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Old 04-14-2010, 08:41 AM   #1
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Default Personal Trainers?

Anyone know a GOOD personal trainer, one that will work your ass off....Literally! Like on the Biggest Loser!
I'm doing some research, hoping to find one. NOT body building, pure weight loss. If you do, please leave a note here or PM me.
Prefer North or Central.
thanks all.
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Old 04-14-2010, 10:18 AM   #2
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Tess and Maxie Ryan have one they swear by.
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Old 04-14-2010, 01:07 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by nuglet View Post
Anyone know a GOOD personal trainer, one that will work your ass off....Literally! Like on the Biggest Loser!
I'm doing some research, hoping to find one. NOT body building, pure weight loss. If you do, please leave a note here or PM me.
Prefer North or Central.
thanks all.
Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia View Post
Tess and Maxie Ryan have one they swear by.
Absolutely! Actually he's trying to build mine up. I don't have much back there to start with but he does kick ass
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Old 04-14-2010, 01:26 PM   #4
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Guy who introduced me to 20-rep squats, on the first very bad day - two plates - pulled the J-hooks so I wouldn't be able to rack the bar if I got tired. Somewhere around the 15th rep my vision has grayed out and tunneled, my blood's turned to acid and caught fire, I'm breathing fire, I feel like I'm going to die... he says, "Die on your feet. Die like a man."

Good news for me was, I got 20. Good news for you is, it's not a weight loss protocol; rather the opposite.
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Old 04-14-2010, 01:45 PM   #5
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I was a training manager at the two corporate gyms in Austin and can tell you the advise you may get from "personal trainers" both corporate or independent is usually a mix of folklore, gym-rat urban legends and hype.

If weight loss is your goal try dieting first. It makes no sense to me to eat more calories than you need and then pay a trainer to motivate you work off all the calories you didn't need to eat in the first place. Also, physical exertion when dieting is bad for organs and different tissues as well as negatively effecting mood...which is why people loss their motivation to continue and hire motivational trainers.

I get good results by eliminating or reducing cabohydrate sources [potatoes, rice, corn, pasta] and sugars and just substituting vegetables for those items in every meal. Eat one or two full meals a day consisting of vegetables and meats. While you're restricting your calories this way do not do any strength training or exert yourself in any strenuous way. What you can do though to keep your metabolism up and increase your weight lose dramatically is walking a mile or so a day, even on a treadmill, at a normal pace. Don't worry about eating fats in your diet....the 1970's myth that digesting fats causes them to accumulate in your body is silly. Fats of all kinds in your body are CREATED BY YOUR OWN PROCESSES from any source of ingested calories to store energy for later potential use. Cattle in feed lots are fattened up by feeding them primarily carbohydrates, not fats.

When you've gotten to the weight you desire then re-add small portions of carbs to your diet, but never go back to the huge amounts most Americans are used to eating. The normal diet has too many carbs and sugars, and will lead most people to weight gain and insulin intolerance at some point.
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Old 04-14-2010, 02:40 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by 78704 View Post
Somewhere around the 15th rep my vision has grayed out and tunneled, my blood's turned to acid and caught fire, I'm breathing fire, I feel like I'm going to die...
and your thinking.....if I pass out right here I'm gonna be so embarassed... is my life insurance paid up?
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Old 04-14-2010, 03:09 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by theaustinescorts View Post
If weight loss is your goal try dieting first.

I get good results by eliminating or reducing cabohydrate sources [potatoes, rice, corn, pasta] and sugars and just substituting vegetables for those items in every meal. Eat one or two full meals a day consisting of vegetables and meats. While you're restricting your calories this way do not do any strength training or exert yourself in any strenuous way. What you can do though to keep your metabolism up and increase your weight lose dramatically is walking a mile or so a day, even on a treadmill, at a normal pace. Don't worry about eating fats in your diet....the 1970's myth that digesting fats causes them to accumulate in your body is silly. Fats of all kinds in your body are CREATED BY YOUR OWN PROCESSES from any source of ingested calories to store energy for later potential use.

