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Old 07-10-2012, 10:40 AM   #1
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Fuck the dreams of illegals living here; how about the dreams of our citizens that the illegals steal away (in their criminal activity, illegal voting, crime rate, etc.).

Dreams from Carlos Viveros-Colorado

When 16-year-old Clarisse Grime was run over by an out-of-control Ford Expedition outside Harding High School in St. Paul this past Thursday, the Star Tribune originally portrayed the accident as an issue of traffic control:
Moore, 52, ran with her daughter and other neighbors across Hazelwood, only to see the teen take her last breaths, Moore said.
Her daughter, Ashley Moore, 23, said the girl’s boyfriend was crying and pleading, “Please move! Talk!”

It’s a corner that has had other accidents, and the neighbors have long wanted a stop sign there, they said.

Padilla said there have been two other accidents there in the past two years, and one of those involved nonfatal injuries. That was a two-vehicle accident in November 2010, he said.

He noted that it’s a sharp corner to turn onto Hazelwood and said the driver misjudged the corner, took out the fire hydrant and lost control of his vehicle. Police conducted toxicology tests Thursday, but it was too early to say whether citations would be issued, Padilla said.
In short order, however, police arrested the driver of the out-of-control vehicle — one Carolos Viveros-Colorado — and charged him with criminal vehicular homicide. The Star Tribune headlined the follow-up story reporting the arrest with the news that the driver lacked a driver’s license.

Reading a little more deeply into the story one discovers, however, that the lack of a driver’s license is the least of it. By his own account, Viveros-Colorado was suffering from a physical ailment that led to the accident. He shouldn’t have been driving, with or without a driver’s license.

Moreover, it turns out that Viveros-Colorado entered the United States illegally more than a decade ago. He is one of those whom the Star Tribune refers to as “undocumented.” (The Star Tribune reports that Viveros-Colorado’s “sister, whom he had called after the crash, told police that Viveros-Colorado was an undocumented immigrant who was in the United States illegally, according to the complaint.”)

In this case, the lack of documentation includes a missing driver’s license, though Viveros-Colorado was convicted of drunk driving in 2001 and was convicted this past April for driving without a license. That run-in with the authorities cost him $100.

Viveros-Colorado also used a false name and stolen Social Security number to work. On the bright side, however, Mr. Viveros-Colorado wouldn’t have needed to use his false name or stolen Social Security number to vote in Minnesota.

By all accounts, Ms. Grime was an outstanding young lady. An immigrant from Ethiopia, she was an honor student fluent in three languages. At the time she was killed, she was attending summer school at Harding, waiting to catch a bus to take her home. Her death is an incredible tragedy. Her family has issued a statement that the Star Tribune has posted here.

Tim Droogsma pays tribute to Ms. Grime and asks what Viveros-Colorado was doing at this late date in Minnesota. He comments:
[W]hen it comes to illegal immigration, your government has stopped bothering to protect you, bowing instead to political correctness and the alleged value of “diversity.”

We’re not immune from the problem here in Minnesota, but in border states like Arizona and California, it’s even worse. California professor Victor Davis Hanson has written often and eloquently about the problem (click here for one example) of illegal immigration, and this basic summary of his will ring quite true to most rational people: “The simple fact is that once someone chooses to enter the U.S. illegally and remain here illegally, breaking the law, either deliberately or through indifference, becomes easier and habitual: obtaining false IDs, avoiding normal bureaucratic requirements, violating zoning laws, etc. And when the host, whether federal, state, or local government, sends a message that the issue is now entirely political rather than legal, often the illegal immigrant senses that he is (and should be) generally exempt from the mundane laws that others must follow.”

That’s exactly the Vivero[s]-Colorado story. The U.S. government, the State of Minnesota and the City of St. Paul sent him signals every step of the way that said, “We don’t really care if you’re breaking the law because you’re a member of a politically protected minority, so do what you want.” Minneapolis and St. Paul are proud to call themselves “sanctuary cities,” where law enforcement personnel are told NOT TO NOTIFY the federal government or cooperate with the feds when they find illegal aliens living in the city.

We devote more government resources to making sure Grandma doesn’t carry 5 ounces of shampoo on to an airplane than we do to arresting and deporting people like Vivero[s]-Colorado. That’s why Obama’s uncle Onyango felt comfortable living and working illegally in Massachusetts for a couple of decades before his DWI conviction earlier this year. And did that conviction get him deported? No. In fact, just weeks after the conviction, Massachusetts gave him his license back (click here for details) so that it wouldn’t be inconvenient for him to get to work.
It needn’t have happened, of course.
Droogsma adds: “Clarisse’s family doesn’t have the money for her funeral. Contributions to the Clarisse Grime fund can be made at any Wells Fargo bank branch.”

