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Old 07-07-2012, 11:05 PM   #16
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I am with the other Ladies on this, I am only slightly newbie friendly. I want to know where you work and to talk on the phone to get a feel for you. If a newbie asks any questions about rates and activities there is no way I would see them. I explain that that is illegal and I only accept donations towards my room, gas, travel expenses, and time reimbursement just like my lawyer told me to.
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Old 07-08-2012, 07:07 AM   #17
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Yes, some providers will ask for this, and they may have good reasons, like they provide from their home, and need more security in the new clients they pick. There is also the LE concern, and i am not sure the % of those that have been busted once already, but my gut feeling is if the get caught, it is either legal fees, or a sentence, and it gets more costly each time.

To me, the obvious risks, is to give an id to mentally unstable provider. If I see a provider who has done, what I call flaming threads, no way would I give my id to that person. Just the same, a provider who never posts, other than ads, I would not know what they are about, and I would share either. I have been tempted to ask, your id for mine, but have not, and that would probably end any chance I had with that provider.

Providers I would share ID would have to reputable, and have lots of positive reviews. Also, you should break the ice with a reputable provider and may have to sacrifice a bit, but once you do, and give a good review, others will start opening the door for you with less intrusive screening.

Another piece of advice from mistakes I made when I started was asking what's on the menu. Meaning descriptions of actions and relation to donations. This is a no-no, and will you will get rejected immediately.

Also, my first review was rejected because it was so bad, anyway, it did get me on my way.

Originally Posted by Gentleman Jack View Post
Hey guys,

Your opinions? Should this be asked and should it be answered?

Thanks for your input.


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Old 07-08-2012, 07:12 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by lostforkate View Post
To me, the obvious risks, is to give an id to mentally unstable provider. If I see a provider who has done, what I call flaming threads, no way would I give my id to that person.

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Old 07-08-2012, 07:24 AM   #19
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Ms E,

I think it would be hotter doing it with someone in the same company. Both people have badges to get in on a Sunday, and doing it the CEO conference room, office if they left the door open. How about leaving the condom in the trash for the cleaner to find, and they would think it is the CEO. I need to stop, this is turning me on.

(I don't think we work for the same company, just saying )

Originally Posted by ms_elizabeth View Post

For me personally, I also want to ensure that we do not have the same employer.
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Old 07-08-2012, 07:35 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by lostforkate View Post
To me, the obvious risks, is to give an id to mentally unstable provider. If I see a provider who has done, what I call flaming threads, no way would I give my id to that person.
Originally Posted by lostforkate View Post
Ms E,

I think it would be hotter doing it with someone in the same company. Both people have badges to get in on a Sunday, and doing it the CEO conference room, office if they left the door open. How about leaving the condom in the trash for the cleaner to find, and they would think it is the CEO. I need to stop, this is turning me on.

(I don't think we work for the same company, just saying )

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Old 07-08-2012, 07:47 AM   #21
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I am going to miss the forum, will be out of range for the next several days, and will resurface in about 10 day. Everyone have fun, and be safe!
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Old 07-08-2012, 08:25 AM   #22
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Do you seriously think that someone from LE would participate with other providers (and not bust them) so that they will supply references to another provider so he could bust THEM specifically? Defies logic. But thanks for your perspective. I truly do understand it. Oh yeah, a photographic memory is not required, simply a pen, paper and 10 seconds.

Good points made by all.

lostforkate, did you used to write Penthouse forum letters? Unfortunately, our company is too small to have badges or a conference room...lol.
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Old 07-08-2012, 08:47 AM   #23
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im just trying to give you an incite as to why some ladies ask for what they ask for.....

regardless if you think it could happen or not..it can and it did on a larger scale....

and why would a lady trust the word of a provider that doesn't screen..
big diff between seeing a lady and seeing a lady that screens ..

good luck in your search..

btw..the pen and paper thing really made me laugh..
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Old 07-08-2012, 09:44 AM   #24
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Old 07-08-2012, 10:56 AM   #25
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hehehe humor time...

me :who have ya seen...

