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Old 06-29-2012, 04:06 PM   #16
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
That's the quote that cost Goldwater the election,or helped anyway. I think the other half was moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue. Johnson was able to portray Goldwater as a dangerous extremist. LBJ ran as the peace candidate!

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Old 06-29-2012, 04:08 PM   #17
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When you're in a recession, you might need some deficit spending to jump start the economy while the private sector recovers and the economy can continue to grow organically. The problem is, once the economy is going again, you need to cut back on spending and pay down debt. What both parties forget is that in good times you save for the bad times. They spend like there is no tomorrow in both good and bad times and here we are. I will bet you anything that if Mitt wins (and I hope he wins just to prove my point), the debt will continue to grow but he'll just blame Obama for it. I truly believe we're well on our way to reaching $25-$30T in national debt no matter what party is in power. Government spending the size of the US is like a freight train trying to stop in 100 feet. It's like you lose your job - you have no income, so you need to "deficit" spend or you don't get to support your household, but once employed, you have to save again and pay down any debt you incurred while unemployed. I personally don't like neither party because both parties put party before people, so I can't side with any particular party.

An independent party is very feasible, but we need to get the independents to stop voting Democrat/Republican and let those parties keep their base. Neither party can win elections with just their base, and once you have an independent party that makes sense for America you'll see that the people that are not on the extremes will leave the establishment parties.
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Old 06-29-2012, 04:09 PM   #18
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Thank you WW! I guess my ghost writes my posts!
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Old 06-29-2012, 04:20 PM   #19
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by icuminpeace View Post
When you're in a recession, you might need some deficit spending to jump start the economy while the private sector recovers and the economy can continue to grow organically. The problem is, once the economy is going again, you need to cut back on spending and pay down debt. What both parties forget is that in good times you save for the bad times. They spend like there is no tomorrow in both good and bad times and here we are. I will bet you anything that if Mitt wins (and I hope he wins just to prove my point), the debt will continue to grow but he'll just blame Obama for it. I truly believe we're well on our way to reaching $25-$30T in national debt no matter what party is in power. Government spending the size of the US is like a freight train trying to stop in 100 feet. It's like you lose your job - you have no income, so you need to "deficit" spend or you don't get to support your household, but once employed, you have to save again and pay down any debt you incurred while unemployed. I personally don't like neither party because both parties put party before people, so I can't side with any particular party.

An independent party is very feasible, but we need to get the independents to stop voting Democrat/Republican and let those parties keep their base. Neither party can win elections with just their base, and once you have an independent party that makes sense for America you'll see that the people that are not on the extremes will leave the establishment parties.
I actually agree with much of your post. The idea of increasing government spending during a recession and decreasing in the recovery is what John Maynard Keynes advocated, as I understand it. The so called Keynesians (like Obama) forget about paying off the debt, run up in the downturn, when the economy recovers. The Libs justify increased spending in recessions to help the poor, who suffer more in a downturn. Then, when the economy recovers, the Libs say there's no excuse not to spend more on social welfare because we have plenty, and we must share. Consequently, there's never a good time to cut spending.
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Old 06-29-2012, 04:25 PM   #20
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if theres never a good time to cut spending then theres never a good time to cut revenue
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Old 06-29-2012, 04:26 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
That's the quote that cost Goldwater the election,or helped anyway. I think the other half was moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue. Johnson was able to portray Goldwater as a dangerous extremist. LBJ ran as the peace candidate!

It didn't cost him the election, he didn't have a chance. Sentiment for Kennedy guaranteed Johnson the win. Even though Johnson was not qualified to scrub shit off Kennedy's shoes.

