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Old 05-30-2012, 07:11 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by Allie_Kat View Post
I don't refuse service to many people. And when I do, it's not because of an idea, a moral or a theory It's due to legitimate reasons. The way I run my business has NOTHING to do with the way a pharmacist does business/fills scripts. Zip, zilch, nada. I don't understand why people keep trying to compare the 2 when they're obviously completely different.
Someone refusing to sell me an item in a store that the store HAS IN STOCK because someone has a "moral problem" with it is unacceptable to me. And I probably wouldn't go to another store. I would demand that the pharmacist fetch me someone who can do their job properly.
Of course you would. Because you're a liberal, and libs always believe that if they have a problem, they should make it someone else's. And if they just throw a tantrum long enough, someone else will give in and wipe their asses for them.

You have an asshole in stock, but do you do anal? It's the same fucking thing. And I would think that a devout Catholic would find his reason every bit as legitimate as any reason you have. Of course, this is pointless, I'm trying to use logic.

See, me, if I go somewhere and their service is not to my expectations, I go somewhere else because I recognize that businesses have the right to run their business as they see fit - even if I don't agree with it. And I have the freedom to take my business elsewhere just as they have the freedom to run their business as they see fit.
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Old 05-30-2012, 07:48 PM   #137
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Conscience clauses have been around since the 1970s, and were enacted by states in response to Roe v. Wade. This bill amends the existing act to include the non-surgical methods for terminating a pregnancy that have come about since the 1970s. So the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has nothing to do with these clauses.
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Old 05-30-2012, 08:04 PM   #138
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Originally Posted by Kshunter;
See, me, if I go somewhere and their service is not to my expectations, I go somewhere else because I recognize that businesses have the right to run their business as they see fit - even if I don't agree with it. And I have the freedom to take my business elsewhere just as they have the freedom to run their business as they see fit.
This analogy is incorrect. The law now would allow a pharmacist to refuse to fill your legally obtained prescription, return the script to you so you may go somewhere else to fill it, refuse to transfer the prescription to another pharmacy that may fill it, or refer you to another pharmacist or pharmacy. All because they have a reasonable belief that doing so would have the effect of terminating a pregnancy.
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Old 05-30-2012, 08:07 PM   #139
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Anal would be a specialty item, I don't think it amounts to the same. Birth control is something that pharmacies sell a LOT of. Every day. To many women who need it.
I'm not affiliated with any parties, I'm a woman, that is why I'm offended by this bill because it directly affects me. You're not a woman which is why you don't, and never will get it.
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Old 05-30-2012, 08:07 PM   #140
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I wonder how many dns lists people made for having backwards, uninformed, small minded political views. Do people's views in threads like this effect whether providers see them or not?
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Old 05-30-2012, 08:11 PM   #141
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Businesses are not allowed to run themselves as they see fit. I'm not allowed to lock all the exits because I'm worried that people are sneaking out for smoke breaks.
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Old 05-30-2012, 08:58 PM   #142
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Political views don't bother me. People are totally different when they're in the bedroom with you. I steer clear of these types of discussions specifically for this reason, I hate arguing. I'm not a genius, but I feel like I got my point across, (maybe).

"Of course you would. Because you're a liberal, and libs always believe that if they have a problem, they should make it someone else's. And if they just throw a tantrum long enough, someone else will give in and wipe their asses for them.
You have an asshole in stock, but do you do anal? It's the same fucking thing. And I would think that a devout Catholic would find his reason every bit as legitimate as any reason you have. Of course, this is pointless, I'm trying to use logic."

^This will get you put on my DNS list, and other providers DNS lists though. No woman likes to be told she's basically stupid and childish for her views on a topic that directly affects her.
I'm sure with us butting heads over this topic, I'm probably on his DNS list as well. lol. Oh well, such is life.
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Old 05-30-2012, 09:44 PM   #143
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Well kshunter's arguments aren't logical or politically informed. He seems to have joined the group of right wing nut jobs (can't call them conservatives because conservative isn't an appropriate label as socialist isn't an appropriate label for liberals) who need a target to blame their problems on. Every president nominee republican and democrat has talked about health care reform since the 60's but republicans seem to have a limited memory about that. Its like when carter put in place a plan to get us off foreign oil in the 70s but Regan repealed it at the same time he was putting policies in to explode the debt.

The crazy right wingers have no problem legislating morality in the name of personal freedom as long as it is a personal freedom they want. They have no problem ignoring established economic theories in exchange for random economic policy that will benefit them short term but keep the country in decline for the long term. Its embarrassing to me when people who have no education in economics or the political process outside of what they hear on talk radio start spouting rhetoric in defense of the misguided moral crusade of the few. They seem to have no problem limiting the freedom of abortion providers or planned parenthood but that's different because it doesn't fall under their moral crusade.

