Originally Posted by SexiLexi333
So, I was reading on another posting that sometimes hotels will google your cell number to find out if you are a provider or not.
Well, I did that and what do you know...there is my number and pics that I had placed in a BP ad a month ago.
I know what you are going to tell me, BP is the devil, but I needed some quick cash! Now, I see why BP is so wrong but I still need to use it because of an upcoming tour. I just don't want my info to be sold and used by others without my permission.
I take it that you are saying you Google searched your phone number and thus discovered that your pictures and phone number were copied from BP and posted on another site.
Originally Posted by SexiLexi333
I do have a cash phone that I use just for the hobby. I was just shocked to see my pics on a site that I did not place there myself nor give approval of their use! It feels like a violation. I only used the post for one day then removed it once obsolete.
Thanks for all your help and suggestions. Just wish there was something I could do to remove the info.
It is a violation and there are things you can do.
I can't really give a blanket answer about getting pictures or other information removed from a site that has copied it without permission. It really just depends on which site did it.
If you took the pictures yourself then you own them and the copyright to them. If someone else took them, paid or otherwise, it gets a little more complicated. You basically need whoever it was to sign ownership and copyright over to you. (This is something you should always check when getting pictures taken by someone.) In many cases though with copied or stolen pictures it doesn't ever even get to the point of having to really prove your ownership. Often just contacting the site and declaring that they have copied and stolen your pictures and are thus violating your copyright is enough to get them to take the pictures down.
The same goes for advertising text. If you created the text yourself and then caused it to be published either in printed or electronic form you own that text and the copyright.
There is a specific legal format under the DMCA you need to follow to really enforce the copyrights. Often though just through an initial email declaring copyright violation to a site's support or administrator the stolen works (pictures & ad text) can get taken down without going through the DMCA process.
Getting your provider phone number taken down from a site is another matter and that would pretty much be a hopeless cause. When you publish that number or an email on a public site such as BP, Eros, Eccie, it becomes public knowledge and pretty much fair game to posted wherever anybody chooses.
I will repeat it is NOT hopeless to get your stolen pictures or ad text taken down from a website. It just depends on which site did it and how hard you are willing to push things.