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Old 06-10-2012, 09:01 PM   #31
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Ah, ok. Yeah I was talking about the J guy.

As for the real OP, his story doesn't really make sense (for multiple reasons), so I'm gonna err on the side of believing Sarah. I am glad he made this thread, though. It's nice to see people's ideas about consent and body autonomy right here, clear as day.
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Old 06-10-2012, 09:28 PM   #32
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Well that reply was mostly directed toward Santa and had sarcasm in it.
I didn't mean in any way that a man is gay if he won't rape a woman. I meant that if a woman can't get the shit fucked out of her ,then she doesn't need to be in this business. I didn't mean that if she can't take being raped.
My reply was directed toward what Santa said about how men want to fuck the shit out of a woman. I just remember coming up being called gay if you weren't in agreeance when seeing a sexy or fine chic and not saying that you'd fuck the shit out of her.
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Old 06-10-2012, 10:03 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by LilRed View Post
I went and took a look and it was the post in the ladies room that was made 3 minutes before the review was posted. Then this thread was started 28 hours later.
So.... just to be clear.... you're not implying that three minutes was enough time to...
1) be leaked-told about the Private Ladies Room comments
2) then construct and post a fairly full-detailed review, in response

... are you?

Thanks to BoDilly , Lil Red , and Lea for beating me to the punch in pointing out Annie's OP comment mistake.

It's pretty apparent (to me, at least) that some opinions here are purely gender biased... both male and female. Annie's chosen support appears to be based solely on Provider Allegiance... guess I can understand that... but it doesn't hold much weight in convincing me. Lexi's (and other providers who have "actually met the guy", and have stated their support) kinda carry more weight in convincing me.

I am simply basing my opinions on the longer established, more often confirmed , longtime local hobby player , multi-time-proven, good reputation, of the two involved. The other already has a fairly well proven reputation for deception and mis-representation in advertisement.... go figure!

The OP's mention of "lie detector confirmation" is pretty interesting.... wonder how the "accuser" feels about that?
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Old 06-10-2012, 11:15 PM   #34
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We had a situation in S Texas. A provider accused a dawg of steeling her money - she did it in an OPEN forum. The story turned out to be true! I question Sarah's veracity partly because she couldn't take it to an open forum.

To Annie - the use of pronouns as subjects needs to be preceded by something that clarifies the subject's identity!
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Old 06-10-2012, 11:16 PM   #35
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Nothing i can say will prove my innocence in this matter . If i had really raped a chic do you think i would posted in a public forum for all to c and incriminate myself if she pressed charges . I will say this i learned a valuable lesson some women in this world are really messed up in the head . We chatted for 45 minutes and over and over she would tell me i dont even know why i am in this world or for that matter why i am even alive . she said she wasnt gonna be in this line of work long long enough to ruin my hobbying . I will say again we had maybe 15 minutes of sex mish and bbj . We did talk about greek but she said she didnt want to do it cuz a guy had hurt her the night before so i asked if she was down with 69 she agreed thats when i saw the red bumps all over her ass and told her to get off she asked why i told her she got disgrutled i told her it was time to go paid her and walked to the door . she asked me if i was gonna write a bad review i told honestly you have issues going on that warrants a bad review . With that said lil red she was staying on seigen 10 minutes from my house i took a quick shower started my review . It was the next morning before work that i checked my emails called the ladies found out what was said then i called p411 and left a message because my id was being posted in a public forum which could cause other ladies harm if it got into the hands of the law. Lil red i run a bussiness 7 days a week when i got in from work i posted 28 hrs or whatever you say later in the coed section so everyone could have there say on the matter . I have nothing to prove to anyone on this site nor could i if i tried my reputation is ruined here and on p411 by a lady thats been a member for two weeks . TO sarah i know you are reading this and laughing your ass off go to the law press charges i will tell them i met you at a bar nothing about this hobby will be brought up and we will see what happens next dont hide behind you accusations make them real. I also owe stick an apology sorry for blaming you remove my name from this community this is my last posting . THanks to all that have posted on the issue even the ones that are against me only three people know what went on me her and the good lord above and i think i got a leg to stand on with the lord.
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Old 06-11-2012, 06:30 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by MrGiz View Post
So.... just to be clear.... you're not implying that three minutes was enough time to...
1) be leaked-told about the Private Ladies Room comments
2) then construct and post a fairly full-detailed review, in response
Come on. You suggested that her accusation came after the review when you posted an assummed time line. I was simply giving you the correct time the threads were posted. Trying to make me look like I was suggesting that three minutes to retaliate is what happened is kinda silly don't you think.

Alupinit.... I have never picked sides on this issue. I only stated my opinion of the OVERALL thread and comments. The comment of the 28 hours was, as I said, simply stating the time that the threads were started.

There have been some really scary things said in this thread about how women should be treated just because they are in the business. References of being held down, taking a good fucking, using force, or men thinking that the woman should do whatever the client wants just because he is paying for it no matter how the provider may feel, etc.

People are saying who they think is right or wrong based soley on the fact that they met someone once or they have been on the board for yada yada time. The fact is we have no idea who the people behind these handles REALLY are. I know the LilRed I play on here and the LilRed everyone meets in the hobby is NOT the same person I am in my RL. Another example is how many wives think they know their husbands and they live with them every day? And how many of those wives husbands are in the hobby and living a double life? The point is no one ever really knows anyone do they?
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Old 06-11-2012, 06:44 AM   #37
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Lil Red.... I think your posts have consistently been the best, and least accusatory, throughout this entire thread. That's why I asked for the clarification... some people aren't quite as observant as others. I have always been very impressed with your board presence!!