When you've gotten to the weight you desire then re-add small portions of carbs to your diet, but never go back to the huge amounts most Americans are used to eating. The normal diet has too many carbs and sugars, and will lead most people to weight gain and insulin intolerance at some point.
This is really good advice if you have the will to do it. I started Atkins 2 1/2 weeks ago and have lost 10 lbs so far with only exercising maybe 4 days on the bike for 30 mins during that time.

I learned that fats are used for energy if there aren't enough carbs coming in. Carbs abound in the typical diet, usually more than are needed and those extra carbs are stored as fat. So, it becomes a mean cycle in that no fats are burned until carbs are used up, but too many carbs come in and are then stored as fat.

It can take some getting used to less carbs but will pay off if you stick with it.
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Old 04-14-2010, 03:58 PM   #8
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Default Don't try this.

Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess View Post
and you're thinking, "if I pass out right here I'm gonna be so embarrassed... is my life insurance paid up? "
About rep 14 I was scared I was going to die. By rep 18 I was really, really hoping I was going to die. After 20 one spotter comes around and faces me, the one behind me tells me to take my hands off the bar, then he Zerchers it to his chest and spiders it to the ground. Guy in front catches me when I black out from my blood pressure plummeting two hundred points when the bar leaves my back.

Yeah, you sort of get used to it, but it was the 10 on my pain scale until 2005.
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Old 04-14-2010, 05:36 PM   #9
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when i have lost weight in the past it was very simple. not simple to do though. it really is a lifestyle change. anyone who tells you not is wrong.

i lifted weights M,W,F....... nothing too cray for an hour. I walked 4 miles on T and TH. I did not excercise on the weekends. A total of about 5 hours a week. I made sure my dinners were light as in fruits, veggies, salads, etc. Tons of water. I did eat 3 meals a deal and very light snacks. I had a routine. I lost 62 pounds in 4 months. I like an idiot got the holiday blues, stopped, rested on my laurels and never went back. I just need to actually follow them lol

BMR is the important thing to follow. It tells you how many calories you burn in a day naturally. Mine is 3100 calories. I eat less, I lose weight. I eat more than that in a day I gain. I have pretty much maintained for awhile now.

For a personal trainer, I have a friend who was a kiniseiology major and get great tips
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Old 04-14-2010, 06:05 PM   #10
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How hard you work is less a function of the trainer than you being willing to work.

How to get results like TBL? Heres the secret:

Food - Go to the Gatorade Sports Science Institute Website and find their Basal Metabolic Rate calculator. It's a complete bullshit guess since it's almost impossible to predict, but GSSI has the best bullshit guess out there.

Now plan your meals and dont fuck it up - ever. Give yourself one meal, not one day, one meal per week that you can eat whatever you want. Other than that it should look like this (and yes, the foods will be boring as shit and the same meal over and over):

Meal 1 - breakfast (i.e. eggs, blueberries, and steel cut oats)
Meal 2 (3 hours after meal 1)- piece of fruit
Meal 3 (3 hours after meal 2)- lunch (i.e. protein, legumes, and vegetables)
Meal 4 (3 hours after meal 3)- fruit, cottage cheese, or 5oz of low sodium deli meat
Meal 5 (3 hours after meal 4)- dinner (same basic setup as lunch)

No carbs after 8p.m..

Sleep - Sleep 8 hours a day minimum. This is to prevent cortisol levels from spiking and fucking up all your hard work for the week in 10 minutes.

Workout - How do they get those huge numbers?

Simple, and anyone can do it...
3 hours per day of cardio
2 hours per day of circuit style athletic training.

Thats how TBL does it.

Whats reality?

Do 30 minutes of HIIT cardio every other morning, do circuit training on the off mornings and eat / sleep perfect. You'll get the results you want in a matter of weeks.

Like I said, it's all about you and what you are willing to do. The trainer can't change that.
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Old 04-14-2010, 11:16 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by 78704 View Post
Guy who introduced me to 20-rep squats, on the first very bad day - two plates - pulled the J-hooks so I wouldn't be able to rack the bar if I got tired. Somewhere around the 15th rep my vision has grayed out and tunneled, my blood's turned to acid and caught fire, I'm breathing fire, I feel like I'm going to die... he says, "Die on your feet. Die like a man."