guy on phone...some girl i dont remember her name..but here's her number....
..i saw her over at that lil place on monroe or south cant
remember exactly where...it was like a year ago..

me; and whats your name..

guy on phone..my name is mike.. but she'll know me as fred..

me; did she screen you..

guy on phone..nope but she'll know who your talkin bout..
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Old 07-08-2012, 11:36 AM   #26
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LOL Anita,

That reminds me of Friday night. I wonder if its the same mike/fred.
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Old 07-09-2012, 03:21 AM   #27
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Some of us are out of work or have retired and no longer have that "work linked info."that many ladies like. Is there a standard methodology in place to deal with us?
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Old 07-09-2012, 06:39 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Gentleman Jack View Post
ms elizabeth,

First, I agree that she should be able to set her own rules and ask anything she wants to ask. And I do understand the request from your perspective. And I understand that others have provided that information. However, others have made mistakes and I don't want to repeat them.

Second, I did offer both my NYS driver's license and my passport in order to prove my identity.

Also, no matter what information is exchanged, I believe that both parties incur some measure of risk. It's inherent in the way we meet initially and it's inherent in what we are doing. You can't eliminate it by knowing where I work and I can't eliminate it by knowing where you live. In fact, through my IDs, you would know where I live as well, Furthermore. I contacted her through this site and used my only (unblocked) phone, so she has another way to verify my identity.

Your didn't originally explain that you volunteered to provide your license and passport, but...

I would not accept a scan or cell phone pic of someone's license or passport. First, I have no way of knowing that the person emailing me is actually the person on the license or passport. Second, if you were LE you would have access to fake ID's used in other vice stings.

In either scenario, by accepting a license or passport for screening I would not know until it was too late.

By knowing that your name is "John Smith" and you work at "Company XYZ" I can then google "John Smith Company XYZ". If you are the business owner, an executive, sales rep, etc. there is more than likely going to be information about you on the internet or you will have a LinkedIn profile. I will also find out if the company you claim to work for doesn't exist. I will also be able to call the main umber and hear your name on the employee directory or call your direct number and hear your outgoing voice mail greeting.

After knowing that "John Smith" is indeed a real person and not LE I would still want to speak with him to verify that it is indeed him and not someone claiming to be him who has contacted me. If I have spoken with him at his place of employment I will already know. If I have only heard his office voicemail, whether speaking to him on an unlisted landline or anonymous cell phone I will know if the voices match.

So now that you know why from a providers perspective ID's are useless for screening and employer information is preferred, I will agree with your comment about risk. However, as I explained in my original reply if you have given me your employer information and I have used it to verify your identity then I am going to feel safe in assuming that our meeting will have the lowest degree of risk associated with the circumstances under which we will be doing so.

My question for you would be:

Why are you unconcerned about and willing to provide your license or passport but concerned about and unwilling to provide your employer information?
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Old 07-09-2012, 08:25 AM   #29
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For me it's all about being comfortable. I try my best to do research. I will only see ladies that are a member of a verification service. I read reviews, reviews, reviews. I am semi-retired, and do my limited work from home. My company is located 150 miles away, I get there maybe once a month. I have never had to give out that info.

I am a member of two verification services, I believe both have served me well. I guess I was lucky my first time as the lady invited me after a phone conversation, from there I have built goodwill via the services.

I have not yet had a problem and crossing my fingers hope never to have one. Being on my best behavior and respecting the lady has worked for me.
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Old 07-09-2012, 12:09 PM   #30
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This is all pretty simple for me. I use ECCIE, and I only see people that I have met on here or who know other people that I know on here.

The main reason is because of what JB said earlier - you cannot predict how someone will behave in the future. So I will never give any identifiable personal info to anyone in the "hobby." No exceptions.

With this site, I can figure out who I want to see and then approach them. Many times, just being known on here is good enough, along with a reference or two. If someone needs more than that.... I just don't need to see them that badly.

I know it is not that easy for Providers. They get approached by people who are not from ECCIE or are not otherwise known, and they have to be careful while making a living. I am not offended that they would want something more, like photo ID or place of work. But I'm not ever providing that. And I will not get angry if they will not see me because of it.
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