I don't see escorts for my own personal reasons but I enjoy the board for the entertainment it provides. I had a friend who escorted for awhile in another city and that got me into this but the people who argue about conservative values, shipping illegal immigrants out of the country because they are criminals but have no problem openly breaking the law themselves is why I can't take them seriously or their hypocritical political agenda. Lots of the providers (not all) on this board seem to be intelligent strong women and make reasoned arguments about personal issues that directly effect them. When grown men make lazy, rude comments that a High school debater would laugh at the ignorance of it makes me wonder if there is enough cash in the world for someone to spend time with some of these men and makes it painfully obvious why they need to pay women to share their company.

But on the other hand after listening to some of these arguments, not all, I'm proud that you guys found the on switch to your computers.


P.S. I'm not a knee-jerk liberal and almost all my best friends are republicans. They are smart educated republicans and some have run major political campaigns, written legislation and formed economic policy but none of them would ever say I felt a certain way because I'm liberal because anyone who pays any attention to politics knows liberals views are all over the spectrum.
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Old 05-30-2012, 09:57 PM   #144
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Jk543_1 has made the most educated and informed posts of the whole thread. People should read his posts.

Thanks for being so informed and rational. One of you ladies should reward him for that. I'd buy ya a beer but can't do that over the internet.
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Old 05-31-2012, 02:00 AM   #145
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Carter tried to get us off foriegn oil? How did that work out before Reagan came along. Remember the gas lines, mom and pop stations going under because they couldn't compete, odd and even day gas buys???

I didn't like the kop out line...it is a woman thing, you wouldn't understand. If you want to stand on that then we go veteran, man, white, old, Missourian, etc. Like I said, kop out.
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Old 05-31-2012, 03:07 AM   #146
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OK - We've gone off topic. Shamrock, JD, or anyone else - if you want to discuss the differences between your views on issues unrelated to the topic of this thread then start a new thread. Otherwise, let's keep the discussion on point about the Kansas law, please.
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Old 05-31-2012, 06:03 AM   #147
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Ok where in this 10 page nut thread does it lay out in normal human terms WHAT the law is? I can't believe with everything going on right now THIS is what we are talking about? Really?

"Oh hey man the war in Mexico is spilling over into Texas... Oh who cares we got serious shit to talk about like birth control." What the fuck ever. It's all horse shit. Apparently 10 pages isn't enough for any of you tards to see that.

And girls if you're going to play in here, you have to understand how this place works. You will be called every name in the book. I have some great friends in here but all bets are off in the sand box. DNS lists should not be associated with the sand box or you'd never see any of these guys.
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Old 05-31-2012, 06:35 AM   #148
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
Ok where in this 10 page nut thread does it lay out in normal human terms WHAT the law is? I can't believe with everything going on right now THIS is what we are talking about? Really?

"Oh hey man the war in Mexico is spilling over into Texas... Oh who cares we got serious shit to talk about like birth control." What the fuck ever. It's all horse shit. Apparently 10 pages isn't enough for any of you tards to see that.

And girls if you're going to play in here, you have to understand how this place works. You will be called every name in the book. I have some great friends in here but all bets are off in the sand box. DNS lists should not be associated with the sand box or you'd never see any of these guys.
Actually, Kayla, you're right. This is the Kansas City/Kansas forum, not the Dallas, Ft. Worth, San Antonio, RGV or West Texas forums. So, we don't care about the war in Mexico spilling over into Texas - if we lived in Texas it would probably matter to us, or if it spills into Oklahoma, it will begin to matter to us. If you want to discuss that topic, go ahead and post in the Texas forums or start a new thread in this forum.

If you go to the first post in this thread (which was started by a provider from another state, BTW, not by one of the regulars in this forum), there's a link to an article about the law that was signed a couple weeks ago.

And, you are also right on a 2nd count. You should leave your feelings at the door when you enter the Sandbox. If you can't take the criticism or opposing points of view, then you shouldn't be here. Fortunately, the discussion here has been relatively civil - even for a 10 page thread. But those who agree with law aren't going to change the minds of the people who disagree with the law, because most of those that disagree with the law are dealing with it on personal terms rather than looking at the Constitutional basis for the law's enaction. And those that agree with the law are looking at the Constitutional basis (Amendment 1) for its enaction. There is no Consitutiional right to obtain medical services or pharmaceuticals at a convienient location or to force either from someone that does not want to provide that service or product.
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Old 05-31-2012, 08:07 AM   #149
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
DNS lists should not be associated with the sand box or you'd never see any of these guys.
I agree to a certain point. If the thread is civil and we have conflicting views, that is fine. Like I said, I'll still see someone, variety is the spice of life and politics don't belong in the bedroom.
If you resort to being antagonistic towards me, that isn't cool regardless if it's in the Sandbox or Coed.
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Old 05-31-2012, 08:36 AM   #150
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Speaking of new Kansas laws, starting July 1, refusing to take a breathalyzer is a criminal offence. The penalty for refusing is the same as being convicted of a DUI. First time offenders get a pass. Heard an attorney on the radio saying that when the law goes into effect 7/1, you can count on an appeal 7/2, and the law will most likely be ruled unconstitutional. Not that I'm for drunk driving, but this seems excessive.
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