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Old 04-18-2012, 05:31 PM   #1
Sexy Roxanne
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Question Rates in Showcase?

Just wondering if it's error that my showcase is not showing rates? Or did something change that I missed?

Thank you wonderful staff
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Old 04-18-2012, 08:24 PM   #2
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They have a problem with the showcase code that they are working on. They tell us it will be fixed soon. Keep your fingers crossed!

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Old 04-20-2012, 12:44 AM   #3
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Ztonk, seriously?

So it's a software issue, "code"...and *that's* why the prices have mysteriously disappeared from the provider's showcases?

So this code must also be preventing any/all showcases from being edited, then too, right?

It must be because if showcase editing is still possible, then logic would dictate that a provider could simply make an edit to her showcase and include her rates; perhaps in the "About Me" portion-- would it not?
Then why no changes to include it?...Hmm..??

With all due respect, Ztonk, I'm not drinking the KoolAid.

The only reason that I've been able to formulate for the provider's rates now mysteriously going away has got to be the very reason that those same rates were removed from the providers ads not too long ago; corporate money and it's innate ability to influence such a change.

It very well may be code, but I'm betting the pendulum swings more favorably toward Corporates Code Of Conduct as being the culprit than it does the side of ECCIE Software code.

Whomever is buttering the Eccie bread, grabbed another handful of the short-hairs and there will be no change so long as they're at the churn.

Does anyone want to bet me a cold drinck on this?

Thinck I'll get any takers on my little wager, Z?

I'm not calling you out, Z. I'm truly not and that's not my intent anyway. I'm merely making an observation, however astute. Sorry. I'm sure that your hands are tied and I can appreciate that, however, this is just a little too suspect for me to believe.


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Old 04-20-2012, 12:25 PM   #4
John Landecker
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The owners are trying to break it to us gently.

The prices in the showcase are gone forever. Get used to it.

If I was the board owner....I might be doing the same thing.

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Old 04-20-2012, 12:49 PM   #5
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Prices are in mobile format !
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Old 04-20-2012, 01:20 PM   #6
John Landecker
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Originally Posted by rockerrick View Post
Prices are in mobile format !
Can you explain that to me?

I have tried typing www.m.eccie.net.....etc. And the showcase opens... I still don't see prices.
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Old 04-20-2012, 05:10 PM   #7
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On my phone you do http://m.eccie.net etc.....
The http:// is essential.
Just go to showcase of provider , then clear the URL and retype http://m.eccie.net etc ........
Prices are in the services section.

If that doesn't work pm and I'll send link to thread that explains.
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Old 04-20-2012, 06:16 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by rockerrick View Post
On my phone you do http://m.eccie.net etc.....
The http:// is essential.
Just go to showcase of provider , then clear the URL and retype http://m.eccie.net etc ........
Prices are in the services section.

If that doesn't work pm and I'll send link to thread that explains.
I tried that the other day and didn't get a "mobile" style web page. I just tried it and it worked and got a showcase with the review. I don't know if I did something different this time or if it's just iffy.

For instance, this link
works for me, even on my PC, not on a mobile phone.

Edit: Works as in "has rate info."
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Old 04-20-2012, 06:22 PM   #9
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Your link works perfect on my iPhone .
I have run into ones with no rates posted but this one does.
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Old 04-20-2012, 10:42 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by rockerrick View Post
Your link works perfect on my iPhone .
I have run into ones with no rates posted but this one does.
Someone said the "m.eccie.com" trick only works on phones. I tried it on my computer, and it didn't work. Then I tried it a few days later and it did. Probably a screw up on my part.

Not all ladies post rates in their showcases, of course.
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Old 04-21-2012, 08:03 AM   #11
John Landecker
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Originally Posted by Don Imus View Post

The prices in the showcase are gone forever. Get used to it.

Hmmm.... I might have to take my remarks back.

I was doing the mobile thing wrong. I had left in the www. Taking that out I was able to get a mobile format on my home computer and come up with prices. LOL...see an old dog like me can learn new things...I'm just slower than the rest of ya.

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Old 04-22-2012, 10:09 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post
Ztonk, seriously?

So it's a software issue, "code"...and *that's* why the prices have mysteriously disappeared from the provider's showcases?

