritated. I've already lost several friends over this and I am truly saddened at the intolerance that is being spread. African Americans and women went through the same thing. We had to fight for EQUAL rights not special rights. This subject needs to be dropped already. I have said my piece and I will not say anymore. Not because I'm afraid to argue but because I cannot understand why you're wasting so much time on something so stupid. It's not hurting anyone. So no..service should not be denied to anyone based on gender, sexual preference, race, or their lifestyle. Rights should not be denied or limited simply because YOU don't like someone. Learn to be loving and accepting. It's not our place to judge. As long as they aren't hurting someone then there shouldn't be an issue. I'm not forcing you to accept gays. I'm telling you to turn the other way if you don't like it. Only you are making it a problem. I'm leaving this subject and personally I really hope this thread is closed because this thread is disrespectful and it really hurts to see so many people hateful and filled with intolerance. I know we have gay members on our board and this thread will eventually become "we hate gays" just like I've seen so many other posts from other websites. My heart is aching because of this. I really wish it wasn't brought up.

1st of all... clears throat... buying a CHICKEN SANDWICH from chick fil a isn't one of your "rights" lol. your "rights" i can assure you aren't being violated by chick fil a.

2nd of all... they are not denying service to gay people, that's totally not the issue.

3rd... they are a christian based organization/ business... what/ who gives you the right to criticize their beliefs, views, and actions in the community? You would be suprised how many people in america are built this way, and think this way.

I don't want to hurt anybody's little "feelings" but jumping on chick fil a for their actions is actually worse than chick fil a funding a political movement... just sayin.

im a fan of chick fil a , always have been, and this just made me really happy... im totally eating there EVERY FKN LUNCH THIS WEEK!!! sucka!

***lastly... just to clarify... i feel like if you dont agree w their practice, then don't be a patron. i have TONS of places I WILL NOT BE A PATRON OF... and it's because i take the time to know their practices and history. being educated makes you able to make informed decisions and know who you're supporting w your $. example... i used to be a huge fan of serg from system of a down... but i was at a ozzfest a few years back and they came out talking shit about the american government and our "pointless war"... about 50% of the crowd walked out. i was front and center against the stage right in serg's face, and i literally flicked him off and threw my half drank beer in his face... fuck him. cocksucker.

as a result... i didn't go around bitching, and whining, and asking why... instead i just dont buy their shit, go to any concerts connected to them, and i change the station the minute their music comes on. that's me being an american, and making a choice.

god bless america
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Old 08-05-2012, 06:39 PM   #17
Ms. Milani
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Originally Posted by rockonmrx View Post
1st of all... clears throat... buying a CHICKEN SANDWICH from chick fil a isn't one of your "rights" lol. your "rights" i can assure you aren't being violated by chick fil a.

2nd of all... they are not denying service to gay people, that's totally not the issue.

3rd... they are a christian based organization/ business... what/ who gives you the right to criticize their beliefs, views, and actions in the community? You would be suprised how many people in america are built this way, and think this way.

I don't want to hurt anybody's little "feelings" but jumping on chick fil a for their actions is actually worse than chick fil a funding a political movement... just sayin.

im a fan of chick fil a , always have been, and this just made me really happy... im totally eating there EVERY FKN LUNCH THIS WEEK!!! sucka!

***lastly... just to clarify... i feel like if you dont agree w their practice, then don't be a patron. i have TONS of places I WILL NOT BE A PATRON OF... and it's because i take the time to know their practices and history. being educated makes you able to make informed decisions and know who you're supporting w your $. example... i used to be a huge fan of serg from system of a down... but i was at a ozzfest a few years back and they came out talking shit about the american government and our "pointless war"... about 50% of the crowd walked out. i was front and center against the stage right in serg's face, and i literally flicked him off and threw my half drank beer in his face... fuck him. cocksucker.

as a result... i didn't go around bitching, and whining, and asking why... instead i just dont buy their shit, go to any concerts connected to them, and i change the station the minute their music comes on. that's me being an american, and making a choice.

god bless america
It's not that. I don't mind they don't like gays. What makes me mad is that they are funding campaigns to stop gays from getting married. And most of my "rant" is because of the comment that companies should have the right to deny whomever they want service. That is what got me upset. I don't give a crap if they don't like gays. I don't give a crap if they say it out loud. What bothers me is that they are funding those campaigns. And that this whole issue has people coming out saying it's perfectly alright to deny rights to others. This whole issue is bringing out the ugly in everyone. You can check in at Chick Fil A. I will check in at Hooters.
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Old 08-05-2012, 07:01 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Malaya View Post
It's not that. I don't mind they don't like gays. What makes me mad is that they are funding campaigns to stop gays from getting married. And most of my "rant" is because of the comment that companies should have the right to deny whomever they want service. That is what got me upset. I don't give a crap if they don't like gays. I don't give a crap if they say it out loud. What bothers me is that they are funding those campaigns. And that this whole issue has people coming out saying it's perfectly alright to deny rights to others. This whole issue is bringing out the ugly in everyone. You can check in at Chick Fil A. I will check in at Hooters.
@Malaya - I didn't mean to jump your ass... sorry, please don't take it personally. I just sincerely bleive that what you're upset about, is what makes America AWESOME. I personally don't care what gay people do, I'm not gay. But, I like the idea that freedom of speech is alive and well. And when I see a company like Chick fil a stand up and actually grow a pair of balls big enough to attack such an issue... it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

