I was curious to know if anyone had any stories of almost getting caught in the hobby that they can share publicly. The goal of these stories are to learn from one another and share best practices.
I'll start. Recently, I was working out of town. I had a rental car. I went and had a great late night rendezvous. On my way back to my hotel, I allegedly raced through an unmanned speed zone. Nearly 1.5 months later, I got a citation for a moving violation in the mail...all with a picture of the rental car, me, and a date/time stamp.
At first, I got that
knot feeling
in my stomach until I realized I had already planned for this eventuality. I told my SO while I was out of town that I had notice the speed detection cameras hidden throughout the highways and hoped I didn't get a speeding ticket. I was able to recount that story quickly...because after all, it was and is the truth.
In a high surveillance society, somebody is always watching.
Would anyone else like to share?