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Old 04-16-2012, 02:34 PM   #76
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Let's bring the Federal government in line with the Constitution, which would eliminate virtually all social programs. If the programs are good, the States or localities can adopt them, administer them and fund them as they see fit.

Then let's strengthen our national defense by making it actually NATIONAL DEFENSE. Not world policeman. We don't need all those bases overseas, and we don't need to be meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. And cut off all foreign aid. They don't like us anyway. This would drastically reduce our defense budget, and make us more safe without destroying liberty at home.

Then let's repeal the 16th Amendment and institute the FairTax so the returning soldiers and out of work accountants can get real jobs as the economy rebounds like nothing else.

And finally, let's repeal the 17th Amendment so the Federal government can NEVER AGAIN force unfunded mandates on the states.

That would be a good start.
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Old 04-16-2012, 02:39 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Sensual Lina View Post
You can't put a price on freedom. Wait a minute, you can. 12 billion. Question is ..who the fuck here needed freedom there?


Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld should be dropped off, and left to go walk around in downtown Baghdad and experience first hand, the freedom they created.

see ya later boys
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Old 04-16-2012, 02:48 PM   #78
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+1, CBJ7. Good plan.
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Old 04-16-2012, 03:21 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld should be dropped off, and left to go walk around in downtown Baghdad and experience first hand, the freedom they created.

see ya later boys

Can we start collection for one way airfare for them?

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Old 04-16-2012, 03:22 PM   #80
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Dont confuse me with some right winger, I am what I would call a conservative Libertarian. The less government the better.
Go back a read my last post there CJ7 and spit some of that bile out of your soul.

I cant do anything about what has happened in the past but I sure can speak my mind about what is happening and what I think should happen going forward.

Sounds to me like you are one of those fiscal conservatives and social liberals which just means spend money here but not there. I say dont spend the money at all if it is not in the constitution.
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Old 04-16-2012, 03:56 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Yes. Really.
I always knew it

Now I'm sure

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Old 04-16-2012, 03:59 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
Dont confuse me with some right winger, I am what I would call a conservative Libertarian. The less government the better.
Go back a read my last post there CJ7 and spit some of that bile out of your soul.

I cant do anything about what has happened in the past but I sure can speak my mind about what is happening and what I think should happen going forward.

Sounds to me like you are one of those fiscal conservatives and social liberals which just means spend money here but not there. I say dont spend the money at all if it is not in the constitution.

spend here but not there?

if thats like spend THERE (the mid east) but not here (America)

yeah, Im guilty.

are you?
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Old 04-16-2012, 06:54 PM   #83
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T2D, I have no doubt that your business is run as you say it is. But, that fact speaks only to your particular business and not any other. Well, that may be a bit extreme because many if not all performance based enterprises are run similarly - minus employer provided benefits. Of course we can discuss targets being moved, minimums being raised, commissions being "adjusted" during another thread. Certainly, high value performers can change employers because they are in demand. That's not a problem - for them. But, even within organizations such as yours, there are not 100% of the employees that are "high value" enough to have the flexibility to move on at any time.

However, minimum wage addresses the lower end and relatively unskilled area of the workforce. The most telling thing I can point out is what happened at McDonalds several years ago. It was determined that most of their employees had been designated "management." This allowed McDonalds (and others) to declare the vast majority of their workforce as exempt, salaried employees and, thus, the 40-hour week (and any overtime) went out the window for all of the little "assistant" managers. Yes, the big, bad ole government stepped in and put an end to most of that. It was happily determined that "managing" to find one's way to work wasn't quite up to any reasonable standard of actual business management.

While there are companies who actually do try to approach their employees as assets instead of overhead (read: liabilities), it has been proven over and over again that the profit motive and the urge to wring every single, last cent from "costs" trumps. So, and unfortunately, any regulation has to be geared to the lowest common denominator. Perhaps, in a vacuum your premise that eliminating a minimum wage would actually result in higher wages for the unskilled, but centuries of history, especially since the Industrial Revolution, says you are absolutely on the wrong side of the facts. My earlier point about businesses actively soliciting illegals for unskilled jobs is a dirty little fact that neither party wants to address for their own reasons. Also, during the housing boom many roofers, masons, plumbers and other positions suddenly became populated with illegals. Those are not unskilled trades. And, guess what? They were hired not because "no one wants to work," but because the cost of them as employees was less for the employers. Yep, not having to pay social security, medicare and matching witholdings really adds up. Another dodge businesses use is either Temp-to-Hire or Employment Services that allows them to shirk having an investment in their work force.

Only when unions won collective bargaining rights did all wages in all areas begin to rise - primarily make it harder for union organizers to come in and organize a business. I'll be the first to acknowledge that unions did what all orgainzations do - lose sight of the original purpose for the organization and change focus towards consolidating power at the top and branching out into areas not germain to the original idea behind them. Even so, I can't really fathom that a "conservative liberitan" philosophy such as what you espouse is anything but a slightly gussied-up form of the road back to company stores, company housing and all other things that make Appalacia so inviting.
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Old 04-16-2012, 07:00 PM   #84
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Nope, I thought we should have been out of both places a long time ago.
I cannot understand why we would give a dime to Pakistan after knowingly harboring OBL.
I do not understand why we give money to any foreign nation when we have to borrow it to do it.
I dont understand why we cannot have a balanced budget.
I cannot understand why we have a government that is so large that if we taxed everyone 100 percent we still would not be able to pay our bills.

If you cant see that there is something seriously wrong not just in where we spend our money but in the fact that we spend more money than we can print, you are just as dumb aa the fuckers that voted for Obama.