Good news for me was, I got 20. Good news for you is, it's not a weight loss protocol; rather the opposite.
Holy crap! That sounds dangerous. Your first workout with him? WTF? Is this guy running a Nazi concentration camp? If someone tried to scare me like that by pulling out the j-hooks that would be their last day with me.

Originally Posted by AustinBusinessTraveler View Post
How hard you work is less a function of the trainer than you being willing to work.

How to get results like TBL? Heres the secret:

Food - Go to the Gatorade Sports Science Institute Website and find their Basal Metabolic Rate calculator. It's a complete bullshit guess since it's almost impossible to predict, but GSSI has the best bullshit guess out there.

Now plan your meals and dont fuck it up - ever. Give yourself one meal, not one day, one meal per week that you can eat whatever you want. Other than that it should look like this (and yes, the foods will be boring as shit and the same meal over and over):

Meal 1 - breakfast (i.e. eggs, blueberries, and steel cut oats)
Meal 2 (3 hours after meal 1)- piece of fruit
Meal 3 (3 hours after meal 2)- lunch (i.e. protein, legumes, and vegetables)
Meal 4 (3 hours after meal 3)- fruit, cottage cheese, or 5oz of low sodium deli meat
Meal 5 (3 hours after meal 4)- dinner (same basic setup as lunch)

No carbs after 8p.m..

Sleep - Sleep 8 hours a day minimum. This is to prevent cortisol levels from spiking and fucking up all your hard work for the week in 10 minutes.

Workout - How do they get those huge numbers?

Simple, and anyone can do it...
3 hours per day of cardio
2 hours per day of circuit style athletic training.

Thats how TBL does it.

Whats reality?

Do 30 minutes of HIIT cardio every other morning, do circuit training on the off mornings and eat / sleep perfect. You'll get the results you want in a matter of weeks.

Like I said, it's all about you and what you are willing to do. The trainer can't change that.
Yikes!!! Sounds terrible. If I could manage to follow a system like that for a month (highly doubtful), I'm sure I'd lose a ton of weight, but since, for the most part, nobody would keep to that kind of diet/exercise regime for the long haul, I imagine the weight would come back quickly. The thing that motivates TBL folks is being on TV and trying to win a lot of money. I bet most of them fall off the wagon shortly after the season finale.

Life is too short to miss out on the pleasure of good food.
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:26 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by theaustinescorts View Post

If weight loss is your goal try dieting first. It makes no sense to me to eat more calories than you need and then pay a trainer to motivate you work off all the calories you didn't need to eat in the first place. Also, physical exertion when dieting is bad for organs and different tissues as well as negatively effecting mood...which is why people loss their motivation to continue and hire motivational trainers.
and what ABT said about sleep is right on.

If you don't have those 2 things together, adding training is just a waste of time and money for most folks. You'll end up overtrained, still fat, and probably sick.
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Old 04-15-2010, 08:14 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia View Post
Holy crap! That sounds dangerous. Your first workout with him? WTF? Is this guy running a Nazi concentration camp? If someone tried to scare me like that by pulling out the j-hooks that would be their last day with me.
LOL, no; the first very bad day was not the first day. Nice thing about lifting is gains come easy for a while, both for beginners and after a layoff, so you don't have to work very hard. 20 rep breathing squats are the pre-steroid prescription for adding a lot of meat in a hurry, but beginners can get results with fairly light weight on the bar. Two plates (on each side; 225#) was... hard; one plate's easy. A delicate creature could get results with the empty (45#) bar.
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Old 04-15-2010, 09:10 AM   #14
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I dont buy into any of the BS diets,.. all worthless in my opinion,
your body needs the full gamut of proteins, fats, carbs, and vitamins...
just eat right and exercise at least 3 times a week and you should maintain a constant weight....

lite weight training is good but not mandatory...
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Old 04-15-2010, 10:58 AM   #15
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Weight training is actually more important than cardio for long term weight loss / weight maintenance - as any professional will tell you.

That's why circuit style weight training where you get an aerobic effect along with the resistance training effect is the ideal scenario.
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