The patrons of illegal immigrants love talking about “dreams.” Clarisse Grime had a dream too, but it has ended in something of a nightmare. Her family’s statement notes:
We have always dreamed of living in the United States and living out the American dream of working hard and giving our daughter the same opportunities that other American teenage students have. That dream has now been broken. Our daughter’s dream has ended.”

“As we say goodbye to our beautiful daughter,” they said, “we are asking that justice be done and that the community continue to keep our family in their prayers and thoughts.”

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Old 07-10-2012, 12:14 PM   #2
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Old 07-10-2012, 01:56 PM   #3
JD Barleycorn
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Yes sad and an indirect result of "sanctuary" policies of the left. You make think this charge is tastless (capitalizing on death is a democratic thing) but admit that the likelihood that this man would have not been in this country and this accident never would have happened would have increased if we just enforced our laws. How many innocents have to be harmed to protect the guilty?
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Old 07-10-2012, 01:58 PM   #4
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We devote more government resources to making sure Grandma doesn’t carry 5 ounces of shampoo on to an airplane than we do to arresting and deporting people like Vivero[s]-Colorado.
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Old 07-10-2012, 02:52 PM   #5
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The latest The Washington Times/JZ Analytics survey, released Monday night, found about two-thirds of all likely voters would like to see their own police be able to check status during routine traffic stops. Support was high across most demographics, including self-identified Republicans and independents, and even Hispanics favored the policy by a 55 percent to 41 percent margin.
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Old 07-10-2012, 03:03 PM   #6
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
The latest The Washington Times/JZ Analytics survey, released Monday night, found about two-thirds of all likely voters would like to see their own police be able to check status during routine traffic stops. Support was high across most demographics, including self-identified Republicans and independents, and even Hispanics favored the policy by a 55 percent to 41 percent margin.
It's amazing isn't it? The people overwhelmingly support stopping illegal immigration and deporting the illegals that are already here. The Constitution allows it, but the federal government won't let us do it. Something is not right about that scenario. It's supposed to be majority rule, as long as it's constitutional.

There was a program to deport illegals in the Eisenhower administration, it was called Operation Wetback; those were the days. That's back when we weren't afraid to hurt the illegal's feelings. Now Harry Reed calls illegals, undocumented Americans.

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Old 07-10-2012, 04:04 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Yes sad and an indirect result of "sanctuary" policies of the left. You make think this charge is tastless (capitalizing on death is a democratic thing) but admit that the likelihood that this man would have not been in this country and this accident never would have happened would have increased if we just enforced our laws. How many innocents have to be harmed to protect the guilty?

You silly shit he was here a decade you are aware the Obama administration has deported more illegals than any other?Not sticking up for him just saying.
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Old 07-10-2012, 04:19 PM   #8
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Default Big Business wants their cheap labor and Obama wants their legal brothers support. You fence builders are fucked!

Soon enough illegals will start running over other illegals...

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Old 07-10-2012, 04:23 PM   #9
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Why do you believe the deportation numbers?

I don't. The Obama administration isn't above lying about the number of deportations. Especially since those numbers come out of the DoHS; run by butch Napolitano.

They are bullshit numbers.


The deportations are not really deportations of undocumented; but the apprehension and return of criminal illegals. In other words, Obama is trying to claim he is tough on immigration while just doing the minimal by removing only the hardend criminals. And obviously if Obama wanted to get tough on identification we could get rid of guys like Colorado.
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Old 07-10-2012, 04:27 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Why do you believe the deportation numbers?

I don't. The Obama administration isn't above lying about the number of deportations. Especially since those numbers come out of the DoHS; run by butch Napolitano.

It is amazing that Obama has been deporting records (twice as many reportedly) yet, where are all the news stories of the round ups, the deportations.....they are bullshit numbers.
Damn straight!

Only Democrats lie...

Mit ain't never told one. He is our next Honest Abe...

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Old 07-10-2012, 04:32 PM   #11
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When he is President I retain my right to bitch about how he is / is not doing his job.
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Old 07-10-2012, 04:33 PM   #12
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again, the screwballs here don't debate the policy or facts, but just say "what about the other guy"....it really is juvenile thinking.
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Old 07-10-2012, 04:36 PM   #13
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Default Romney will do no better

You're more juvenile!

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Old 07-10-2012, 04:50 PM   #14
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My first wife was Thai, and was here legally, got her citizrenship, and died at the hands of a DWI illegal.... I came close to going postal, on a whole bloody bunch of them, but decided it wasn't worth going to prison for. So not one of you lib fuckers know what the fuck your talking about. If they can't do it right GET THE FUCK OUT...!!!!!!
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Old 07-10-2012, 04:52 PM   #15
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That sucks seedman, sorry to hear that.
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