...again, didn't mean to attack your post on a personal level... please forgive me .
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Old 08-05-2012, 07:06 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Malaya View Post
It's not that. I don't mind they don't like gays. What makes me mad is that they are funding campaigns to stop gays from getting married. And most of my "rant" is because of the comment that companies should have the right to deny whomever they want service. That is what got me upset. I don't give a crap if they don't like gays. I don't give a crap if they say it out loud. What bothers me is that they are funding those campaigns. And that this whole issue has people coming out saying it's perfectly alright to deny rights to others. This whole issue is bringing out the ugly in everyone. You can check in at Chick Fil A. I will check in at Hooters.
This whole thread clearly bothers you because you feel others and possibly yourself, since you are happily bi, are being challenged for silly reasons. I agree with you in that I do not agree the Chick Fil A managements personal position. However, as you stated he has the right to be wrong. I would argue that his giving money to organizations that oppose gay marriage falls in that same category. His money and his right to spend it or in that case waste it as he chooses. The media and some stupid politicians blew this way out of proportion.

The great thing about this country is that anyone has the right to not do business with companies you do not want to do business with. To the best of my knowledge Chick Fil A does not refuse service to nor does it advocate refusing service to people who are gay, female, black or any other minority. The guy simply expressed an opinion that unfortunately many in this nation hold. The good thing is that that opinion is slowly changing and will become a minority opinion in the not to distant future.

Bottom line is don't let this bother you that much.
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Old 08-05-2012, 07:13 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
This whole thread clearly bothers you because you feel others and possibly yourself, since you are happily bi, are being challenged for silly reasons. I agree with you in that I do not agree the Chick Fil A managements personal position. However, as you stated he has the right to be wrong. I would argue that his giving money to organizations that oppose gay marriage falls in that same category. His money and his right to spend it or in that case waste it as he chooses. The media and some stupid politicians blew this way out of proportion.

The great thing about this country is that anyone has the right to not do business with companies you do not want to do business with. To the best of my knowledge Chick Fil A does not refuse service to nor does it advocate refusing service to people who are gay, female, black or any other minority. The guy simply expressed an opinion that unfortunately many in this nation hold. The good thing is that that opinion is slowly changing and will become a minority opinion in the not to distant future.

Bottom line is don't let this bother you that much.
I know. You're right. Not like fast food is good anyways. I just get upset that this brings out the worst in people and they start saying it's perfectly ok to deny people rights. I am very happy that Chick Fil A announced that they will not deny any service to anyone regardless of gender, race, or lifestyle choices.
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Old 08-05-2012, 07:20 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by rockonmrx View Post
@Malaya - I didn't mean to jump your ass... sorry, please don't take it personally. I just sincerely bleive that what you're upset about, is what makes America AWESOME. I personally don't care what gay people do, I'm not gay. But, I like the idea that freedom of speech is alive and well. And when I see a company like Chick fil a stand up and actually grow a pair of balls big enough to attack such an issue... it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

...again, didn't mean to attack your post on a personal level... please forgive me .
I know. I understand they get free speech. The main thing that upset me was that this brings out the people who say it's ok to deny services to people they don't like or agree with. That's the part that hurts.
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Old 08-05-2012, 07:37 PM   #22
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many of you know my political beliefs and I must say I was rather pleased (actually it bordered on total shock) to see Jon Stewart of all people make the following:


I guess Rahm Emanuel will just have to order out from KFC or Popeye's if Obama decides to pay a visit to his "home" town....
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Old 08-05-2012, 08:51 PM   #23
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I don't care what their beliefs are, shut up and make my chicken sandwich! The only thing that bothered me was the millions of sheep that ran out to buy chick fil a on the 1st as if that confirmed their Christian beliefs some how. It disappointing to see how our society some how uses empty gestures to proclaim their righteousness about a subject. In the end if you want to show your a good "Christian" go out and volunteer to help the poor, the homeless, those who really need the help and not trying and take more of the programs away from those who need it the most. Do it like the man who walked this earth did, selflessly and without condition, that you so easily proclaim his name as if it were a corporate catch phrase. Buying a chicken sandwich and some fries didn't show me anything other than you're a sheep mindlessly following the proclamation of a guy on the radio. Next time take the $10 you spent there and send it to the Salvation Army, United Way, Goodwill, your local food bank or how about an early start program. Now you've done something Jesus would have done.
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Old 08-05-2012, 09:20 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Milerider View Post
I don't care what their beliefs are, shut up and make my chicken sandwich! The only thing that bothered me was the millions of sheep that ran out to buy chick fil a on the 1st as if that confirmed their Christian beliefs some how. It disappointing to see how our society some how uses empty gestures to proclaim their righteousness about a subject. In the end if you want to show your a good "Christian" go out and volunteer to help the poor, the homeless, those who really need the help and not trying and take more of the programs away from those who need it the most. Do it like the man who walked this earth did, selflessly and without condition, that you so easily proclaim his name as if it were a corporate catch phrase. Buying a chicken sandwich and some fries didn't show me anything other than you're a sheep mindlessly following the proclamation of a guy on the radio. Next time take the $10 you spent there and send it to the Salvation Army, United Way, Goodwill, your local food bank or how about an early start program. Now you've done something Jesus would have done.
Well said sir
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Old 08-05-2012, 10:40 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Milerider View Post
I don't care what their beliefs are, shut up and make my chicken sandwich! The only thing that bothered me was the millions of sheep that ran out to buy chick fil a on the 1st as if that confirmed their Christian beliefs some how. It disappointing to see how our society some how uses empty gestures to proclaim their righteousness about a subject. In the end if you want to show your a good "Christian" go out and volunteer to help the poor, the homeless, those who really need the help and not trying and take more of the programs away from those who need it the most. Do it like the man who walked this earth did, selflessly and without condition, that you so easily proclaim his name as if it were a corporate catch phrase. Buying a chicken sandwich and some fries didn't show me anything other than you're a sheep mindlessly following the proclamation of a guy on the radio. Next time take the $10 you spent there and send it to the Salvation Army, United Way, Goodwill, your local food bank or how about an early start program. Now you've done something Jesus would have done.
You rock!
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Old 08-06-2012, 08:32 AM   #26
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Fine Chick-fil-a if I can't get my chicken samich on Sunday from Chaz the intolerant chicken then I'll just take my business to Las Palapas. Oh wait....damn it.
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Old 08-06-2012, 01:31 PM   #27
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All that happened was that the CEO said that the corporation's position is that marriage is a heterosexual union between a man and a woman.

Malaya, Chick Fil A is NOT denying services to anyone and they did NOT spend money to promote a political agenda, altho they are certainly free to do so if they want. Thats a corporate decision and if the shareholders were to feel the board of directors was in error about it they are free to elect new directors and they can hire a new CEO.
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Old 08-06-2012, 05:18 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by spaceman181 View Post
All that happened was that the CEO said that the corporation's position is that marriage is a heterosexual union between a man and a woman.

Malaya, Chick Fil A is NOT denying services to anyone and they did NOT spend money to promote a political agenda, altho they are certainly free to do so if they want. Thats a corporate decision and if the shareholders were to feel the board of directors was in error about it they are free to elect new directors and they can hire a new CEO.
Actually Chick Fil A is not a publicly traded company so there are no share holders to appeal to. In addition, Chick Fil A has a long record of financially supporting groups who are advocates for anti-gay marriage legislation, including a foundation they've founded in the name of their patriarchs.

Yes it's their right to support what ever political beliefs they have. Whether it is right or wrong I could careless about. Though I can say I am not against gay marriage because simply it doesn't affect my life and if two people want to pledge to spend the rest of their lives together more power to them. I think another issue I have is this topic is tied up in so much emotion that facts are sometimes ignored. It's great to know that the most pressing issue for a large portion of our population (or maybe just the loudest) is what 2 adults choose to call their relationship; not where am I going to get my next meal, how can I keep my kid out of gangs, how can I pay my bills or when am I going to find a job.
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Old 08-06-2012, 06:10 PM   #29
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Default As the Kinkster said...

Gay marriage? Why shouldn't they be as miserable as the rest of us!?
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Old 08-06-2012, 07:05 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by spaceman181 View Post
All that happened was that the CEO said that the corporation's position is that marriage is a heterosexual union between a man and a woman.

Malaya, Chick Fil A is NOT denying services to anyone and they did NOT spend money to promote a political agenda, altho they are certainly free to do so if they want. Thats a corporate decision and if the shareholders were to feel the board of directors was in error about it they are free to elect new directors and they can hire a new CEO.
I never said they were denying anything to gays. I said this whole topic brings out people who DO things rights should be denied to gay people. And yes they are free to spend their money as they wish and because I don't support that I will spend my money elsewhere. Not like fast food was good anyways.
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