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Old 05-18-2012, 04:08 PM   #31
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Ekim, Zimmerman killed a Martian?

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Old 05-18-2012, 04:14 PM   #32
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by ekim008 View Post
Both Zimmerman's parents,and Martian's parents are saying it is their son crying for help.Seeing Martian is dead the only recourse is to get Zimmerman down and beat the shit out of him,so there will be screams for help,and they can do a voice annalists.
Very funny. I had the same idea, but you posted first. I wonder if Obama's actually a Martian, that would explain a lot.
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Old 05-18-2012, 04:29 PM   #33
i'va biggen
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LOL I must have had a twitchy finger,oh well glad you got a chuckle...
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Old 05-19-2012, 12:26 PM   #34
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The other 911 tape has Zimmerman yelling "help" 14 times. Yes, its undoubtedly Zimmerman. Trayvon's father said it wasn't Trayvon. The two eyewitnesses said it was Zimmerman. Zimmerman said it was Zimmerman.

This guy Zimmerman is a world class genius racist. First he sets himself up as a nightwatchman in a community that needs one. Then he convinces a cop to tell him to get a gun to protect him from a pit bull. Then he comes across a "profilable" victim who is alone a night. Then he calls 911. Then he leaves his car after the victim runs away. Then he's told that the police are on coming. So he waits to get attacked. Luckily, the victim accomodates the racist, returns and starts beating the shit out of him. Then the racist yells for help 14 times. Then and only then does the racist pull out his gun and shoots once instantly silencing his victim. Moments later the police arrive and he's eventually able to convince them that it was all self defense and release him.

What discipline. What planning. What context. What genius. He would have gotten away with it if it weren't for Reverend Al Sharpton. I wonder if being born half-Hispanic and registering as Democrat was part of his master plan.
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Old 05-19-2012, 12:41 PM   #35
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The whole premeditated crap is just that. Unfortunatly it clouds the real discussion that should be had.

On second thought, too many people have already decided their answer so clouding things doesn't really matter now.

Those that are convinced Z was justified will never be swayed since their whole argument is based upon his own internal level of fear. This is a wonderful example of destroying any chance at a fair trial because of overused "the public's right to know".
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Old 05-19-2012, 12:56 PM   #36
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What is the real discussion that should be had old-T? Your racism of Hispanics? Hatred of guns? Distrust of the police? You don't articulate it well and keep moving the target. Now its "the public's right to know."
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Old 05-19-2012, 02:44 PM   #37
i'va biggen
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Bottom line is the police man who stated "If he hadn't got out of his car this would not have happened"
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Old 05-19-2012, 03:27 PM   #38
Dr. Pecker
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We should all just stay in our cars.
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Old 05-19-2012, 04:27 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
What is the real discussion that should be had old-T? Your racism of Hispanics? Hatred of guns? Distrust of the police? You don't articulate it well and keep moving the target. Now its "the public's right to know."
And your post is exactly why it isnear impossible to have an intelligent post on here. Too many brain dead, reading impaired, loud mouths like you.

To refresh your memory:

--I questioned Z's actions, and I still think they were seriously flawed. You, IB, and a few others are too logic impaired to distinguish that from ethnic bigotry. Please point out one place I displayed hatred of Hispanics?

--I take the shooting and killing of a human being as a serious matter. You are the one who equates that to "hatred of guns". I never said any such thing. I never met a gun I hated--though I do think some are ugly.

--Articulate "it" well? That right there is your problem! I actually can find multiple issues in a case like this one. So I can understand how a reader (you, perhaps?) who can only handle a single black/white idea at a time would be confused. Don't worry, that usually clears up by the time you graduate 5th grade.

--Distrust of the police? In certain Good Ol' Boy Florida towns, you're damn right! In general, not at all.

--Just to be clear: you don't see a problem with too much discussion and too much evidence being debated in the press before Zimmerman has the chance at a fair trial? I may think he was guilty of some very poor judgement, but I do want him to get a fair trial. That is one of the rights in our country, in case you forgot. Unfortunately just like the OJ trial I doubt you can really find 12 jurors in Florida who have not been influenced by the M-Z debates, photos, etc. Or don't you think that is a significant issue?
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Old 05-19-2012, 05:23 PM   #40
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You've gone from gun control to ethnic bigotry to Z's actions are seriously flawed (whatever that means) to needing to preserve a fair trial to lets not present evidence that favors Z to Florida to OJ.

Your post just proves my points. Yes, your problems with Hispanics, guns and police are evident. Having a "show trial" isn't going to alleviate them. Neither will a "sacrificial lamb."

And please don't just throw a bunch of topics against the wall to see what sticks then blame the readers for you not having anything that's relevant, coherent and valid. That IS a fifth grade trick.
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Old 05-19-2012, 06:41 PM   #41
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post

You've gone from gun control to ethnic bigotry to Z's actions are seriously flawed (whatever that means) to needing to preserve a fair trial to lets not present evidence that favors Z to Florida to OJ.

Your post just proves my points. Yes, your problems with Hispanics, guns and police are evident. Having a "show trial" isn't going to alleviate them. Neither will a "sacrificial lamb."

And please don't just throw a bunch of topics against the wall to see what sticks then blame the readers for you not having anything that's relevant, coherent and valid. That IS a fifth grade trick.
Old-goaT is Doofus' understudy. They both depend on creating strawman arguments to knock down and then delude themselves into believing they've accomplished some social good.
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Old 05-19-2012, 06:47 PM   #42
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I'm going to give him and others a couple more bites out of the apple then tell them what really concerns them. It won't be pretty.
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Old 05-19-2012, 09:45 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
I'm going to give him and others a couple more bites out of the apple then tell them what really concerns them. It won't be pretty.
Lets Do this!
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Old 05-19-2012, 10:56 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post

You've gone from gun control to ethnic bigotry to Z's actions are seriously flawed (whatever that means) to needing to preserve a fair trial to lets not present evidence that favors Z to Florida to OJ.

Your post just proves my points. Yes, your problems with Hispanics, guns and police are evident. Having a "show trial" isn't going to alleviate them. Neither will a "sacrificial lamb."

And please don't just throw a bunch of topics against the wall to see what sticks then blame the readers for you not having anything that's relevant, coherent and valid. That IS a fifth grade trick.
The only thing your post proves is that you are as brain dead as IB. Since you are incapable of holding more than one thought in your head at a time, I will make it very simple for you and only give you one at a time. I'll just reprint it since it went past you the first time (or maybe you didn't want to see it):

"--Just to be clear: you don't see a problem with too much discussion and too much evidence being debated in the press before Zimmerman has the chance at a fair trial? I may think he was guilty of some very poor judgement, but I do want him to get a fair trial. That is one of the rights in our country, in case you forgot. Unfortunately just like the OJ trial I doubt you can really find 12 jurors in Florida who have not been influenced by the M-Z debates, photos, etc. Or don't you think that is a significant issue?"

I do appologize for cluttering your poor pea-brain with several questions--but you answered none. Can't say I'm surprised.
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Old 05-19-2012, 11:01 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Your post just proves my points. Yes, your problems with Hispanics, guns and police are evident. Having a "show trial" isn't going to alleviate them. Neither will a "sacrificial lamb."
You don't even PRETEND to read. I addressed all three points but you, in typical redneck fashion ignore what is said and "quote" what you want. I asked you where I stated I was anti-any-of-the-three, but what is a little truth among bigoted right-wing wackos like you and IB. You lie, plain and simple. As folks on here already know.
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