Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Off subject yet on subject, I just stood in line behind someone buying steaks with food stamps while their 3 kids ran around in dirty diapers(one was way too old to be in diapers) and torn up tshirts O_o. Mind you the food stamp card was taken out of new prada wallet with a matching purse.
What a coincidence! I was just in line behind a little old lady and her mentally disadvantaged son (he was probably in his late 30's...and she needed to use a riding cart). Anyways, in spite of using about 15 coupons, they still had to have 3 items removed after the total was wrung up because they didn't have enough food stamp money to pay for it. She started crying, and the son had to console her, telling her everything would be ok.
See? Two can play at that game.