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A Question of Legality Post your legal questions here (general, nothing of a personal nature)

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Old 06-14-2012, 02:50 PM   #1
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Default gay marriages


I know , it`s not really what one would think this section is for, but I have a few questions regarding gay marriages versus regular marriages.

There are some countries (Argentina, Portugal, some parts of the USA, etc) who legalized gay marriage as opposed to others who made civil union possible.

My question is: Do the gay marriages in Argentina hold the same rights like the hetero marriages? Does anyone know about this. I was having an argument with someone who tried to present to me that some countries are so superior in gay and LGBT matters because they allow "marriages" and austrians don`t allow gay people to marry.

My aegument was that - as far as I know (I have talked with portuguese lawyers about that) that - some countries opened up their legislation to broaden the spectre of marriage while others made civil unions possible (etc.).

But - even if you have something like "gay marriage" I assume that also in Argentina (same as in Portugal) it is not the same in case of rights like the typical hetero marriage is.

Which means aspects of immigration, child adoption, financial matters etc.
I`d be honestly surprised if there was a country where it is really equal.

Is any of you guys familiar with the legal aspects of gay marriage in these countries (specially argentina). Muito obrigada

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Old 06-21-2012, 08:25 AM   #2
Jewish Lawyer
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Gay marriage is a very disgusting idea. Lesbian marriage - I'm all for that!
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Old 06-21-2012, 04:46 PM   #3
Nia Love
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That comment is kind of disgusting... Just sayin.
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Old 06-27-2012, 04:43 AM   #4
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In the USA, some states are allowing gay/lesbian unions. I have some friends that have done the civil union path, and am friends with one lesbian couple that had a child with the help of the sperm bank. They are great parents.

Though civil unions are frequently protested in the USA. The civil union is a termed used to enable a union so it is legal, and is more accurate term.

The US declaration of independence states "the right to pursue happiness" as basic human right, and although I am at times conservative, support G/L unions under this most basic human right. I lean to libertarian views. My conservative view still thinks of the word marriage in the historical context as a man/woman perspective, and prefer to call G/L union a civil union. The civil union should contain the same level of rights and privileges extended to marriage, in civil and legal relations, and in some states does.

(It is becoming an irony in the USA that those who liberal, are actually becoming more socialist and Marxist in thinking. Although the liberals are fighting more for G/L issues, they are also fighting against libertarian views such as free speech. Try writing or say an opinion in the USA that is against the current liberal world view, watch how that person will be hated, threatened, and lawsuits fly.)

The company I work for recognizes civil unions and allows for benefits extended to a same sex partner, as it would any traditional spouse, and I think that is great, more companies should do so.

I am not aware of how things would work in Argentina.
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