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Old 04-20-2012, 07:16 PM   #16
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Keep in mind, The Soviet Union had a "non aggression pact" with Nazi Germany right up untill the moment "Operation Barbarosa" started.

The fact that Hitler ignored his Generals and insisted on a two front war was what really brought the Nazis to their knees.

Has any body ever thought what the real policy of The United States was during 1944. While not official, it can be said that the policy (as proven by our actions), was: "We are willing to kill every last citizen of the Axis Power Countrys if that is what it takes to achieve victory".
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Old 04-20-2012, 07:37 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Has any body ever thought what the real policy of The United States was during 1944. While not official, it can be said that the policy (as proven by our actions), was: "We are willing to kill every last citizen of the Axis Power Countrys if that is what it takes to achieve victory".
Or sit back and let the Soviets do it. That way it would be less costly in American lives.
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Old 04-20-2012, 08:38 PM   #18
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The teaching of history can—at best—touch upon a few highlights. As with all education it is far better served to teach a few facts and instill a lot of thinking. An interest in learning, reading, questioning, and thinking. Especially about the common recurring human realities, and WHY things happened much more than the dates. The facts that one person “knows” to be true is often what another “knows” to be false—take the “war for state’s rights” mentioned above, which in reality WAS the US Civil War. A southerner’s view is often very different from a Northerner’s view.

Entire important threads of constitutional evolution are typically never mentioned beyond memorizing which amendment to the constitution did what—forget the century long changing beliefs about what it meant to be able to vote, and for example, why women’s suffrage took as long as it did to occur.

I grew up in the east, and if I believed the history classes there were no cities in North America before St Augustine. Look up Acoma or Chaco some time. The Russian history books of WW II today are mostly the same accurate facts as taught in US history books, but the interpretations are vastly different. I had the opportunity to spend some significant time with a Brit who taught WW II history when he lived on Cyprus, and that is a third interpretation.

US archeological books about pre-Columbian archeology are so full of logical inconsistencies that were corrected in the rest of the world decades ago, and every US high school student has to believe that the native Americans are a different species since they spontaneously sprung to live in the new world—there’s nary a mention of how else they could have gotten here.

I won’t even delve into creationism or local school districts that pass laws decreeing that pi is supposedly a fraction.

Both extremes have sought to corrupt education and turn it into mass political conditioning—to the serious detriment of our nation as a whole.
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Old 04-20-2012, 08:38 PM   #19
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Why is it that the person that will speak the unadulterated truth is called quack and the one that will look you straight in the face and lie to you is called the President.
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Old 04-21-2012, 07:40 AM   #20
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Without a doubt the goal is to instill a love of education which will last your whole life.
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Old 04-21-2012, 09:59 AM   #21
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A person should never stop learning but there is a reason why Democrats mantra is Ignorance is Bliss
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Old 04-21-2012, 10:17 AM   #22
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
Why is it that the person that will speak the unadulterated truth is called quack and the one that will look you straight in the face and lie to you is called the President.
It's because most voters want to be lied to. Politicians that tell the truth don't last long. The truth sucks. We're broke and we've got to start living within our means. We have to sacrifice. Try running on that platform.

We'll be told that minor changes here and there are all that's needed to put things right. That's what people want to hear. The ship is sinking but the band plays on.
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Old 04-21-2012, 12:53 PM   #23
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This is what happens when the government controls education. The student will learn what the government wants him/her to know. They are not taught to think for themselves. They are taught the government line, and then told to feel good about themselves.
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Old 04-21-2012, 01:05 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
This is what happens when the government controls education. The student will learn what the government wants him/her to know. They are not taught to think for themselves. They are taught the government line, and then told to feel good about themselves.
I'm a huge supporter of vouchers and private schools. Government schools are nothing but indoctrination centers for socialism and environmental quackery. Do people really think that government schools are going to teach kids about the Constitution and LIMITED GOVERNMENT? Government schools teach kids that the government is the answer to everything. After twelve years(or sixteen years if they go to college) of government school brainwashing, it's a wonder they don't all come out communist.
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:03 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
I'm a huge supporter of vouchers and private schools. Government schools are nothing but indoctrination centers for socialism and environmental quackery. Do people really think that government schools are going to teach kids about the Constitution and LIMITED GOVERNMENT? Government schools teach kids that the government is the answer to everything. After twelve years(or sixteen years if they go to college) of government school brainwashing, it's a wonder they don't all come out communist.
Do you really support vouchers and private schools? Or only some?

Would you support voucers for students to attens a Muslim school?
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:05 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
This is what happens when the government controls education. The student will learn what the government wants him/her to know. They are not taught to think for themselves. They are taught the government line, and then told to feel good about themselves.
COG, didn't you get a government education?
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:09 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
I'm a huge supporter of vouchers and private schools. .
WTF do you think a school that takes vouchers from the government is? A private school? Where do you think the money comes from? Some private citizen?

Once you introduce vouchers into a school, it is no longer private. That thirst for government vouchers will have it doing just like the states do when it comes to roads and schools.
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:34 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
WTF do you think a school that takes vouchers from the government is? A private school? Where do you think the money comes from? Some private citizen?

Once you introduce vouchers into a school, it is no longer private. That thirst for government vouchers will have it doing just like the states do when it comes to roads and schools.
Completely agree, though I find it very interesting to listen to some proponents of vouchers.

There were a couple Tea Party related (I do not know if they were Tea Party sponsored) open forums about vouchers near where I live. At them there were some very vocal advocates from a local very conservative Baptist school in favor of vouchers. They talked about what a good education they provide, as supported by test scores, college acceptances, scholarship offers, etc. And as far as I can tell they do all that quite well. They also mentioned that they believe one of the keys to their success is that every student at the school must take their religious instruction and abide by a code of conduct that extends well beyond the time in school. For example parents have to sign a paper saying--among other things--that there will be no alcohol in the home.

Later that evening the local Muslim school spoke. They too have very good results as measured by scores, college, etc. There has never been any link to terrorism associated with them that I know of. They spoke up in favor of vouchers also. But when they finished some of the same parents from the Baptist school very angrily voiced that the Muslim school should not be an eligible place to use the vouchers since it was a "religious" school but not a Christian one.

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Old 04-22-2012, 02:02 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
WTF do you think a school that takes vouchers from the government is?
It's more crony-capitalism.
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Old 04-22-2012, 02:40 PM   #30
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I became educated in spite of my "government education". I was a "victim" of the dumbing down of the pubic school system in order to achieve higher graduation rates in minorities. It was amazing to be a part of it and see it first hand but the reality of what was happening did not strike me as a plan of the education system until later in life.
I recall asking one of my teachers in high school if I was in the right class as it appeared to be remedial. She insisted that it was 11th grade English and I told her that I had done what she was teaching in junior high school. She got really pissed and told me I would have a hard time passing her class. I slept through most of it and made the highest frade. She accused me of cheating. The sad thing is she knew I had not cheated but was surprised how much of my Junior high education I could recall.

When I graduated, the school was over 9o percent black.
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