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Old 08-05-2012, 09:53 PM   #1
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Default Voter Registration Lies

This article purports to tell us how Voter ID laws will help Republicans and hurt Democrats. It's really full of bullshit. Check this out from the article:

Pennsylvania’s new rules are being challenged by three elderly women – including one who first voted for Franklin D Roosevelt in the 1940s – who say they will not be able to vote in November under the changes.

Really? They can file a lawsuit, but can't get a voter ID? They have to show a photo ID to get into the Courthouse where they filed their suit! How stupid do these lib "journalists" think we are?

Well, we can expect more this type of bullshit as the election nears. Watch the people complaining about voter ID laws on their cell phones, while picking up government checks, and paying their cable bill.

The most frequent complaint? "What? You mean I only get to vote once?"

God help us.


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Old 08-05-2012, 10:14 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
This article purports to tell us how Voter ID laws will help Republicans and hurt Democrats. It's really full of bullshit. Check this out from the article:

Pennsylvania’s new rules are being challenged by three elderly women – including one who first voted for Franklin D Roosevelt in the 1940s – who say they will not be able to vote in November under the changes.

Really? They can file a lawsuit, but can't get a voter ID? They have to show a photo ID to get into the Courthouse where they filed their suit! How stupid do these lib "journalists" think we are?

I've NEVER had to show a "Photo ID" to get into ANY courthouse, Turd Blossom Jr.

Well, we can expect more this type of bullshit as the election nears. Watch the people complaining about voter ID laws on their cell phones, while picking up government checks, and paying their cable bill.

You, the most prolific poster of BULL$H!T in this forum, posts a site where you have to register to see the story? Why not do your research somewhere else? YOU PERSONALLY could not pass a polygraph test on having PERSONALLY WITNESSED people "complaining about voter ID laws on their cell phones, while picking up government checks, and paying their cable bill".

The most frequent complaint? "What? You mean I only get to vote once?"

Sure, LIAR! You FLOAT an oft-repeated line of more BULL$H!T like THAT in a land where voter fraud is punishable by jail time? Grow a fucking brain and quit posting all your Teapublican nonsense.

God help us.


You are truly an idiot!
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Old 08-05-2012, 10:18 PM   #3
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Steve, WTF did you just say?
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Old 08-05-2012, 10:26 PM   #4
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He said COG is an idiot. That's what I got out of it. I didn't go read the link so who knows. COG you might be an idiot man. Sorry. I have some cream for that.
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Old 08-05-2012, 10:37 PM   #5
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I've been called worse. And I'm sure I've been in more courthouses than Stevie, and they ALL require photo ID. Well, there are some county courthouses in small towns that will let you in without one, but the major ones all require it.

Still, if they can find the time, money and wherewithal to file a lawsuit like this, they can get a photo ID. To say otherwise is ridiculous.

This "Oh, it's so hard to get a photo ID" is pure bullshit. There's nothing easier. All you do is show up, prove you're a citizen, and get your picture taken. It should be free, but if it's not, the Republicans and Democrats have all kinds of "walking around" money to help out.

It's kind of important that the polls be accessible by citizens. It's only a big deal if you aren't a citizen, and want to vote.

And Kayla, I'd love to try out your cream, and might even have some for you in return!
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Old 08-05-2012, 11:01 PM   #6
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COF, do you believe that by posting last, you prove your incorrect points? I've been into both the Tarrant and Dallas County Courthouses and others of reasonable size without a photo I.D.

Your nursing home-confined grandmother whose courthouse burned down with her birth certificate, on the other hand, is at the mercy of Karl Rove and the rest of the scum bags running the Teapublican Party.

Just quit lying!
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Old 08-05-2012, 11:08 PM   #7
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We all know you want non-citizens to vote, Stevie. Thank you for your input.
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Old 08-06-2012, 12:13 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
We all know you want non-citizens to vote, Stevie. Thank you for your input.
You are nothing more than a deflecting liar who brings up new subjects after being hammered into submission when we disprove your lies!

First, it was citizens who were black you tried to say were voting over and over and then when challenged on that, you deflected the conversation to undocumented workers.

Your lies are tiresome, unimpressive as counterpoints, and show your true, bigoted lack of character, COF.
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Old 08-06-2012, 12:17 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
We all know you want non-citizens to vote, Stevie. Thank you for your input.
Just because you want a dick in your mouth doesn't mean others do. Stop trying to put words into others mouths.

By the way douche bag, add Austin to the list of no ID for entry into court houses.

PS Thank you for the insight into how you see things. It must have sucked growing up in nazi Germany, I mean Kansas.
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Old 08-06-2012, 12:18 AM   #10
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Who brought up race? That is the argument of a loser. Good night, Stevie.

They always shout "Racist!" when they run out of logic. Sorry, Stevie. You're an ignoramus.
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Old 08-06-2012, 12:23 AM   #11
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I already admitted that some county courthouses don't require photo ID. All federal courthouses do.

And now the Nazi flame. Very intelligent, Munchie. Anyone who stands for freedom and electoral integrity must be a Nazi. Beautiful.

Geez, the assholes are out tonight.

Whether you need an ID to get in to a courthouse or not, the fact remains that if they can figure out how to file a lawsuit, they can figure out how to get a photo ID. If they can't find a birth certificate, then they need to contact their legislators to enact alternative methods to prove citizenship.

I'll admit, I dealt mostly with federal courthouses. But that doesn't mean that photo ID's will not protect the electoral process from fraud.

Sorry dudes. It's obvious you want non-citizens to be able to vote. I hope that doesn't happen.
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Old 08-06-2012, 12:23 AM   #12
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Classic! Throw out the typical "government check stereotype" and then dodge the real issue that you just made up a story by feigning indignation over playing the race card!

You are the most untruthful and misleading $H!TSLINGER posting here, COF!
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Old 08-06-2012, 12:29 AM   #13
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You played the race card, Stevie, just like a coward when he's lost the argument. Give it up. You've proved, once again, that you are nothing but a blind, obedient, Obamaton.
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Old 08-06-2012, 12:32 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
I already admitted that some county courthouses don't require photo ID. All federal courthouses do.
MORE lies and deflection of the real issues! NO, ALL Federal Courthouses do NOT require Photo IDs.and YOU SAID only the small ones didn't. Tarrant and Dallas County Courthouses are not "small" or even "medium sized" courthouses.

You think you can change wrong to right by changing your own words and saying you admitted something that never applied to my rebuttal!

You are a LIAR, COF, and you never addressed the difficulty of shut-ins getting to a place to get photo IDs. You very well know the Teapublican effort to pass unconstitutional voter ID laws was always intended to disenfranchise an inordinate number of Democratic voters but you want to keep the lie alive that we are stopping illegal aliens from voting.
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Old 08-06-2012, 12:38 AM   #15
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Good night, Stevie. And have a pleasant tomorrow.
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