In my heart, I knew he was right.
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Old 06-29-2012, 04:26 PM   #22
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Some people like Ron Paul, and I do too, but what scares me about him is that he claims he can cut government spending by $1T in his first year. First, that's bullshit, the president doesn't control the budget. Second, take out $1T of government spending in a fragile economy and you'll be in a deep recession. How many private sector jobs are created with government spending? All the defense companies, service companies, pretty much every major corporation in the US is a supplier to the government. Believe it or not, not all the budget goes into salaries of bureaucrats and social programs. The government buys goods and services that the private sector provides. Take that money out of the equation, and you'll have a lot of unemployed people - both government and private sector, reduced profits for corporations and a major market crash as everyone panics and pulls their money out of the market.
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Old 06-29-2012, 05:58 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by icuminpeace View Post
Some people like Ron Paul, and I do too, but what scares me about him is that he claims he can cut government spending by $1T in his first year. First, that's bullshit, the president doesn't control the budget. Second, take out $1T of government spending in a fragile economy and you'll be in a deep recession. ...
Nah, that's just two GSA training retreats and few in-office lunches.
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Old 06-29-2012, 06:07 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
Congress should not be allowed to pass a new tax but call it something else so that the public is fooled. That allows Congress to be deceptive which violates the public trust.
A rose by any other name....

The mandate is exactly the same thing today as it was two days ago. I think people had/have a very thorough understanding of what the mandate is all about. Nobody was fooled about anything.
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Old 06-29-2012, 06:08 PM   #25
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I agree with Roberts; it is a tax, but it is overreaching for the SCOTUS to change the wording of legislation. By changing the wording, I believe the SCOTUS is behaving unconstitutionally. There are two checks. One change the law or impeach and debench the justice/s.

Originally Posted by icuminpeace View Post
Alright, I'll play nice. Let's start with the fact that I'm not new here. Had to cancel my old account for personal reasons, but always enjoy reading the Sandbox. I don't like Democrats or Republicans. I'm dead center, extremes are always bad regardless (extreme drinking, extreme smoking, extreme eating, extreme partying, and yes, extreme politics are bad for you too). Both sides have 10% positive, 90% negative, and can't even figure out a way to take the 10% positive and make it work for the rest of America.

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Old 06-29-2012, 06:26 PM   #26
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
I agree with Roberts; it is a tax, but it is overreaching for the SCOTUS to change the wording of legislation. By changing the wording, I believe the SCOTUS is behaving unconstitutionally. There are two checks. One change the law or impeach and debench the justice/s.

Federal judges have only been removed from the bench eight times in American history. One of the impeached and removed judges is Alcee Hastings. The House of Representatives voted to impeach him with a 413 to 3 vote in 1988; he was then removed from the bench by the Senate. He later avoided a criminal conviction by getting off on a technicality.

Five years later, Alcee Hastings was elected to Congress as a Democrat. He is in office today. It seems, that in some congressional districts, a criminal record is seen as a resume enhancement.

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Old 06-29-2012, 06:32 PM   #27
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Do you people not understand the concept behind interpretation of laws?

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
I agree with Roberts; it is a tax, but it is overreaching for the SCOTUS to change the wording of legislation.
It's overreaching for the SCOTUS to change the wording if it materially changes what the law does or doesn't do.

If that's what they did, you'd have a point. It's not. You don't.

By changing the wording, I believe the SCOTUS is behaving unconstitutionally.
You're becoming absurd.
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Old 06-29-2012, 08:53 PM   #28
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Exclamation Wise Ruling

It was a wise ruling by the Supreme Court.

Honestly, I was beginning to lose faith in the Supreme Court after the fiasco they created in deciding to rule in favor of Bush in Bush Vs Gore when Gore had won the popular vote.

This ruling was really an excruciating and very drawn out process, but in the end, the court finally got this one right even though John Roberts had to step in and cast the swing vote when everyone thought the swing vote would be Kennedy.

But damn!
Does it really take 193 pages to render a decision?

. . . The entire United States Constitution was written in only about 90 pages!
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Old 06-29-2012, 09:38 PM   #29
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Default A "few" pages shy of 90 pages.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post
It was a wise ruling by the Supreme Court.

Honestly, I was beginning to lose faith in the Supreme Court after the fiasco they created in deciding to rule in favor of Bush in Bush Vs Gore when Gore had won the popular vote.

This ruling was really an excruciating and very drawn out process, but in the end, the court finally got this one right even though John Roberts had to step in and cast the swing vote when everyone thought the swing vote would be Kennedy.

But damn!
Does it really take 193 pages to render a decision?

. . . The entire United States Constitution was written in only about 90 pages!
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Old 06-29-2012, 09:57 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
You're the one in Austin. My theory is 80 to 20 (communist to socialist). Apparently, there's something in the water. If I have to go through Austin, I keep my windows rolled up, and don't get off I35.
try the toll way, it is much faster
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