For those who do not know, in 2000 The National Moment of Remembrance Resolution was passed in order to help re-educate and remind all Americans the true meaning of Memorial Day. It ask that all Americans pause for 1 minute at 3pm local time to remember and reflect on the sacrifices made by so many to provide freedom for all of us.
I was just at Ft Riley and saw how hard these men and women train in preparation to defend us. My son is scheduled to deployed in Sept to Afghanistan. And now with the proposed budget cuts to the Army, approx 180,000 men and women will be forced out taking our forces down to Pre WW II numbers and no updated equipment will be able to be purchased. Our troops will then be deployed more often with outdated equipment. Maybe the guys in the White House that makes these decisions need to be deployed out in the war zones.....Let the Secret Service work with outdated equipment!!!!!!.....IJS