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Old 06-29-2012, 07:50 PM   #1
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Default Bullshit lies and a possible psycho bitch!

Hey there guys and you sexy gals, some of you may not know me and that's good in a world like this that's the last thing I want.

I come to you today mainly to the gals but also to address those "guys" and "gals" who have made up some Bullshit lies about me. I feel I must point out some things before I continue.

1. My last session in this world was on 05/04/12. I have records

2. The Next day i had my account disabled and went of the grid. Staff can confirm this

3. I have been in California for the past 2 months. i have records but they will reveal RW things

I was in chat earlier today (06/29/12) I did my regular thing and commented on a certain providers pics (since I'm half decent i won't reveal who it was) she approached me and we began chatting a few more pics from her and she had my full attention, she asked me about my refs but seeing as I'm still in California it made no sense in sharing such info, i made it know to her I would not be able to see her if I did since i was in California. I let her know that I didn't do refs since I had p411 apparently she doesn't know what that was and she doesn't have one. Our conversation stopped and i continued to chat with friends and other providers. After awhile she replied and said my refs didn't' check-out, booo :/.

I asked her what she meant, I told her how could you check my refs if I haven't given you any refs to check? she replied that she knew people who knew people. she asked me if she could ask me a question about one of my refs? i said sure...... She told me that that certain ref said...........

I was abusive, I choked her, pulled her hair, and even went ass to puss!

Now with 6 p411 ok's and 14 reviews, it's very hard to have seen those providers if such lies were true??? it doesn't take a village to figure that out?

Now when I'm trying to get back in the game I come to this bullshit, which I'm sure was crafted and perpetrated by certain provider who was revealed in the ML, but that all your getting from me.

When I asked who this provider was she said she was not gonna tell me I dropped her a name and she didn't reply for a good minute, and all that she was gonna say was that the people she knows "mods" and other "girls" agreed with the accusations.

I come to all future providers that I wish to meet in the near future that what ever is said or is already said whether it been in the powder room or via another method is pure BULLSHIT and LIES. what ever reason this group of people may have to say or agree with this lie, I wish they could let it be know in this thread. it will never happen but if it does i would like to know what can you possibly gain from agreeing or lying about me?

and to those lovely ladies who have seen me, I hope you can help clear my name.. because I'm not getting a handle change cause that will just proof that I have something to hide which I don't!


Dark out
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Old 06-29-2012, 09:59 PM   #2
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My experience with you was nothing but very pleasurable. In fact, I find you gentle in nature. Enjoying your company more than once is a hope I have.
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Old 06-29-2012, 10:59 PM   #3
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I feel your pain man. Some crazy put an alert on me as well. I too have heard of the "I'm friends with mods." and "I know alot of people" routine. But what messed her up in her alert is how long her and I knew of and saw eachother. Almost a year in fact. So I must have not been that bad to have kept seeing me for that long. You have one lady who has spoken up for you. I think thats great. I have no references to give or that I would care to give. I have seen too much cattiness and drama, even from the ones that say they will be a "good" reference for me. I think some women see past that and do realize that some ladies have a tendancy to act like that and ignore it. Keep your head up and don't let it bother you. You already have a good start with a woman going to bat for you. Just my opinion.
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Old 06-30-2012, 02:14 AM   #4
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Im sorry you are haveing to put up with this kinda behavior it seems like every day
there is more and more drama!! Its really a shame we are all adults or so I thought!!!!
Please dont let 1 bad apple discourage you from haveing fun with such providers as
Miss Brie shes a sweetie!!!!!!
Good Luck, Jaci
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Old 06-30-2012, 05:51 AM   #5
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Ignore it or call her by name and light that bitch up right here.

I find it amusing she told you chat mods confirmed anything. Wild guess, you've never been naked with a chat mod have you mr. dark?

Chat mods are like volunteer greeters at the fucking walmart.
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Old 06-30-2012, 07:17 AM   #6
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Not calling you a liar - please understand that.

