Originally Posted by tuckahoe
I love all the hair colors: blonde, brunette, redhead, and black. But Ark Monroe has convinced me to partake of the "blonde experience" sometime soon. Meanwhile, I too, am drooling over her pics. 
Originally Posted by Ark Monroe
Soon and very soon... 
Originally Posted by dddd1135
Take my word for it she is gorgeous. Now imagine the rear white pantie pic in the mall decked out in a sexy thin bandage dress, slowly walking where all can see.
Soon didn't happen very soon, but it has happened!!!!

We didn't try the library, and I'm glad we didn't, 'cause we would've gotten kicked out for making too much noise!!!

Monroe is truly gorgeous; I can now picture myself walking beside her in the mall; hips swaying under her gauze dress, and every man and most of the women stopping in their tracks to stare at her elegant movements.
I am truly honored to know Monroe!!!!