Stimulus money went to Africa to teach them how to wash their dicks after sexl how in the fuck did that help us here?
I would rather spent that money bobmbing the fuck out of those pieces of shit that take our money then fuck us over.

It is sort of like black people supporting the democrats, they are fucking them over left and right and they still back up and bend over to take it. Planned Parenthood is the front for ergenics with the goal of controlling certain races. Makes you wonder if there are those that oppose it just so the left will be for it. Of course they cant see it.

We cannot afford war.
We spent way too much for nothing and Obama has done nothing to get us out after the objective was reached. you cant rebuild what did not exist. Those are a bunch of tribal, fuedal, bastards that dont give a rats ass about anything but what they can line their pocket with be it opium poppies are weapons, they dont give a shit about humans. Look how they treat the women. You aint gonna change them no matter what because we are infidels.

We are not much better when you take a mans wife and say the sort of shit about them like that dyke did to Ann Romney and the rest of the liberal bastards have said about any other woman that isnt a left wing nut liberal.

We placate the ignorant with handouts designed to keep them in poverty rather than to have them rise up and demand they be paid a fair wage. Whose fault is it that the government is so afraid of losing control that they dish out the gruel in amounts just enough to make it palatable but not so much as to make then strong. Keep the inmates happy or there will be problems in the asylum.

Our founding fathers would never believe that this was allowed to happen. Our government is a disgrace to the constitution. Totally corrupt.
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Old 04-16-2012, 07:07 PM   #85
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People choose where they live just as they can choose where to work unless of course you have one of these asinine labor union only things that steals from the worker.
There is enough distribution of goods and services today that the need for a company store is long since gone unless of course if you work for WalMart.
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Old 04-16-2012, 07:11 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
There is enough distribution of goods and services today that the need for a company store is long since gone unless of course if you work for WalMart.
Everyone wants to be Wal-Mart, dood. Distribution of goods and services is meaningless if there is not enough money in the kitty to purchase them. Just ask the former owners of business in small towns that WallyWorld came into and low-balled out of business. If you're Wal-Mart, you can eat a year or two of losses to kill off the competition. And, surprise, surprise, surprise - prices went up! Who'd a-thunk it? The same is true of Lowe's and Homo-Depo. Then, go talk to all of the happy little dwarves working for them. But, of course, they are probably just disgruntled lazy turds with an axe to grind.
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Old 04-16-2012, 08:33 PM   #87
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Yep just proof positive that not all progress is a good thing.
I personally do not patronize WslMart. When they stopped buying American and forced all of their suppliers to china it was just proof that when Sam Walton died so did his soul.
My first choice in hardware is the local guy near the office where you get the best service and about the same price. Second choice is Ace as they are franchises.

Ye see we can all make choices and then we have to live with the result of the choices we made. Some people have the inability to think far enough ahead to grasp what the outcome of their actions will be. This is why there are winners and losers, why some people become rich and some people become poor. The lack of thought or attempting to take the easiest route doesn't always lead to success. Just like taking a handout form the government. Somebody has to pay for it and if you get used to it, it becomes more difficult to rise above. It is that problem of instant gratification that permeates our society. It is like text messaging, call someone and they will not answer but text them and they cannot not respond. How many people would not eat if their microwave was busted?

Have any of you ever lived without a telephone, either a cell p;hone or a home land line? I am sure that many of you have never hot had cable or satellite. How about not having a television at all.

It is becoming more and more obvious that there are those that are incapable of making choices on their own and rely on the government to tell them what to do.
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Old 04-16-2012, 09:01 PM   #88
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Hobby Lobby announced they are raising their minimum wage to $14.00 $9.00 for part time workers, so business must be good and this will get your best workers
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Old 04-17-2012, 03:59 AM   #89
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Guys, you are talking like being unsuccessful is something those people aspired to - and that Wal-Mart's business plan is an accident. The result of most competitions is that there is a winner and a loser. You also discount that many people do not have, for a number or reasons, either the drive and ambition to succeed or the ability to do so. This is not, in itself, a bad thing since it is impossible(not to mention unsustainable) for everyone to become rich. If everyone were rich, who would do the grunt work? Categorically disrespecting the less successful or unsuccessful accomplishes what? And, the same goes for letting envy or a misguided sense of egalitarianism get out of hand.

Now, many of the orgainzations like Planned Parenthood as well as other, government run "socialist" programs serve more than what has been historically considered THE POOR. While they do provide services to the poor (and the faces of the poor who are supposedly unwilling to work are what people see in their mind's eye when these organizations are mentioned), over the past 15-20 years the clientele for those services has expanded to include the working poor and the lower middle class simply because those groups can no longer afford either health insurance or to pay as they go. Demonizing a statistically small number of recalcitrant leeches, while satisfying emotionally, does not erase the fact that a large segment of the population has not been able to keep up financially. Persisting in framing the debate in those terms keeps conversations such as this from being anything other than a circle jerk.

If you truly believe that being a recepient of government largesse is such a sweet deal, you might slide down to any city's version of Parkland Hospital or John Peter Smith some Saturday or Sunday afternoon (not to mention Friday or Saturday night) and check out the scene. Or, you might slip over to the friendly, neighborhood PP office during the week and see what gives. You won't find a bunch of laughing, happy, carefree folks sipping wine (even Thunderbird in a sack) and having a singalong while waiting in comfort for their appointment.
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Old 04-17-2012, 05:26 AM   #90
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If randy didn't post on the democrat side, I'd never know what a real American democrat thought. All these others on here are so woefully retarded, I want to put some change in their cup. Doove is right up there with Stevie and af. Man I have got to hand it to them. They do bring new depth to ignorant. I can't wait to see how ridiculous the come backs are. Coffee anyone?
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