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Old 07-03-2012, 12:23 AM   #31
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These providers think its OK to NCNS, Noon is not early morning ladies

To the OP, Time to start thinking with the big head, fool me once shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you, fool me three times, post an alert on eccie. lol
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Old 07-03-2012, 04:53 AM   #32
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I had not read the last remark written by PL where she's speaking to other providers, and I quote, "...if you want to know about this guy, email me...". I wonder what lies PL will make up, sunce she never got to know me...OUR DATE NEVER OCURRED, REMEMER!. And PL knows quite well that I was always a gentleman...always respectful in our communications. Unfortunately, this statement speaks volumes of her character. She may be beautiful on the outside, but what's inside may need some work.
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Old 07-03-2012, 08:22 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by MissPriscillaLyn View Post
Hotamale has been trying to see me for some time. He insisted on Early morning appointments, while I tried to accommodate him, against my better judgment. I don't do mornings well, I normally do not want any calls before noon and prefer none before 1. Each time he told me he would contact me an hour in advance before he started to come see me being sure I was up. If he had done that which I know he did, he would have known in advance I was not going to make it. Each time I apologized to him and each time he threatened to write a bad review if I did not agree to see him with a discount and if I did he would write this outstanding review of his time with me. The last time when I did not make it I called him and wanted to reimburse him for his gasoline and time. He then comes back to me with the same line I really want to see you with a big discount and I make $XXX.XX per hour and you wasted my time and the only way you can make it up to me is to see you and again the promise that I would receive this great review from you. I did not respond because your method of operation of trying to intimidate me into seeing you at a discounted price has worn out it's welcome. I looked at most of the reviews you have written they certainly do not classify by me as great reviews and most of the girls you reviewed were lower rate girls. I believe you try to bargain and negotiate a lower price by using a bad review as your weapon. Sorry but you are on my permanent do not see list when you sent your last PM to me. That is why I didn't respond to you. To the ladies of ECCIE if you want to know anything more about this guy please feel free to email me.
Sorry for yet another rebuttal reply (hoping this is the last one) of PL's message. She said she apologized each time...couldn't b further from the truth (she apologized 2 days after the first mishap, n only after i requested an explanation for NC/NS) in fact she poked fun at the fact she overslept the second time n was sarcastic when I said "she's batting 1000", her response was "...lol, thats cool...". In Addition, she said she called me to offer pay-back for the last instant...she ended up calling me but by mistake, she was trying to get a hold of a client for a date (how ironic, only chance of speaking w/ PL is by wrong numer).
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Old 07-03-2012, 08:44 AM   #34
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Just get over it dude and let it go. According to Tom51, she has a kid, and still hates the mornings.....That's all you need to know.

If she can't wake up at a normal hour for her own kiddo, what the fuck makes you think she wants to wake up to suck and fuck before noon? She's 19, what did you expect?

You guys kill me with that shit. You expect kids to act like adults. If you pick a teeny bopper, don't bitch when she acts like one.
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Old 07-03-2012, 10:19 AM   #35
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And Tom51 and hotamale, I have zero clue whether my previous post was out of line. Both of you guys need to learn what paragraphs and sentence structure means....For all I know, you both may have made completely valid points but I'm way too old to read 4th grade writing.

I apologize if there was any validity in your posts and I sounded like a jerk off.

And 69er, I have no clue whether you were joking, but if not, learn how to spell "sentence" when correcting a person's grammar.
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Old 07-03-2012, 01:01 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by MissPriscillaLyn View Post
Hotamale has been trying to see me for some time. He insisted on Early morning appointments, while I tried to accommodate him, against my better judgment. I don't do mornings well, I normally do not want any calls before noon and prefer none before 1. Each time he told me he would contact me an hour in advance before he started to come see me being sure I was up. If he had done that which I know he did, he would have known in advance I was not going to make it. Each time I apologized to him and each time he threatened to write a bad review if I did not agree to see him with a discount and if I did he would write this outstanding review of his time with me. The last time when I did not make it I called him and wanted to reimburse him for his gasoline and time. He then comes back to me with the same line I really want to see you with a big discount and I make $XXX.XX per hour and you wasted my time and the only way you can make it up to me is to see you and again the promise that I would receive this great review from you. I did not respond because your method of operation of trying to intimidate me into seeing you at a discounted price has worn out it's welcome. I looked at most of the reviews you have written they certainly do not classify by me as great reviews and most of the girls you reviewed were lower rate girls. I believe you try to bargain and negotiate a lower price by using a bad review as your weapon. Sorry but you are on my permanent do not see list when you sent your last PM to me. That is why I didn't respond to you. To the ladies of ECCIE if you want to know anything more about this guy please feel free to email me.
(reminder, appointments were scheduled for noon, and her profile states 1st appointment at 11am). I apologize again for yet another comment. I guess I had not fully ready PL reply message in detail. Unbelievable!...she leaves me hanging 3 times (but I do take some of the blame), then she tries to make me out as the bad guy...She uses terms like 'threatening' and 'intimidation'...now tell me hobbyists/who in their right mind would schedule, then re-schedule, and re-schedule yet again with someone of this character? Someone pushy and intimidating?...I would have been the first to advise her to stay away from such a guy. This things she said about me are untruths, did not happen. She's trying to make herself as the victim. On the 'bad review' issue, how can you report a bad review of something that did not happen?...only thing I said was I considering writing a NC/NS report (which was very warranted)...would this make be a bad person? For reporting this scenario? I suggested that if she was willing to make it up to me (at a slight discount ($50), yes I did say this as other providers normally offer)...I would write a review and state how she went out of her way to make things right...to amend things. Doing something like this by a provider shows a lot of character/class and responsibility...it would be someone I would want to meet. It is only in this context that I was explaining to her the 'great review'...because it would be that, of someone very responsible. And to top it off, she wants to make me a bad guy before other providers with her comment "...if you want to know about this guy, email me"; what arrogance...she didn't even meet me yet she's trying to be judgmental about me...sorry to say, but this displays a reflection of her...so be careful guys.
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Old 07-03-2012, 01:16 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
And Tom51 and hotamale, I have zero clue whether my previous post was out of line. Both of you guys need to learn what paragraphs and sentence structure means....For all I know, you both may have made completely valid points but I'm way too old to read 4th grade writing.

