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Old 06-02-2012, 10:34 PM   #31
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You can't have an Iphone without a data package, or any smart phone. Sounds to me some screwing did take place here, just not the screwing he was looking for.
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Old 06-02-2012, 10:57 PM   #32
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For those who wish to compare her story with his...


Personally, the number of issues that seem to occur regularly with Mercianna, the questions about the pics, and the number of reviews of poor service...

I'm afraid that tyrion23 shot himself in the foot, with plenty of warning.

Note that this does not in my opinion absolve Mercianna in her part in this.

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Old 06-03-2012, 12:51 AM   #33
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Ladies please take note:

This is one of those instances when it is best not to rebut or post your side of the story. You got paid for doing nothing but driving out to get the money. His review was really not awful and you have done more damage than good to your reputation; one of those rare cases where bad publicity is not good publicity.

I would suggest that you ask for the thread to be closed by hitting the RTM button on the last post in this thread.
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Old 06-03-2012, 04:36 AM   #34
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RE fake photos:

Photos scattered on that page along with a former Staff member talking about her and others pointing out the horse was a new acquisition.

I tried to find the thread but I clearly recall a post by a current staff member who has met Mercianna and stated the photos in her showcase are not fake.

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Old 06-03-2012, 06:50 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Mercianna - #1 -(I don't smoke in my new car)
#2 - I do not have good enough credit to have a cellular plan with AT&T
Seems odd that one has credit for a new car but not a cellular plan. My 18 yr old daughter with nothing has had an ATT phone plan since she was 16.

Originally Posted by Lana Warren -Who was it who said....."There are no victims, just volunteers"?

Gawd dammit, I'm sick of the pissing and moaning!

If I had this many complaints, I would take a look in the mirror and fix this mess!
Lana - I Love You

Originally Posted by Early_Cuyler35 - Hmmm, that right there may have had a little something to do with it. Shouldn't using fake pics be considered a form of bait n switch? Because what's showing up at your door is not what you thought you were going to see.
It's a shame you got kicked out of Chat the other night for bringing this up. Seems whenever anyone mentions photoshop to her or in chat she gets highly upset and defensive. But getting kicked out of chat, muted, or booted is all part of earning our merit badges on Eccie. Makes it fun here.
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Old 06-03-2012, 07:30 AM   #36
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Closing the thread because its tide has turned would be a mistake. We, as adults, make decisions daily. By making those decisions we have to live by the consequences of those decisions. A SHMB is no different.
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Old 06-03-2012, 08:14 AM   #37
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I added an Iphone to my account, its 9.99 a month and no data plan. The phone was a freebie and for the 9.99 a month its my backup. Once the two year plan is done, I will sell the phone and take the money. No data plan is needed for the Iphone.

Ok back to this thread. The provider and hobbyist just did not click, it happens. You have to take the bad with the good, move on a wiser person. The hobbyist will be more careful when choosing a lady. The lady will probably have to work harder to improve her reputation.

I have seen a few ladies that had bad reviews and my time with them has been for the most part good. You are just not going to click and have chemistry with everyone on the board. But to come on the board and scream and stomp your feet and bitch will hurt more than a negative review. Just move on the time and energy you spent here did not help, it only makes you look childish and immature. Live and let live, move on, life is just too short for games and BS.
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Old 06-03-2012, 08:47 AM   #38
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You f*****g people are amazing. Each and every one of you one knows more than the next, and no one...other than the two people in the room at the time, know shit!

New car? New can mean brand new, or as I suspect in this case, new to her. The iPhone data plan know-it-all was proven wrong too.

We're not here to judge the OP's financial expertise in managing her own life, or whether rebutting a review is a good idea...rather, the OP wanted to air her objection to a very gentle "NO" review.

IMHO, these rebuttals are worthless because it's either a he said/she said pissing contest, or a pile on thread where no one other than the two folks involved have the truth.

Not defending the OP, never met her, never will. Too much drama. But, Lana is exactly right...the pissing and moanin' ON ALL SIDES is GD ridiculous.
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Old 06-03-2012, 08:55 AM   #39
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pissing and moaning about pissing and moaning is still just pissing and moaning.

review rebuttals never end well
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Old 06-03-2012, 08:56 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by monkmonk View Post
pissing and moaning about pissing and moaning is still just pissing and moaning.

review rebuttals never end well
Hmmm...point well taken.
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Old 06-03-2012, 09:34 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by mercianna View Post
What I really and truly dislike is having to be an eccie provider. I wish that there was another way I could make a living without having to be subjected to this kind of hurt and humiliation on a contunual basis.
No one is forcing you to do anything. You don't have a contract here saying this is the only place you can hook.

If this place is so poisonous to you... then find other places. This hobby is ... MASSIVE.. This board is only a VERY small fraction of the actual commerce that goes on in the sex industry. Start laying eggs elsewhere, so they aren't all in this basket.

Also.. if you are getting sooooooo mistreated... maybe you need to rethink how you run your business. I can't say that any of the ladies with their "shit together" have gone through half the crap you seem to go through on a consistent basis. Step back, reevaluate, and reform your attack on this.
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Old 06-03-2012, 10:02 AM   #42
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What I really and truly dislike is having to be an eccie provider. I wish that there was another way I could make a living without having to be subjected to this kind of hurt and humiliation on a contunual basis.
How about a job? Just a thought. You don't have to do this.
The hobby isn't for everyone. Maybe it is time to think about the long term?

As far as the pics go, there is no need to photoshop them to death. I've seen the OP at a gathering. There ARE men who seek more mature ladies, who couldn't care any less about your true age. However, when you present yourself to be something you are not by shaving 20 years off in your pictures, you set yourself up for shit like this to happen. Be comfortable in your own skin and the rest will follow. Or just get a job LOL
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Old 06-03-2012, 10:41 AM   #43
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Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I am under Dannie Finally!!!!

Good words of wisdom Dannie.

I prefer a more mature provider, one that understands what a hobbyist really wants.
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Old 06-03-2012, 10:46 AM   #44
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here come the providers to pile on once again!
...you go girls! Who has the Jello?????
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Old 06-03-2012, 10:55 AM   #45
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A very good friend told me........when you discover self awareness, only then can you help yourself.
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