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Old 08-06-2012, 01:47 PM   #31
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PERFECT, WTF! Bullcorn's teaching license is a "Gateway Certificate"! LMAO!

It certainly doesn't say he has the brains to teach others..

I know a "legal resident alien" who took 16 years to to get his citizenship while the brain dead and physically dead slob, Breitbart, has clones that should have been in the Olympics because of their jumping to conclusions skills!

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

For a pittance of money ($465) an illegal alien can become a legal alien after offical orders go into effect on the 15 of August. Can citizenship and voting privileges be far behind?

That is like saying you just your teaching license....can molestation be far behind?

Are you for folks that have served in our military not being allowed to vote?

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
That is like saying you just your teaching license....can molestation be far behind?

Are you for folks that have served in our military not being allowed to vote?
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Old 08-06-2012, 02:42 PM   #32
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That is supposed to give you an opportunity to explain your position and convince your audience that you are correct....awkward...
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Old 08-06-2012, 05:35 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Care to respond to reports of Ohio trying to disenfranchise soldiers?


In a blatant attempt to mislead Americans, Mitt Romney is falsely accusing the Obama campaign of trying to restrict military voting in Ohio. In fact, the opposite is true: The Obama campaign filed a lawsuit to make sure every Ohioan has early voting rights, including military members and their families.

What happened to early voting in Ohio?

In the 2008 presidential election, more than 93,000 Ohioans utilized early voting in the three days before the election.
Earlier this year, Ohio’s GOP-controlled legislature passed an election reform law that cut off early voting three days before the election.
More than 300,000 Ohioans signed a petition to secure a referendum on the November 6th ballot in order to repeal this law. Rather than face the referendum, the legislatu...
re, at the urging of Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted, decided to repeal the law.
However, “in an unusual turn of events,” Ohio Republicans managed to keep a technical provision of the bill that shortens the early voting process and eliminates the last three days of early voting for all citizens except military personnel and their families.
What does that mean for voters?

In addition to reducing Ohioans’ access to the polls, the legislature created inequality between military voters who can cast early ballots in person through the day before the election and all other voters who only have until 6 p.m. on the Friday before the election to vote in-person absentee.

Why is there a lawsuit?

These restrictions are a violation of the equal protection guarantees in the U.S. Constitution. The lawsuit seeks to make sure that all Ohioans, including military members and their families, can exercise their right to vote early. “This lawsuit seeks to treat all Ohio citizens equally under the law,” said Obama for America attorney Bob Bauer. “We want to restore the right of all to vote before Election Day.”.

The facts show that Romney’s claim about restricting military voting is a blatant distortion. The purpose of the lawsuit is to ensure that every Ohioan—including military voters—has the right to make their voices heard at the polls.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
That is supposed to give you an opportunity to explain your position and convince your audience that you are correct....awkward...
So giving every person the extra same amount of time is some how bad in your and Republicans eyes?

You say a soldier needs extra time to vote , Obama say s ok and you know what we will give all of Ohio extra time to vote. Then you cry bloody murder!

Something does not smell right JD. Have you been caught in another lie?
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Old 08-07-2012, 01:33 AM   #34
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You are a Obamacon, you wouldn't know a lie if it...you know you have a lot of lies biting your ass?
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Old 08-07-2012, 07:58 AM   #35
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Default Now quit trying to bite me on the ass JD.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
You are a Obamacon, you wouldn't know a lie if it...you know you have a lot of lies biting your ass?
I know you are in the running for the biggest liar on here.

This here lie of yours has been called out in another thread.

Aren't you that small government Tea Wacker that wants more government laws restricting marriage?
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Old 08-07-2012, 08:05 AM   #36
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Obama isn't rushing to protect military voters, he's losing them by a huge margin. He's trying to get non-military Ohio voters the same access to the polls.

He may have a point.

But don't try to spread the bullshit that Obama is doing this for the military.
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Old 08-07-2012, 08:17 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Obama isn't rushing to protect military voters, he's losing them by a huge margin. He's trying to get non-military Ohio voters the same access to the polls.

He may have a point.

But don't try to spread the bullshit that Obama is doing this for the military.

I did not try say he was doing it for the military, I pointed out that he was trying to provide equality for all people of Ohio.

JD is the one that has a problem with that. JD is the one distorting. Of course it does not take much to fool you when the lie is coming from the right.
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Old 08-07-2012, 08:31 AM   #38
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Yes, you're right. Coming from the man who spells "fuc" like a middle schooler, and giggles when someone says "homo". You're the intellect I aspire to.
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Old 08-07-2012, 09:08 AM   #39
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Default Good choice COGay!

Me or that lying sac of shit JD!

That selfish SOB just wants the American taxpayer to pay his way the rest of his life while he lies to our youth.

He wants smaller government but will not quit his government job!
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Old 08-07-2012, 12:27 PM   #40
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I know, right this second, 3 illegals that would vote Romney if they could vote. I'm down for footing the bill to help these people out. I understand the risks the right is so concerned about but there is a gigantic difference between current American Wellfare folk and Mexicans that want to be here for the chance at a life.

It's like this (remember my family has dealt with welfare folk for the last 12 years)

Imagine a glass that is 25% full of state aid. American welfare folk stay inside the 25%. It's what they are given and so that's where they stay (and get angry because the government doesn't GIVE them more. Immigrants from Mexico have a hugely different view. They fill that glass as full as they can working 15 hours a day to just barely make that glass 50-75% full. As a taxpayer and American I'm THRILLED to give that last 25-30% out of my blessed abundance, to help give them the American dream.
Do you know how many welfare folk we've found in 12 years that truly WANTS out of the prison of a 25% full glass AND willing to do the work necessary?


Do you know many Mexican immigrants that are willing to work as hard as it takes while gratefully accepting the 25% in their cup?

I've not met one yet that doesn't.
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Old 08-07-2012, 12:36 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Me or that lying sac of shit JD!

That selfish SOB just wants the American taxpayer to pay his way the rest of his life while he lies to our youth.

He wants smaller government but will not quit his government job!

JLSD and COF fancy themselves as the dynamic duo of shit slinging ... champions of anti anything, and mongers of spin the facts ... aka MORONS.

hope that helps
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Old 08-07-2012, 12:55 PM   #42
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Aren't you guys tired of being covered in shit? Around here we are shit professionals!! Remember that south park with the poop swatches? Haha. Yup I'll take a baby pea green please. The juicier it is, the more ground it covers.
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Old 08-08-2012, 04:47 PM   #43
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Glenna, wipe your mouth - er - fingers, please.
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