"Not really knowing" someone, is all the more reason for resisting the urge to join-in on accusing them of rape!!
It's pretty obvious, that some here don't operate that way!
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:53 AM   #38
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Well there is no etiquette here as far as associations amongst hobbyists and providers. I remember the rule of, you call, pay, and bye. Then, you may send an email, text, or a call to say thanks afterwards and it's left at that. As far as who has met who, etc... seems to violate that etiquette to the fullest, but yet it's tolerated.

If I were in the guy's position I would ask that my handle be deactivated as well. If you want my opinion of what happened, I think she knew a bad review was coming so she retaliated. He hurt her business, so she fucked him over. If writing a bad review can ruin you in this hobby, or your life, then maybe it's not worth it to participate on a review site.

Anyway, don't worry about me. I won't be seeing an ECCIE NOLA verified ladies anytime soon, if ever. If ever there is fresh blood that can avoid being taken under the wings of the elders here, or run with the clique, or get involved with the he said she said, then maybe. What happened to this guy in some way, shape, or form affects me in the hobby world.
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:55 AM   #39
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Default Wow. Reading these posts....

What a mess.

I will not take sides on what has obviously become an emotionally charged situation. For me, and me alone, I may not always have the most earth-shattering time with a lady, but I am always able to live with myself as long as I ask before doing (no matter what is stated on the "menu" or in reviews), and give the lady the benefit of the doubt in all circumstances. I get nothing but positive feedback from this.
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Old 06-11-2012, 03:23 PM   #40
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J11 - I hate to say this - but your refernence to Santa is confusing me greatly. Are you saying that the young lady posting is Santa?
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Old 06-11-2012, 06:09 PM   #41
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Default Sarahlicious online & text NOT REAL!!

Some of you may know me I am Amelia, I once worked for VCC. For "The Man". Though "The Man" has said he wanted out of the business, he is still running girls. Specifically sarahlicious & kateforyou. Though I understand that Kate has stopped working for him.

This does not change the fact that "The Man" set up both of their ECCIE accounts. Which means as a man he has access to the powder room, where he was able to post something about alupnit (Please note, I have never met alupnit, I do not know him from the average guy walking down the street). What I do know is that the person posting as Sarahlicious, is not really her, it is "The Man".

In fact when one of his girls went solo recently, one of the inquiries for her services came straight from Sarahlicious' number. Well, that's suspicious. This man, has several identities on here, and other hobbyist boards, both as men ( so he can leave reviews for his new girls) and as women, so he can post for them. Most of the time, the girls in question, have no idea what ECCIE, or P411 is, much less that they are on it, and saying the things that "The Man" is putting into their mouths.

What this man is doing and has been doing is appalling, believe me this would not be the first false story from him, as one of the girls who left his employ, he told people that she had HIV or AIDS, and that they should get checked.

I know I haven't been on here long, myself, so where do I get off saying something about someone who has been on here 2 weeks. "The Man" wouldn't let me have my own account when I worked for him. He was always afraid of something like this probably. "The Man" pretending to be sarahlicious, has no right to be on the internet or near decent people. I hope he remembers what I said to him, if I ever see him near me again.

I wrote to one of the moderators, days ago, before this happened, I think, telling them that sarahlicious was not who she claimed to be. The same can be said for kateforyou. This "man" doesn't know the truth, and spins so many lies, it hurts. Don't let it hurt you either. . .

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Old 06-11-2012, 06:42 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by CajunGent View Post
J11 - I hate to say this - but your refernence to Santa is confusing me greatly. Are you saying that the young lady posting is Santa?
What young lady? I was talking about the post by thegfegirls, which is Santa from what I know.
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:39 PM   #43
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must be an epidemic around here. maybe if the mods were not shilling themselves it would he a hell of a lot easier to out a provider for something truthful. now they are crying rape. fucking genius. i dont agree that forced services of any kind are appropriate. that post was pretty fucked up of you dude. i believe in do what you say and take what comes with it. if you short a guy or don't deliver your ass deserves a bad review and more. this is getting too easy for providers to do wtf they want and no one says a damn thing. eccie needs to clean house of some of these shills who they let run the show.
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Old 06-11-2012, 10:32 PM   #44
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Well i guess i lied last night when i said it would be my last post think i will stick around to see how good of moderators we really have on this site . Maybe outdoorsman can get his head out of nikkis ass long enough to figure out how sarahs pimp has access to the powder room. You know everything is starting to fall into place like my conversation with sarah the other night i asked about kateforu her new spinner friend she said she didnt have a new spinner friend . I showed her kateforu post in the welcome section then she stated oh i met her in the victoria secret store the other day . I asked if she was a newby she said no imagine that seems more and more like pimps do what they want on this site which brings my next question how safe are we really on this site hobbyist or providers if anybody can say they are a provider join like that . I will stick around only bc outdoorsman has stated that i must be guilty if i am running guess i need to follow my moderators lol. Thanks ameilia for reading this post and putting the real truth out there . Ameilia sent me pm earlier with her number and wanted to fill me in on saralicious its nice to know that a lady whom i never met would read the situation and fill in the empty spaces the lord works in mysterious ways.
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Old 06-11-2012, 10:46 PM   #45
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How long did they say you would be banned if you don't snitch on the provider who revealed info to you? Is it just 90 days, or is it more.
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