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Old 05-16-2010, 03:39 AM   #1
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Default Provider's feelings on younger hobbyist

I am a noob to the hobby and am anxious to go on my first hobby expedition! The only issue I am foreseeing is my age. I am a 20 year old male, and after looking at it from a provider's viewpoint I might get rejected. I can afford to be in the hobby world, and believe that my success at such a young age has forced me to mature very quickly. I am young, and just looking to have a good time and would like to know how providers feel about seeing younger gentlemen. I would also like to know what to do so that people will look past my age. I don't want to go to see a provider and be treated like I am paying so they can babysit me. I will be getting p411 verified, as I see this is a good start and almost must to hobby.

I am also sure many people will say wow why do you want to hobby at such a young age, and to be honest because I can and feel that each time will be a new adventure.
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Old 05-16-2010, 09:38 AM   #2
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It's kinda like applying for a loan or a credit card. You can't get it until you already have it, but having no credit history is better than a bad credit history. Find someone/anyone who will accept your application (and reports to the Credit Bureau), establish a good credit score with them and use that on your next application. Build up your credit score one good account at a time. Look for a company that advertises they accept customers with no history. Most importantly, never forget credit is a priviledge not a right.

1. Get P411.

2. Do your homework. If a provider advertises no one under 35, don't call and argue, there's ALWAYS another deal down the road. Look for providers that are "newbie friendly". Ironically, you may have better success with providers close to your age or your mom's age.

3. When the coach finally puts you in the game, for gawd's sake son.... show good sportsmanship and try not to draw any penalties.

Finally: As I told my own son when he got to a certain age..."Son, it took you a long time to grow that thang.... be careful where you put it.. and always...ALWAYS... wrap that rascal!"
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Old 05-16-2010, 10:27 AM   #3
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The over 35 or 45 stuff is often to appease the old fogies and we like it. Not necessarily a restriction if you don't act like you are calling from Ridgmont High all cute and funny .
There are some newbie friendly providers and as he said , P411 is your best friend right now.
Now go back to dating and leave our ymmv alone. I wouldn't want to walk in after a 20 yr old body left her room!
Hoenstly, this shit can get you very jaded. You will become very shallow and will lose patience for women the longer you do this and every time you get in a relationship , you think of many crazy stuff you have done with providers before so either your expectation gets raised or your concentration goes to shit.
May be you can shake the cobwebs and get some confidence for your private life but be careful how long or how deep you get in this game for.
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Old 05-16-2010, 10:32 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas View Post
It's kinda like applying for a loan or a credit card. You can't get it until you already have it, but having no credit history is better than a bad credit history. Find someone/anyone who will accept your application (and reports to the Credit Bureau), establish a good credit score with them and use that on your next application. Build up your credit score one good account at a time. Look for a company that advertises they accept customers with no history. Most importantly, never forget credit is a priviledge not a right.

1. Get P411.

2. Do your homework. If a provider advertises no one under 35, don't call and argue, there's ALWAYS another deal down the road. Look for providers that are "newbie friendly". Ironically, you may have better success with providers close to your age or your mom's age.

3. When the coach finally puts you in the game, for gawd's sake son.... show good sportsmanship and try not to draw any penalties.

Finally: As I told my own son when he got to a certain age..."Son, it took you a long time to grow that thang.... be careful where you put it.. and always...ALWAYS... wrap that rascal!"
Words of good advice!

I can only speak for myself. I tend to enjoy the older gentleman, only because they bring with them the "experience" and the intellectual side that I so enjoy. That doesn't mean however that I am oppossed to a younger gentleman, but my past experience hasn't always been as positive. It could be just that younger gentleman our still very new to the hobby have very different expectations and still haven't quite got what its really all about yet. In my mind there is still much more to the hobby than "wham bam, thank you maam". I have had wonderful interludes and great adventures with gentleman who shared their expertise in the field of how a woman should be treated, and handled with care, and those were my fondest memories, and most of these gentleman were always over age 40. Good luck to you in your endeavor to play in this wonderful hobby of ours, and remember it is so important to treat a lady right in this biz of ours!
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Old 05-16-2010, 10:39 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures View Post

In my mind there is still much more to the hobby than "wham bam, thank you maam". I have had wonderful interludes and great adventures with gentleman who shared their expertise in the field of how a woman should be treated, and handled with care, and those were my fondest memories, and most of these gentleman were always over age 40. Good luck to you in your endeavor to play in this wonderful hobby of ours, and remember it is so important to treat a lady right in this biz of ours!
GP has summed up the essence of the Hobby. Hers words are a Hobbyist's guide to live by.

