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Old 07-17-2012, 10:45 PM   #1
joe bloe
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Default Arpaio: Obama birth record 'definitely fraudulent'

On the outside chance that anyone cares. It seems the evidence is mounting that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery.

Excerpted from the AP story:

PHOENIX (AP) — Investigators for an Arizona sheriff's volunteer posse have declared that President Barack Obama's birth certificate is definitely fraudulent.
Members of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's posse said in March that there was probable cause that Obama's long-form birth certificate released by the White House in April 2011 was a computer-generated forgery.
Now, Arpaio says investigators are positive it's fraudulent.

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Old 07-17-2012, 11:02 PM   #2
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NO SHIT... He will get a pass on this, like always. But at least we know.
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Old 07-17-2012, 11:18 PM   #3
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joe Arpalo? Same great American who campaigned for Rick Perry. Got your papers, joe? His posse?


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Old 07-18-2012, 12:09 AM   #4
JD Barleycorn
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Read the story and you won't have to ask about evidence. You will be informed.
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Old 07-18-2012, 12:17 AM   #5
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JD, it's Assup. He'll need someone to read it to him.
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Old 07-18-2012, 12:35 AM   #6
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Are you capable of civil conversation?

I haven't seen much evidence. Just name calling and hateful posts.

What are you gonna do when Obama gets reelected? How much more bitter can you boys get?

I merely pointed out that the source of this story is the volunteer vigilantes who follow the celebrated Sheriff Arpalo. Is there a chance there could be a racist spin to their report? Is that possible?

Bitter is gonna turn to foaming at the mouth in just a few weeks.
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Old 07-18-2012, 01:21 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
On the outside chance that anyone cares. It seems the evidence is mounting that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery.

Excerpted from the AP story:

PHOENIX (AP) — Investigators for an Arizona sheriff's volunteer posse have declared that President Barack Obama's birth certificate is definitely fraudulent.
Members of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's posse said in March that there was probable cause that Obama's long-form birth certificate released by the White House in April 2011 was a computer-generated forgery.
Now, Arpaio says investigators are positive it's fraudulent.

Thanks Joe the Bloehard.

There is nothing, I mean NOTHING, I like better than a good old fashioned Obama forged birth certificate story.

Unless of course, it is a good old fashioned Obama is a Muslim story.

Hey, I've got a great idea, let's keep our fish stories on P 1 until election day.

I love it when we go on a fishin' trip!
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Old 07-18-2012, 07:05 AM   #8
i'va biggen
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Birthers have renewed hope again.Like the phoenix rising from it's ashes.
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Old 07-18-2012, 07:21 AM   #9
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This won't be a campgain issue.

What is funny; is that the non-birthers want to hide their heads and not clear this mess up.....Obama will serve out whatever term(s) remain. But make no mistake his legacy will have to deal with this issue. Forensic historians will dig, dwell, write, and analyze about this post-Obama. And as time goes on the science of unraveling the truth will be come more exact. If it is a forgery then science is on the birthers side....and time is against Obama.

You would think the Obamazombies would want to get this mess off the table so the Obama legacy can be sanitary.....but it is short term gaming by them.

There incessant name calling is the indicator they fear this issue....and feel free to label me a birther. I want this fully vetted, obviously the anti-birthers don't. So, who stands for transparency ?

And while we are on the subject, where is Obama's academic records ? You know the records that show him applying for admissions and scholarships as a muslim foreign student. Obama is the only president in modern times to NOT release his records....what is he hiding ?
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Old 07-18-2012, 07:33 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Are you capable of civil conversation?

I haven't seen much evidence. Just name calling and hateful posts.

What are you gonna do when Obama gets reelected? How much more bitter can you boys get?

I merely pointed out that the source of this story is the volunteer vigilantes who follow the celebrated Sheriff Arpalo. Is there a chance there could be a racist spin to their report? Is that possible?

Bitter is gonna turn to foaming at the mouth in just a few weeks.
The fact that you're not aware of the problems with Obama's "birth certificate" just shows that you haven't followed the story. It's called willful ignorance. You don't know the facts because you don't want to know them.

The current governor of Hawaii, campaigned on the promise that if he was elected, he would release Obama's long form birth certificate and end the controversy. Well, he got elected, and tried to find the birth certificate. He couldn't find one.

Obama is hiding something. He has sealed his college transcripts. For fifteen years, Obama's literary agent told all his clients that Obama was born in Kenya. His agent only changed the biography, right before Obama ran for the presidency. Obama is using a social security number issued in Connecticut, a state he never lived in.

The list of irregularities goes on and on. Obama is a hustler and a conman. He has concealed major parts of his history, that would make it impossible for him to continue being president. He has been able to do this, because of the media's willingness to participate in the cover up and because of the desire of many people bury their heads in the sand.
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Old 07-18-2012, 07:37 AM   #11
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Joe: in their hearts the anit-birthers know it is a forgery, know Obama is a phony, know Obama is lying about this. They also think Obama is likely hiding damaging information in his academic records...but it is all about protecting the King at this point.

In colonial days we called these thinkers Tories or Loyalists! Wasn't their slogan "Be Loyal to the Royal" ??

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Old 07-18-2012, 07:50 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Are you capable of civil conversation?

I haven't seen much evidence. Just name calling and hateful posts.

What are you gonna do when Obama gets reelected? How much more bitter can you boys get?

I merely pointed out that the source of this story is the volunteer vigilantes who follow the celebrated Sheriff Arpalo. Is there a chance there could be a racist spin to their report? Is that possible?

Bitter is gonna turn to foaming at the mouth in just a few weeks.
Dammit, Assup! You're right! I do apologize. I've been trying to maintain the high standard of respectful and rational posting so have so patiently modeled for us, and I guess I succumbed to the temptation to be rude. Old habits are hard to break, but with role models of civility like you and BigTurd, I will keep trying.

Now, please, Have a nice day! And I mean that.

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Old 07-18-2012, 08:21 AM   #13
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Just because I don't discuss in this August forum doesn't mean I haven't been following the story, Joey. But this story no longer has no legs and is merely fodder for the Anti-Americans who are bent on bringing this country down.

Frankly the entire birther argument is silly. But there's no reason to explain with fact and circumstance that which can better be explained by conspiracy, eh?

Though I am kinda ticked to hear the term anti-birther being used in any context. kinda like after-birthers, which is what we probably ought to be calling all of you joey come latelies.

But I am not one to point fingers or call names.
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Old 07-18-2012, 08:31 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
But I am not one to point fingers or call names.
That's why you have the respect of us all.

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Old 07-18-2012, 10:28 AM   #15
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It is curious that he billed himself as Kenyan and has sealed all his records, And WW is correct, this will be vetted by historians for years to come muddying his presidency. In time, all his records will be unsealed, and the truth is in there somewhere.
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