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Old 05-24-2012, 09:24 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
So? Assume for a moment that your assumption of "socialist by association" is true (which I am not agreeing with, but assume...)

When has it become a crime to be a socialist?

When has it become a crime to be a communist--assuming you do not support the violent overthrow of the US or commit treasonous acts?

And by your quote, 85% were not DSA members.

Go back and read the questions I posed to Kayla.
So, once again you choose to answer a post you wish someone had written rather than what they did write.

Though you're certainly free to express your opinion, and the POSITOO is free to be a socialist, why should Kayla answer your questions when you didn't answer hers?
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Old 05-24-2012, 09:27 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
So, if I buy a candy bar and pay ten cents in tax, that makes me a socialist. .
No that is not wtf I said. I said all taxes are socialist in nature. Even the ones that go to our military. It is a redistribution of wealth. You are one ignorant SOB if you do not understand that simple fact.

Do you think there should be no taxes?

If so, then all we are talking about is the degree of Socialism.

Now back to the point, politicians get elected by voters voting for them. Of course they will speak with groups you may not like. So fucking what I say.

Post the thread if you like but I will not apologize for saying how stupid of a non issue this is. If you think so then fine. I think it is stupid and you don't. You believe everything Fox News feeds you and I don't. No harm no foul. Think of me as stupid and I will be honored..
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Old 05-24-2012, 09:34 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
Hello democrats..... Does your silence mean you do agree with Obama meeting with socialist and are afraid to post or that you agree with the right. It was a fucked up thing to do, and can't bring yourself to say, "ah shit I agree with a righty."

Might I recommend black label incense.
Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
So, once again you choose to answer a post you wish someone had written rather than what they did write.

Though you're certainly free to express your opinion, and the POSITOO is free to be a socialist, why should Kayla answer your questions when you didn't answer hers?
I will answer the dumbass question.

I see nothing wrong with meeting with lawful people to discuss political ideas.

I think Olt-T said about the same thing. So in fact he did answer the question.

I sure as hell do not agree with her that it was a fuc'd up thing to do. She has stated that she has kids, may I remind her that it is Socialism that pays for their education. Socialism as in taxes that people pay in her school district to send her kids to school.
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Old 05-24-2012, 09:47 PM   #19
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WTF is clueless, don't bother.

As far as it being illegal or whatever to be a socialist, no one even suggested that. It's fine that Obama wants to give speeches to socialist organizations or work for them. Certainly he has a right to do so.

I was just pointing it out. You decide.

At least by your responses, you are admitting that he is a socialist. Which is fine. I just choose to vote for someone else for President, which is also fine. That is my right.

See? Everybody happy now?
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Old 05-24-2012, 09:50 PM   #20
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
No that is not wtf I said. I said all taxes are socialist in nature. Even the ones that go to our military. It is a redistribution of wealth. You are one ignorant SOB if you do not understand that simple fact.

Do you think there should be no taxes?

If so, then all we are talking about is the degree of Socialism.

Now back to the point, politicians get elected by voters voting for them. Of course they will speak with groups you may not like. So fucking what I say.

Post the thread if you like but I will not apologize for saying how stupid of a non issue this is. If you think so then fine. I think it is stupid and you don't. You believe everything Fox News feeds you and I don't. No harm no foul. Think of me as stupid and I will be honored..

What you wrote was silly and you probably wish you hadn't written it, since you can't defend it. The truth is, you wrote that I should quit acting like I'm not a socialist too, because I pay taxes. If I follow your line of reasoning, every country that ever existed was socialist because they all had taxes in some form.

Of course I believe that we should have to pay taxes. Our taxes should be limited to what is necessary to pay for services allowed by the Constitution. We are going bankrupt because of the social welfare state. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, section eight housing, WIC, AFDC, SSI, etc, are all unconstitutional and the taxes required to support them are not legitimate.
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Old 05-24-2012, 09:52 PM   #21
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Joe, you're wasting your time. WTF doesn't even WANT to be right on this one.
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Old 05-24-2012, 11:57 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
What you wrote was silly and you probably wish you hadn't written it, since you can't defend it. The truth is, you wrote that I should quit acting like I'm not a socialist too, because I pay taxes. If I follow your line of reasoning, every country that ever existed was socialist because they all had taxes in some form.

Of course I believe that we should have to pay taxes. Our taxes should be limited to what is necessary to pay for services allowed by the Constitution. We are going bankrupt because of the social welfare state. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, section eight housing, WIC, AFDC, SSI, etc, are all unconstitutional and the taxes required to support them are not legitimate.
No where does it say schools of roads either. If the State taxes you for those things, it isn'r Social?

Once again, ALL taxes are socialist in nature. They redistribute wealth. All were are debating is the degree.
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Old 05-25-2012, 12:16 AM   #23
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I rest my case.
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Old 05-25-2012, 12:17 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
No where does it say schools of roads either. If the State taxes you for those things, it isn'r Social?