So this code must also be preventing any/all showcases from being edited, then too, right?

It must be because if showcase editing is still possible, then logic would dictate that a provider could simply make an edit to her showcase and include her rates; perhaps in the "About Me" portion-- would it not?
Then why no changes to include it?...Hmm..??

With all due respect, Ztonk, I'm not drinking the KoolAid.

The only reason that I've been able to formulate for the provider's rates now mysteriously going away has got to be the very reason that those same rates were removed from the providers ads not too long ago; corporate money and it's innate ability to influence such a change.

It very well may be code, but I'm betting the pendulum swings more favorably toward Corporates Code Of Conduct as being the culprit than it does the side of ECCIE Software code.

Whomever is buttering the Eccie bread, grabbed another handful of the short-hairs and there will be no change so long as they're at the churn.

Does anyone want to bet me a cold drinck on this?

Thinck I'll get any takers on my little wager, Z?

I'm not calling you out, Z. I'm truly not and that's not my intent anyway. I'm merely making an observation, however astute. Sorry. I'm sure that your hands are tied and I can appreciate that, however, this is just a little too suspect for me to believe.



Sure! I'll take you up on it! How much we gonna bet?

Rates will indeed be back.

Sorry, but at the moment I can't be real specific about the changes we are making to the site so that we can get rates back, but in the next few weeks I'll give an update that will clear things up for everyone....and it's nothing that all the conspiracy-theorists would like you to believe, corporate greed, or any of that. LOL.

Also, my apologies that some of my staff interpreted my message to them as that this issue is a code glitch or something like that. It's not, although there is quite a bit of new development taking place as we speak that will allow us to get the rates back for you... and my bad for not being as clear as I'd like to be, but like I said, in the next few weeks rates will be back and I'll be able to share with you what the issue was.

So anyway, I lost some money on the UFC fight last night, but if you really wanna bet on the rates being back, I'm all in

St. C
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Old 04-22-2012, 03:51 PM   #13
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Thancks for the explanation, St. C. Sorry to hear about your losing the fight-night bet, though. Try to see if you can get someone to bet with you on the replay video and then take Jones to win. (Hey, it's worth a try. There's one born every minute; sometimes twins...ijs)

W/re to my wager, when the rates come back, it looks like I owe you a cold drinck, if not however, you'll owe me.

But one thing (of many, I'll concede), that I don't understand is if it's not cool for the providers to post their rates in their ads, how is it that it's okay to have them in their showcases?

Don't misunderstand, I wish the rates were still allowed in the ads cuz it's a pain in the ass to figure out what the current rates are, I'm simply trying to find the logic in this little loophole and if it's even possible due to the external pressures.

Thancks again for taking the time.

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Old 04-22-2012, 04:31 PM   #14
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I'm trying to bring them back in the ads too.

Actually, your logic is right on target. I know it seems damn confusing, and probably even appears stupid to most folks.....but when we get everything settled and I explain what the issue was, you will say "oh, that makes sense..and I can see why he was being a little hush hush about the whole thing...I would have too"

Unfortunately, due to the dynamics of this type of community, when people don't have all the answers and explanations presented to them they jump straight to 'worst-case-scenario' until all is revealed in it's entirety. When the answers are somewhat vague, then all the weird theories start running rampant.

Hey, I can't blame anyone for showing some negativity or pessimism.....or engaging in bizarre speculation when things don't seem to add up the way they should. It most certainly goes with the territory around here, and that's a territory I'm well-accustomed to working within.

St. C

As for the fight, hey, I've already written off the loss and plan to make my money back when Jones defends his title against Dan Henderson. I'll be taking Jones to win that one, although I'm a huge Henderson fan.

The bad thing is I can probably imagine what the odds are gonna be on that one. I'll probably have to bet a thousand bucks to win five bucks. Lol. We shall see.
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Old 04-22-2012, 06:54 PM   #15
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St. Chris,

There will always be whiners with regards to the site. Many of us have been in the hobby before boards like this and know how "difficult" hobbying really was. Many hobbyists want to be spoon fed everything and if they encounter any issues, they complain.

Do what you need to do St. Chris. I could care less if the rates ever come back. It hasn't interfered one bit with my hobbbying

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