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Old 05-10-2012, 09:08 PM   #1
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Talking Horrible Hobby Birthdays. I Had One. Have You?

Stuck in Corpus Christi Tx on my B-day. It's not that bad normally. You just don't have the options. If I was in good old San Antonio, I would make it a naughty birthday. Or maybe I would drive to Austin. I like to have choices. Yesterday was my birthday. I want to have fun.

So I used Preferred 411 & ECCIE to guide me on my birthday excursion in Corpus Christi.
I made 3 P411 request getting excited each time I made a request. But every time, no luck. The first women had a friend coming into town & could not play. The second women left for Dallas. The third women had not made it in from Austin yet.

It was getting late. I decided to go to a local strip club. I'm not a stripclub kinde of guy. It does not really do a whole lot for me. Anyways, some of the music that they play makes me want to pull a girl out there on center stage and start dancing with her to showboat her true seductive skills. Very tempting, but I'd surely be thrown out on my dancing ass.

I got to the establishment around 11PM. I walked in and noticed that it was not busy. Understandable for a Wednesday night. I sat down at a table and a waitress took my order. So here I am sitting back sipping my cocktail for a good 30 to 40 minutes. It was quite bizarre that the dancers were not approaching me at my table. Was I unapproachable? I thought I made myself quite inviting. Good eye contact & smiling. The dancers were acting like deer caught in the headlights. They would just run the other direction. Was it because I was a stranger and not a local. Was it some sort of strippers since ? I don't know! All I know is that I had money to spend and no one was approaching me.

Finally, this beautiful Hispanic woman walks up to me and asks if I wanted company. She was gorgeous! She had also just gotten there. We start to converse about everything. We had a few drinks and lots of dances. I told her I was going to keep her all night. And not share her with anybody else. She had no problem with that. I was paying for her dances every time she left me to dance on stage.
Within the conversation she had told me that she did not live very far from there and she had a great pool. She had invited me back to her place. She text her friend so she can also join us over there. Of course in my mind I'm thinking what a perfect birthday this can become. This has all the makings of a beautiful evening. She takes down my number and tells me to give her 30 minutes because she's going to let her friend into the apartment. Why should I doubt he? She seemed very sincere about it. I go ahead and pay for her last dances. I should have broken out of my trance when she told me how much. $120! But of course with it being my birthday and the joy of maybe having two females to pleasure. All commonsense went out the window. Let's splurge!

I got up, went to the restroom, left the establishment, and filled up my truck to burn some time.

45 minutes went by and then an hour. I finally came to the realization that I got royally screwed on my birthday and not in a good way. I began to start making the long trip back to the hotel still in my mind thinking that there is a chance that she could call me on my way back. Yeah right! And would I turn around? F*ck yeah I would!

Us men are so pathetic. I am a perfect example. I am devilishly handsome, I am young, smart, I had modeled, acted, I am outgoing, fun and energetic or so I thought. It happens to us all. Even on our Birthday. A man can lose complete sight of reality when there is a female involved. Especially one that is playing peekaboo with her V JayJay. She sure did have a pretty one! All it takes is the perfect circumstance. Will this ever happened to me again? Probably! I am a man.

I am going to tell myself that she typed in the wrong number. It's easier for me to swallow it. I know I'm lying to myself. I can't imagine someone being that cruel on someone's birthday.

My gift to my self cost me $430, time & not including fuel

Note to my self:
I still don't like strip clubs.
Beware of the pretty one.
Have her dial the numbers so I know she has it.
Stick to what you know. Providers.
My next birthday, it'll be strictly civilian.
Less expensive.
Easier to catch and not quite so savvy

I thought my shortcomings would bring a smile to all hobbyist and providers faces or should I say a lack of cumming.

Please tell me your disastrous hobby birthdays. Not the good ones. I want to hear the really bad ones.
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Old 05-10-2012, 09:31 PM   #2
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Solution to your problem -
Celebrate your b-day next weekend

Happy B-day next week
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Old 05-10-2012, 09:41 PM   #3
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+1 with thisguy23 ..Happy B day

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Old 05-10-2012, 10:00 PM   #4
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remember that old saying...Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.. happy birthday
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Old 05-10-2012, 10:00 PM   #5
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Ughhh...I am so sorry to hear that. I'm sorry for being honest ... that does sound pathetic! But I know you learned a lesson from the experience.
I'd rather spend my birthday (and most of my days) with someone who loves me. :-)
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Old 05-10-2012, 10:02 PM   #6
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I got played two years ago on my birthday. Since my birthday is Dec. 27th, its kinda hard to find a date. Had all the arrangements made with a local girl for a 4 hr outcall. Day of, I text her to make sure plans was still on. She texts me back, says she's in Shreveport, and offers to make it up on New Year's Eve. So I'm cool with that, then NYE comes around, and no answer from her. WTF! Come to find out she made her way down to NOLA to party for NYE. Never saw her after that!!
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Old 05-10-2012, 10:25 PM   #7
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I try to celebrate my birthday during the birthday month rather than on that certain day. Less chance of things going wrong and multiple days to choose from....So far I've had no bad birthday mishaps....This year my ATF says she has a surprise for me so I can't wait till next month....
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Old 05-10-2012, 10:43 PM   #8
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Textbook example of thinking with the little head.
Go with the birthday month idea...I like that
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Old 05-10-2012, 10:54 PM   #9
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I always do a month long celebration that culminates with my 3 day Birthday extravaganza. Family, friends, and a couple of "old friends" that no one had ever met before are always there.
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Old 05-10-2012, 11:10 PM   #10
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I hobby less now but I always spend my birthday with civie ladies and friends
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Old 05-10-2012, 11:25 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
I hobby less now but I always spend my birthday with civie ladies and friends
I was going to try and do both on my birthday, a surprise party put seeing a provider that day out of the question. I had a good time at the surprise party but expecting to do both was kind of a let down. Still wonder what I missed out on with the other lady which I may never find out. Oh well, I love mysteries and I don't think I'll try that on my Birthday again.

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Old 05-11-2012, 04:45 AM   #12
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And people wonder why boardman pisses in stripper shoes rather than a litter box.
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Old 05-11-2012, 06:16 AM   #13
Mr. Smith111
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Sorry to hear of your birthday blues, but I will say that being from Corpus Christi you just described an average day in the hobby for most of us that live here.
I can truly relate to this story.
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Old 05-11-2012, 07:01 AM   #14
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Thats too bad.... shoulda called me for ur bday.... I hear i offer memorable bdays....
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Old 05-11-2012, 07:11 AM   #15
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Long ways from Oklahoma to corpus Luscious Lacy ..lol
I work down that way quite a bit and its pretty bad down there ..not enough local talent and very few traveling providers .
I have a provider that i know in houston and i pay for her to travel down on the weekends and we usually make a dinner date and over nighter .

There is never a sure thing and im like you i try to make my birthday a happy day with one of my provider friends ..but sometimes thing just dont come together the way you want them to.
You can always celebrate your birthday 2 or 3 times until you get it right..lol
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