Once again, ALL taxes are socialist in nature. They redistribute wealth. All were are debating is the degree.
The tenth amendment:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The states are free to tax for roads and schools because these are powers not delegated to the federal government. The federal government only has the power that is delegated to it; the states have all of the rest of the power.

I don't buy into your theory that all taxes are inherently socialistic. Limited government supported by limited taxes is not socialistic.


  • A political and economic theory of that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated...
  • (in Marxist theory) A transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.
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Old 05-25-2012, 05:16 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
[COLOR=blue]I beleiev someone may have some socialist ideas but not be a socialist. Most people have very complex beliefs that borrow from many schools of thought.
Deserves repeating.
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Old 05-25-2012, 06:06 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
Gee, you sure say a a lot for someone who didn't bother to answer the lady's question. Must have struck a nerve.
I'm so sorry to learn that you are unable to read. I do understand it is difficult for you to put a couple simple thoughts together at one time, but I didn't realize it was that bad. I guess a Texas diploma doesn't mean much anymore.

Kayla complained that 41 minutes of non-posting implied agreement with someone else's actions. A clearly stupid post by her. But--nice guy that I am--I answered her stupid question anyway. See below: her question, my answer. It was kind of obvious in my initial post but for some on here "kind of obvious" isn't good enough to get through their stupidity shields.

So, now we have addressed your issue and you now understand I did answer hers. I would expect that you will now get on Kayla fornot addressing my questions. You are a fair person, are you not? But while we are waiting for her answer why don't you take a shot at them. I'd especially like to hear why Obama meeting with the DSA is "fucked up", but Jesus meeting with tax collectors is not?

Hurry up! Kayla thinks you only have 40 min or so befre you agree with me by default! Of course Kayla is special because she allows herself at least 12 hours before replying.

Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
Hello democrats..... Does your silence mean you do agree with Obama meeting with socialist
Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
If his speaking to them bothers you, vote for someone who bothers you less. But to your point, it does bother me a little, but it by itself is not a major determination for me. There are other things I care about significanty more.
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Old 05-25-2012, 07:04 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post

I don't buy into your theory that all taxes are inherently socialistic. Limited government supported by limited taxes is not socialistic.

You do not buy into the theory that all taxes redistribute wealth?

What kind if idiot are you? That is no theory joe blow, that is in point a fact.

Is COG your Daddy? I love how you guys have no problem with a state taking away your freedoms but shit your pants in the Federal Government does!
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Old 05-25-2012, 08:00 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
I'm so sorry to learn that you are unable to read. I do understand it is difficult for you to put a couple simple thoughts together at one time, but I didn't realize it was that bad. I guess a Texas diploma doesn't mean much anymore.

Kayla complained that 41 minutes of non-posting implied agreement with someone else's actions. A clearly stupid post by her. But--nice guy that I am--I answered her stupid question anyway. See below: her question, my answer. It was kind of obvious in my initial post but for some on here "kind of obvious" isn't good enough to get through their stupidity shields.

So, now we have addressed your issue and you now understand I did answer hers. I would expect that you will now get on Kayla fornot addressing my questions. You are a fair person, are you not? But while we are waiting for her answer why don't you take a shot at them. I'd especially like to hear why Obama meeting with the DSA is "fucked up", but Jesus meeting with tax collectors is not?

Hurry up! Kayla thinks you only have 40 min or so befre you agree with me by default! Of course Kayla is special because she allows herself at least 12 hours before replying.
You are correct! I missed the evasive "answer" while digging through the "let's change the subject" bullshit.

To your credit, at least you didn't fall back on the leftist meme from the last election that "socialist" was "code" for "black".
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Old 05-25-2012, 08:11 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You do not buy into the theory that all taxes redistribute wealth?

What kind if idiot are you? That is no theory joe blow, that is in point a fact.

Is COG your Daddy? I love how you guys have no problem with a state taking away your freedoms but shit your pants in the Federal Government does!
I have no problem with state and federal government exercising powers within the limits of the Constitution. I do have a problem when the federal government exercises power that belongs to the states. I believe in limited government. I believe in abiding by the Constitution. America is going bankrupt because we let the federal government grow beyond it's constitutional limits.

Paying tax on a candy bar doesn't make me a socialist.
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Old 05-25-2012, 01:57 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
You are correct! I missed the evasive "answer" while digging through the "let's change the subject" bullshit.

To your credit, at least you didn't fall back on the leftist meme from the last election that "socialist" was "code" for "black".
Thank you (sincerely) for the apology. As to changing the subject: that is largely a matter of a narrow or wide perspective. Neither is inherently wrong, but it does add to the problem of talking past each other.

Personally I think "socialist" is a code word for "socialist". Last I looked most the prototypical socialist of the past were (gasp!) WHITE!
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