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Old 05-19-2012, 09:59 PM   #16
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Why tip off the takees?
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Old 05-19-2012, 11:00 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
Why tip off the takees?
Fuck you are a Free enterprise right wing republican. Come out of the closet Bro.....
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Old 05-20-2012, 02:38 AM   #18
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Since I'm not running for God, like you self-appointed "saviors," I'm just satisfied to do my work, not fuck over anyone and just take a pass on the need to grind on others less fortunate to make myself feel even better. I don't begrudge anyone's success, I just don't need the game rigged in my favor. When I do beat those in my field who thought they had it rigged, it was they had become soft, sloppy and, therefore, easy pickings. Hell, that even benefits the customer. I don't have to tear others down who aren't as lucky or skilled to make myself feel better. OTOH, I don't mind poking a stick at blowhard asswholes who are doing all right but can't be secure in that. Those types, like many throughout history, have clung to extremist causes rooted in the eradication of differing thoughts. They are anti-social, emotional cripples who insist on total societal homogenity. I haven't the slightest need to make any of the TPunks be like me. I'm not so sure about the TPunks' agenda on that. If they want to throw down their crutches and come into the light, though, I'd be more than happy to welcome them.
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Old 05-20-2012, 02:52 AM   #19
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Oh RaggedyAndy! You are too much! Thank you for spending time with we mere mortals. Had I known how superior you are to us, I would have treated you with more respect.

We are no doubt in the presence of greatness.

Ignorant twit.
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Old 05-20-2012, 03:31 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Oh RaggedyAndy! You are too much! Thank you for spending time with we mere mortals. Had I known how superior you are to us, I would have treated you with more respect.

We are no doubt in the presence of greatness.

Ignorant twit.
Nah, COsFb, you just need to work on your game. Well, actually, get one. I'd suggest spending less time scouring the internet for inflammatory horseshit and more time on thinking and contemplation instead of conniving and scheming. Sorry I poked you too hard. Well, not really.
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Old 05-20-2012, 04:14 PM   #21
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The take-away from this guy everyone should get is that the last course of action a capitalist will consider is hiring more people (costs).

Also true, no growth comes without demand from the consumer, so if you want to call them the job creators, go ahead.

But, as always, what is left out of the equation and their speeches are, that if you increase taxes (costs) on big biz owners, they will simply go overseas to a more favorable tax environment and send the middle-class American "job-creators" to the unemployment line. That is where we are now, because other countries appreciate and want the businesses in their countries much more than our blood-sucking government that declares war on their profits on a daily basis.

Raising taxes and creating more incentive to the people who, by his definition, are not "job creators", but have the power to send those jobs overseas is still not the answer no matter what you call them.
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Old 05-20-2012, 05:57 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by nwarounder View Post

But, as always, what is left out of the equation and their speeches are, that if you increase taxes (costs) on big biz owners, they will simply go overseas to a more favorable tax environment and send the middle-class American "job-creators" to the unemployment line. That is where we are now, because other countries appreciate and want the businesses in their countries much more than our blood-sucking government that declares war on their profits on a daily basis.

Raising taxes and creating more incentive to the people who, by his definition, are not "job creators", but have the power to send those jobs overseas is still not the answer no matter what you call them.
That is a bunch of hogwash. Cheap labor is what drives companies to relocate, not high taxes. Why do you think some companies are moving out of China? Labor costs are on the rise!
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Old 05-20-2012, 06:58 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
That is a bunch of hogwash. Cheap labor is what drives companies to relocate, not high taxes. Why do you think some companies are moving out of China? Labor costs are on the rise!
Blame it on what you like, if you raise the tax rate, you raise the cost of doing business in America, and to a point that some companies can no longer profit, then they will move jobs overseas. So was it taxes or cheap labor? I don't care to win the argument with you, bottom line America loses jobs when taxes are raised.
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Old 05-20-2012, 07:28 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
Nah, COsFb, you just need to work on your game. Well, actually, get one.
With 8400 posts, you'd think the guy would have some clue as to what works and what doesn't.

