NEW girls by their very nature are not tried and true.
1) You have no idea what their motivation is.
a) They may just be (non-seriously) giving it a try to raise some quick cash (and don't care about their rep because they plan on quiting soon anyway.)
b) They may be doing it out of desperation to get quick cash to get out of a scrape or for partying (and resent their situation AND you) - i.e a lackluster CBJer
2) They don't have any TCB skills. Maybe they
do have the best intentions but are just working out the kinks of "the system" (i.e. have no idea how to manage time, commitments, and screening)
So the price of a fresh face is that you just have to have lower expectations from them than you do a tried and true Veteran. It will take them awhile (unless they're a "natural") to be as slick and polished as a VIP GFE.
That said, it is
never cool to NCNS someone...but I would anticipate it with a newbie and have a backup plan ready.