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Old 05-01-2010, 06:04 PM   #16
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Uhhmmm....is 34 the happy middle?
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Old 05-01-2010, 08:07 PM   #17
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As a guy in his 40's, I often think that I wish I knew when I was young what I know now in being with a woman. And probably because of what I know now and how long it took to figure out, I probably appreciate her more than back then.

As a hobbyist, I have basically sworn off the 20 something providers since I have not had the best experiences with them. Two reasons. First, they didn't have the conversation skills and second, they seemed more interested in getting me to pop and leave than letting me explore and arouse them.

Frankly I get more enjoyment out of making her orgasm than cumming myself. I can do that with one hand pretty much anywhere.

Sorry a bit off topic, but that said, I am personally appreciative of the ladies that appreciate the older guys, knowing that they are so beautiful that they could have the pick of the litter of the young ones.
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Old 05-01-2010, 08:10 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by China Doll View Post
Jpjohnson, I am 24 as well. I think you're making a mistake in thinking that most providers are more attracted to the younger clients. I personally am far more attracted to older men. Even more importantly, you are indirectly saying that the younger guys are more attractive to us, and the prevalence of that opinion is one of the problems with younger gents.

I'm not trying to attack you, so please do not take offense....I just want you to know how you might look to some readers. Also, I don't think that you meant to suggest that providers have trouble living with themselves because of what they do, either, because that could potentially be indicative of a negative attitude on your part about their chosen lifestyle. I know that you had your "not every provider enjoys what she does" disclaimer, but please consider that a very large percentage of providers have the age requirement. By theorizing that this is a big reason for the age policies, you have effectively implied that a great number of us have trouble living with what we do. Not your intention, I'm sure.
Yeah, i never said i believed everything i stated. Just theories i have came up with. I think as if i was a younger attractive woman. I would rather see younger men then much older just because it would make me feel strange. Then the fact that most providers do this for money, i fill confident that not all providers would choose this life style if money wasn't a problem. Im a business man but wouldn't be in the business im in if i didnt have too worry about money. Im just saying that not every provider has a age limit because they believe it will weed out the trouble.
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Old 05-01-2010, 08:11 PM   #19
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Jake2.1, it's funny that you should mention that, because I have had people pass over me because of my age (24). It doesn't bother me in the least, however. We all have preferences! If I were you, I would likely do the same thing. We're all just increasing our odds of having a great time.
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Old 05-01-2010, 10:36 PM   #20
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Well said China Doll. We're all just looking for happiness and a little fun along the way. It only makes sense to try and increase our odds of having a good time. It was well known that in the later years of Hemingway's life that he liked the young ones, and by all accounts they liked him back. Bottom line, Bon Ton Roule (let the good times roll)!
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Old 05-02-2010, 08:54 AM   #21
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I don't state an age limit but if I did it would be because of a maturity issue and a commonality issue. At my age I have more in common with those closer to my age than I would have with someone half my age or three x my age. I detest the wham bam thank you ma'am and I don't tolerate it. I find the session to be much better and smoother when I feel that we can have a conversation before, sometimes during, and after in the "coming down" stage.
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Old 05-02-2010, 02:58 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums View Post
Uhhmmm....is 34 the happy middle?
Always makes me happy...

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Old 05-02-2010, 06:14 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by China Doll View Post
Younger clients:
- Expect to be able to pound a woman as hard, as long, and as many times as he wants
- Are more likely to be aggressive and inexperienced enough to accidentally hurt us
- Often expect a PSE from a girl who only advertises the GFE
- Ask for discounts and/or more time because they are “young and hot” (This is a fact!)
- Often verbally express the idea that we are or must feel lucky to be seeing them
- Feel the need to explain over and over that they’re not with us because they “can’t get some” on their own
- Often don’t know the rules of the game
Very well said!! When I first started off as just a "call girl" on craigslist (embarrassed to confess this), I would attract the young and hip guys who would try to negotiate rates or were unruly with no manners. Often times they would expect a discount (even though the rate was already discounted), or they would ask too many questions without being discreet; explicitly. Or they would complain about the service and try to compare GFE to PSE. I do not like to argue or explain in detail to anybody as to what I do and don't do in my sessions.

Well, now that I am new elite provider I prefer the older gentlemen because they actually make me feel wanted with them and more comfortable. Also, the older guys (minus the pervs) have a better understanding with what the upscale providers do and do not expect too much except to just have a great time. Which is great because its just like going on a "real date". Another great reason why I personally prefer gents over "boys" per say, is because many older guys still have not gotten rid of the chivalry book. I think a pretty girl should always be treated as such from a guy. Some of these younger men, just don't get it!

