Hi there!
Some of you know me cuz I had about 2000 posts on aspd & have a bit of rep for being a wildKAT.

I was very happy to get off CL back in July 06 when I got my provider status. It bothered me that the same site with categories such as games, toys, bicycles, etc... had adult services listings that were easily accessed. For this reason, I didn't even know about BP till about a year ago. The new had worn off of Kat *awwww, say it isn't so!!* and although my loyal clientele kept me above water, it's always important to maintain a steady flow of new stock to keep my fetish for sex w/ strangers alive & kicking. *ahem*
Last summer was my first to tour and I found that BP was helping my call volume. I probably had about 60/40 ratio of calls from aspd/BP respectively. My website reported almost 4x the average number of hits usually received from my homebase in Austin on the day I posted my Houston ad. I didn't use BP again until Nov 09 which included new pics taken by a local w/ a very artistic eye. I had 3x more calls that week than any week the previous month which was quite welcome w/ the holidays around the corner. Yeah... That's it. Wasn't excited about the volume having a chance at whittling down my excessively horny nature. Of course not! >
I do agree that the TGTBT factor is annoying as well as the number of gunshy newbs due to the bad apples they've run across in their experiences. Fortunately, a few seasoned ladies like myself continue to do our part in "training" the new guys to assist in their future hobby endeavors.
Although not mentioned in this thread yet, I'm sure all of you see regular advertisers from eccie & other local boards who've posted ads that are sometimes the same but also those who use different handles & rates on the public sites. I did a test using a similar but different handle & email addy w/ no pics or links to see if it would yield biz & prove worthy of my efforts. It bombed! LOL So, later that year when I did the Nov 09 ad it was even more gratifying to see real results.
Hopefully the newbs out there will catch on & avoid getting T-shirts. There's always legit ads but you have to put blinders on the little head if you're hottie-prone.
Look forward to meeting up w/ old & new friends this week!