Thanks for your wisdom GP.

mrbeemer aka Tigerbeemer
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Old 05-16-2010, 10:43 AM   #6
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in my opinion im willing to see younger gentleman and iam newbie friendly and have other ways to verify u but if u dont know what u are doing in the bedroom which i find that to be the case with a few of the younger ones then ill let u know and u have a choice learn or dont be calling me again i think thats one reason a lot of women prefer older men cuz they know exactly how to take care of a lady.........not to say i haven't had a few youngsters that were pretty damn good ,but experience comes with age........................... .......also i always recommend getting p411 it helps us in more ways that u can imagine.
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Old 05-16-2010, 10:50 AM   #7
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I have the same issue (I'm 31, but easily pass for 20 - 21). Never had much of an issue with it, but nobody ever believes my age (i've even had a few providers ask to see my license because they wont see someone under 30).

And BTW: Max, I need to see you sometime. Would LOVE an honest criticism about my technique and a chance to learn. Most women are so dishonest, i'd appreciate a fair evaluation.
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Old 05-16-2010, 11:05 AM   #8
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Yeah, Max,GP, I could use a an evaulation as well. Whatcha think?....hhhmmmm
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Old 05-16-2010, 11:25 AM   #9
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Thanks for the advice all. Yes, I understand being in this hobby can change you. I have put lots of thought into this and hope that I can have a good time . I am doing this not because the people that I have been dating are more into the wham bam thank you maam part of it. They want me to take them to a nice, fancy restaurant and then have sex and call it a day. They don't want to have any conversations or talk about anything important and intelligent. So I am looking for all those things in providers, I hope that is not expecting too much?

Also Max Rax, I will see you after I go to one or two providers. I would hate to disappoint Is there any type of list that gives names and links to newbie friendly providers?
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Old 05-16-2010, 11:30 AM   #10
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MU You can join P411 and check out the showcases on the ladies here. They ususally mention if they are "newbie friendly". Just enjoy, post your conquest in reviews here and get Premiun Access so that you will have access to BCD. Look, Listen, and Learn and you will be fine.

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Old 05-16-2010, 11:43 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Max Rax View Post
.... but if u dont know what u are doing in the bedroom which i find that to be the case with a few of the younger ones then ill let u know and u have a choice learn or dont be calling me again

It pays to pay attention. You are never too cool for school... and yes even an old dawg can learn new tricks.

.... a lot of women prefer older men cuz they know exactly how to take care of a lady

... yea... what she said... because it has nothing to do with us old guys being slow fire , single shot breech loaders...

.........not to say i haven't had a few youngsters that were pretty damn good ....

Translation: I was so damn sore I walked funny for two days...
...when a great education is offered to ya ... study HARD...
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Old 05-16-2010, 11:54 AM   #12
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Going soley by your age, the provider should be glad your not bald, fat, wrinkled etc, she should be glad your dick (should) work on command and she wont have to spend 20 minutes coaxing you to attention.

In short any provider should be more than glad to see you.

Some providers may not because you are expecting a fantasy and they may not be able to play the part. You may not be "ok" with stretch marks and saggy breasts, you are there to have fun, not sit around and BS with them, you are less likely to be lonely and therefore guillable and willing to "help them out" (with $$$ for nothing).

This is not a bash on older guys, just an observation and what I have heard from providers themselves regarding young vs. old(er)
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Old 05-16-2010, 11:57 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Max Rax View Post
in my opinion im willing to see younger gentleman and iam newbie friendly and have other ways to verify u but if u dont know what u are doing in the bedroom which i find that to be the case with a few of the younger ones then ill let u know and u have a choice learn or dont be calling me again i think thats one reason a lot of women prefer older men cuz they know exactly how to take care of a lady.........not to say i haven't had a few youngsters that were pretty damn good ,but experience comes with age........................... .......also i always recommend getting p411 it helps us in more ways that u can imagine.
This also, remember, you took care of her when you left the donation. It's your fantasy hour. If you want to learn/practice/receive feedback, by all means that would be good and the perfect setting to do it.
Just remember, you are not there to please her, it's the other way around
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Old 05-16-2010, 01:18 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Howitzer View Post
And BTW: Max, I need to see you sometime. Would LOVE an honest criticism about my technique and a chance to learn. Most women are so dishonest, i'd appreciate a fair evaluation.
if there is one thing about me is im honest if i were to lie it would come back to bite me in the ass and not the way i like

Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE View Post
Yeah, Max,GP, I could use a an evaulation as well. Whatcha think?....hhhmmmm
from what i've heard about you no complaints in your department lol

Originally Posted by Dstorm View Post
This also, remember, you took care of her when you left the donation. It's your fantasy hour. If you want to learn/practice/receive feedback, by all means that would be good and the perfect setting to do it.
Just remember, you are not there to please her, it's the other way around
maybe i didnt clarify what i meant by that FIRST I love pleasing more then anything but since i do see younger guys ive had a few who thought they were loosing theyre virginity but never made it in i would explain to them wait no a little more this way that way but they were convinced until they felt the difference i agree with you this is their time not mine but i have another story ill pm u no names just what happened so u can see where im coming from
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Old 05-16-2010, 03:18 PM   #15
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Damn....I have a couple pairs of socks that are probably 20 years older than him.

Good luck young man and enjoy yourself.
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