I apologize if there was any validity in your posts and I sounded like a jerk off.

And 69er, I have no clue whether you were joking, but if not, learn how to spell "sentence" when correcting a person's grammar.
Hey Lucas, looks like ur taking a shot , but it doesn't bother me. N you are right, seeking to meet up w/ real young ones has its risks...so beleive me, I've learned a valuable lesson. And yes, I'm over it...I sincerely was only trying to shed some light on PL (for the hobbyists). And the only reason I kept posting is because I don't like it when someone spreads lies about me and tries to make me out as the bad guy...

Another positive thing that came out of this is all the feedback...positive and negative. I love Eccie!
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Old 07-03-2012, 01:41 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
And 69er, I have no clue whether you were joking, but if not, learn how to spell "sentence" when correcting a person's grammar.
I did it to see if he would notice the error, and prove that my guess regarding the content was wrong. He didn't, so I'll assume my guess was valid.
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Old 07-03-2012, 07:01 PM   #39
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69er- Did not know we were more concerned about grammar and writing edicate but rather the subject itself. You must be an english professor which i could care less about. I save my proper grammar and edicate for my clients that pay me $350 an hour and higher. You have experienced my eccie "who give a shit grammar just get the point across". When it comes to challenging an issue for a paying client so I can enjoy time with a beautiful provider and live the life style I live, then I give a SHIT! Want to write a thesis, pick a topic I got A's in college! Enough said about the unknowing.
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Old 07-03-2012, 07:25 PM   #40
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And one other thing, if you have noticed there has been no further comments from PL about this like I said because she is in the wrong. Cannot tell you how many 7:00 a.m. conversations and texts I have had with her in the past when she first started as a provider so HT you are right, noon is not early for her and I will not waist any more time on this topic I might get sent to the principal's office by grammar monitor 69er.
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Old 07-04-2012, 04:06 PM   #41
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Oh the drama
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Old 07-05-2012, 10:53 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by HighwayMan View Post
Oh the drama
Yeah...and some of these people provided very detailed explanation like they are on a murder trial. It's just an NCNS...someone's flaky, didn't show up. Nobody died for heaven's sake! I would've moved on a long time ago if I were the guy.
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Old 07-05-2012, 11:27 AM   #43
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Samantha, you're applying reason to a situation inherently bereft of it. Not to mention we would lose the entertainment value if everyone was reasonable.
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Old 07-05-2012, 11:28 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by samantha thom View Post
Yeah...and some of these people provided very detailed explanation like they are on a murder trial. It's just an NCNS...someone's flaky, didn't show up. Nobody died for heaven's sake! I would've moved on a long time ago if I were the guy.

+ 1 Eccie's not Grand Opera (or this thread isn't) but it is pretty interesting drama.
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Old 07-05-2012, 11:43 AM   #45
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Default My advice, worth what you paid for it

Generic advice, not limited to or targeted at any one individual, since in most cases I don't know the parties involved or what really happened.
  1. "Early," like just about everything else in P4P, is in the eye of the beholder.
  2. "Extortion" is in the eye of the beholder.
  3. Nothing wrong with writing a legitimate NCNS report [not "review"].
  4. Nothing wrong with writing a glowing review for a great makeup session, including commending her for volunteering appropriate compensation for past problems with TCB.
  5. It is almost always (and I debated leaving out the "almost") a bad idea to announce to a lady ahead of time your intentions re: 3 or 4.
To elucidate a bit on #5: Such announcements are easily interpreted, by her and others who hear about it, as at least improper pressure/coercion. [I might not call it "extortion," but some people do use that term for such pressure/coercion.] Whatever your intent, a reasonable observer may question your purpose in making such an announcement ahead of time. What were you trying to accomplish by telling her what you intended to do? Exert pressure for some compensation for the NCNS, in order to avoid an NCNS report? Exert pressure for a discount, in order to get that glowing review, trading on the supposed value of your review? Even if you believe that both of those are legitimate actions, many people find them distasteful in the particular context of P4P and reviews.

Tell her you're upset about NCNS or missed appointments, or that you're hoping to have a really good time with her. Go ahead and post the NCNS report or glowing review as appropriate. Just don't hang that possibility over her head in advance.
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