*Let me add that its not ALL younger men this way, nor is it ALL older men this way. Just the majority. There are still some younger guys that are quite respectful who I have not turned down and there is also some older men I have, just because they were being sneaky or perverted. Within our initial conversation of setting up a meeting I can usually separate who is a gentlemen and who is not.

Kisses Loryn..
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Old 05-02-2010, 06:45 PM   #24
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Loryn, your pic is fabulous!

Having never been on craigslist, I can't say that I know what it's like. I would imagine, however, that your negative experiences with the younger men were ten times more frequent than what I have experience. I applaud you for getting as far as you did with such a rough start!

I don't appreciate the "Wham, bam, thank you ma'am" attitude. Some ladies probably prefer that, now that I think of it, but I don't. When these clients ask if they can see me again, I have been known to be brutal in explaining exactly why that won't be happening. [shrugs] They have to learn somehow.
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Old 05-02-2010, 07:31 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by China Doll View Post
Loryn, your pic is fabulous!

I applaud you for getting as far as you did with such a rough start!

I don't appreciate the "Wham, bam, thank you ma'am" attitude. Some ladies probably prefer that, now that I think of it, but I don't. When these clients ask if they can see me again, I have been known to be brutal in explaining exactly why that won't be happening. [shrugs] They have to learn somehow.
Thank you China Doll. I have came a long way and still striving to push forward to where I wanna be in my career. As far as you being blunt with your clients, sometimes you have to be. Not necessarily being rude about it but just honest.

Sweet Kisses, Loryn.
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Old 05-02-2010, 10:41 PM   #26
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I was sub-30 not long ago and I would occasionally run into a girl who had an age restriction. I would just be honest with them with my age and tell them that we could talk about whatever age-based reservations she had. I never had any problem after we talked a bit about it.

I never asked why they "made an exception", but I would assume that simply acknowledging her right to have her own preferences went a long way.
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Old 05-03-2010, 01:30 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Bobalouie View Post
I've noticed that some ladies have an age minimum for clients they are willing to see, usually 30. I easily meet that requirement, so that's good for me, but what is the reason? Is it because younger guy's are more energetic, expect more shots, and consequently more work? Also, isn't it true that older guy's have more ED issues, and wouldn't that be even more work than a young stud? Is there age range that's ideal? Just curious
The "work" is NEVER an issue. Young(er) guys are known to be security issues and usu doesn't have the FUNDs. Not to mention the manners, experience.. but then again, I look around this and that board and I see most of the old farts don't have any manners either and THEY have no reason to be bitching about ANYTHING...

Me: the recent 30 yr I saw had muscles and bad ass tattoos ... he was so HOT! and the best part: he made me LAUGH! i'm usu the one making everyone laugh so he was def a breath of fresh air.

it's a YMMV thing Mr.
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Old 05-03-2010, 06:02 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by PullT View Post
I would just be honest with them with my age and tell them that we could talk about whatever age-based reservations she had. I never had any problem after we talked a bit about it.

I never asked why they "made an exception", but I would assume that simply acknowledging her right to have her own preferences went a long way.
Best post of the whole thread and I agree as this has worked for me.
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Old 05-03-2010, 06:16 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by China Doll View Post
- Expect to be able to pound a woman as hard, as long, and as many times as he wants
- Are more likely to be aggressive and inexperienced enough to accidentally hurt us
- Ask for discounts and/or more time because they are “young and hot” (This is a fact!)
It has been my personal experience that they tend to respect us less. Most of the younger men I have seen (most, not all), see me as a delicious piece of meat. Now, I most certainly am that very thing, but the older gents see that there is so much more that goes along with it!
Great response. I agree 100%.
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Old 10-28-2010, 04:47 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by China Doll View Post
This is a great question! I am going to give you some reasons that apply to many providers, but I am not necessarily speaking for myself. I do not have an age requirement. Some of these things have applied to my experiences as well, though.
Younger clients:
- Expect to be able to pound a woman as hard, as long, and as many times as he wants
- Are more likely to be aggressive and inexperienced enough to accidentally hurt us
- Often expect a PSE from a girl who only advertises the GFE
- Ask for discounts and/or more time because they are “young and hot” (This is a fact!)
- Often verbally express the idea that we are or must feel lucky to be seeing them
- Feel the need to explain over and over that they’re not with us because they “can’t get some” on their own
- Often don’t know the rules of the game

It has been my personal experience that they tend to respect us less. Most of the younger men I have seen (most, not all), see me as a delicious piece of meat. Now, I most certainly am that very thing, but the older gents see that there is so much more that goes along with it!

+1 for sure! I couldn't have said it better myself! although, I have came across alot of younger gentleman as well...I'd say about 70/30 bad:good ratio
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