I fear we've lost him.
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Old 05-20-2012, 08:26 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
That is a bunch of hogwash. Cheap labor is what drives companies to relocate, not high taxes. Why do you think some companies are moving out of China? Labor costs are on the rise!
Labor costs are just one factor. the total cost of doing business is what matters. Taxes are a factor that has just as much potential impact.
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Old 05-20-2012, 08:46 PM   #26
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Douchee found your video. LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hw1ncADC9KM
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Old 05-20-2012, 08:55 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Actually, he's not too far wrong. He misidentifies what we have now as capitalism, which it is not. We have crony capitalism, which is very close to fascism. The Super Rich take their money, and pretty much let it sit and stagnate. In a capitalist system, that excess money would be used to innovate and create new and better products. That isn't happening right now.
OK, I've got a piss pot slew of money sitting and stagnating in various zero sum investments. I agree with you that I'm not really creating many jobs with that, except to the extend that I spend my returns on wine, women, or song. But pray tell answer a question or two for me.

1. How am I a "crony" capitalist?

2. What would change under your ideal view of capitalism that would get my money off the sidelines into whatever magical investment vehicle you want it in for it to create jobs?

3. What magic investment vehicle do you think my money will go into once you reform capitalism where it will suddenly create a bunch of jobs. Assume my money is now 10% real estate; 15% munis; 20% domestic equities; 30% international equities; 20% oil and gas; 5% other.
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Old 05-20-2012, 09:02 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
OK, I've got a piss pot slew of money sitting and stagnating in various zero sum investments. I agree with you that I'm not really creating many jobs with that, except to the extend that I spend my returns on wine, women, or song. But pray tell answer a question or two for me.

1. How am I a "crony" capitalist?

2. What would change under your ideal view of capitalism that would get my money off the sidelines into whatever magical investment vehicle you want it in for it to create jobs?

3. What magic investment vehicle do you think my money will go into once you reform capitalism where it will suddenly create a bunch of jobs. Assume my money is now 10% real estate; 15% munis; 20% domestic equities; 30% international equities; 20% oil and gas; 5% other.
GET RID of Obama! Shit will turn around over night.
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Old 05-20-2012, 09:07 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by nwarounder View Post
Blame it on what you like, if you raise the tax rate, you raise the cost of doing business in America, and to a point that some companies can no longer profit, then they will move jobs overseas. So was it taxes or cheap labor? I don't care to win the argument with you, bottom line America loses jobs when taxes are raised.
That is not always true, Clinton raised taxes.

Taxes pay down the debt. So do you want to cut taxes a GWBush did and drive up the debt?
There needs to be an equilibrium. Are you willing to get fewer SS benefits? Trim back military spending? Close the loop holes in the system?
Originally Posted by Laz View Post
Labor costs are just one factor. the total cost of doing business is what matters. Taxes are a factor that has just as much potential impact.
I wasn't the one stating that taxes drive away business. I was stating a way bigger reason why companies relocate. Are taxes a factor? Yes. As much as labor costs? No. Is Wal-Mart going to move from this country? Starbucks? Exxon? Let Exxon move and see how we protect their oil that is shipped.
They should pay for the security they recieve.
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Old 05-20-2012, 09:12 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
OK, I've got a piss pot slew of money sitting and stagnating in various zero sum investments. I agree with you that I'm not really creating many jobs with that, except to the extend that I spend my returns on wine, women, or song. But pray tell answer a question or two for me.

1. How am I a "crony" capitalist?

2. What would change under your ideal view of capitalism that would get my money off the sidelines into whatever magical investment vehicle you want it in for it to create jobs?

3. What magic investment vehicle do you think my money will go into once you reform capitalism where it will suddenly create a bunch of jobs. Assume my money is now 10% real estate; 15% munis; 20% domestic equities; 30% international equities; 20% oil and gas; 5% other.
I wouldn't think it applies to you, don't know all the details but you don't seem motivated enough to have any impact on job creation and are perfectly content with wine, women, and song. Don't take that as an insult, neither am I, nor do I care to try when the only incentive to me is giving it away to some poorer, entitled chap. But on a positive note, you already have 40% of your money in investments that stimulate and promote job growth, and possibly that 10% in RE may be helping depending on the type of investment as well, so all is not lost.
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