Just - even though a person has xyz reputation on "paper" here... doesn't mean that they can't and don't try to get away with bullshit. Having this rep to hide behind and use as proof is a dangerous thing. Ladies always need to cover their asses...

If a gent is trying to see me, and I ask him for information... when he refuses to give me basics, that sets off an alarm. I would totally go dig deeper and harder because well, why the fuck not.

I hope she was just mistaken. I hope you get your name cleared if there isn't anything really there behind her accusations.
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Old 06-30-2012, 08:01 AM   #7
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Default Bullshit Lies and PSYCHOS................

to address those "guys" and "gals" who have made up some Bullshit lies about me

UNFORTUNATELY, this is going to happen to you and everyone else with all the immature people out there. In fact, it happened to me as of late. I could care less. All the cut throats will show themselves in time. No need to worry. They come and go faster than you can blink an eye.

References too are a big part of the screening process for me. Any friend of Brie's is a friend of mine

In the meantime, chin up and move forward.
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Old 06-30-2012, 08:53 AM   #8
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I gotta go with Ze on this one.

I pay attention to what kind of language a guy uses when he posts. If he uses words like psycho, crazies or calls women bitches, then I tend stay away from that kind of guys. THIS is abusive language to the tee!!!

And Monk Monk. Why should he "light" this chick up? It is a "he said she said kind of situation" and if he "lights her up" he would be doing the same thing he is upset about and he would make himself look like a drama monger. To me, that kind of statement is a SERIOUS RED flag! Why add more drama into drama? Super spooky if you ask me!
If he is a victim of "bullshit and lies" the best way is to handle it in a clam mature manner or let it blow over. But "lighting" this chick up will just make him look just as bad or worse then the chick! AWFULl advice there Monk Monk!

Colby DFW's gave AWESOME advice. Chin up and move forward. ;-)

Any who....whatever is happening, I hope the truth comes out soon. If she is a liar, trust me, it will come out on it's own....

This too shall pass!!!!
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Old 06-30-2012, 09:10 AM   #9
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Note my first option
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Old 06-30-2012, 09:12 AM   #10
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I guess, I need a soft paddle on the bum.

Sorry Monk Monk.
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Old 06-30-2012, 10:33 AM   #11
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Hey Colby..what are you on about? I thought everybody already KNEW!!!

(Just kiddin'. You're the nicest psycho I've ever met)
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Old 06-30-2012, 10:54 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by MrDark View Post
I was abusive, I choked her, pulled her hair, and even went ass to puss!

Dark out
Other than the abusive part it all sounds like a fine time. You'll have to name her! I wouldn't want to waste the time of someone with so little imagination! ;-)
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Old 06-30-2012, 11:00 AM   #13
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Default "light her up"

I suggest let it be known who she is, I'm sure she has pulled this stunt before and will continue to do it as long as she can get away with it.

The reputation on "paper" here has to mean something or why even come in here? I also agree if a client refuses to provide with the basics dig some more!

I have met a few disturbed providers in the past, I have witnessed drug use and crazy talk, I stayed quite, went on my way and never returned. Put jealousy on top of that and it leads to "DRAMA" in here.
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Old 06-30-2012, 11:08 AM   #14
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I would like to first apologize to all the ladies who were offended by my poor choice of words, they were raunchy, low class and well just uncalled for. i know better than that, I guess being caught up in the heat of the moment clouded my better judgement, but that's no excuse.

As for moving forward oh it's done I felt I should just point this out before anymore lies are made up.

The Psycho provider part was just to point out that another provider was involved in the lies that were told to X provider, and guess what?? that provider is now gone! Funny how things work out don't they? but I guess what she intended in doing is done.

As for screening process oh believe me I'm cautious and do digging of my own and I will always provide any information that is asked for, I want both parties to be as comfortable as possible.

Moving forward and chin up.

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Old 06-30-2012, 11:11 AM   #15
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That is the spirit MrDark!!!!

NOW that is showing YOUR TRUE CLASS there!!!

Enjoy and keep moving forward!

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