I honestly don't know what he hoped to accomplish by speaking at the convention. I saw it as no-win proposition all around, but I guess that's why his advisers get paid the big bucks, and I'm left to wonder!
I can't help but marvel at how South Park is the single best commentary on the modern state of politics in America, and has been for quite some time. Does anyone remember the 2004 episode between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich running for school mascot? It was an accurate analogy for that election, and every election since then, I'm afraid. It makes me sad that out of a nation of 311+ Million people, these two jackasses are the best we could muster.

I'll be voting for who I hope is the lesser of two evils.
It's like what George Patton was (probably incorrectly) attributed to saying once: "If I found my army in between the Russians and the Germans, I'd attack in both directions!"
I wish we could just hit the reset button, get rid of every member of congress, the executive branch/cabinet, and Supreme/Federal courts, and start over with people who have something other than their own agenda and personal interests in mind.