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Old 03-26-2012, 03:19 PM   #1
Jessie Montana
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Question Really? What is the BIG DAMN DEAL?

Is there really anything wrong with being in the hobby? I do everything a normal single female does (times ten). The only difference is, I don't get the hurt feelings when he doesn't call again, and I am shown gratitude in the donation that is left. Why does society frown on this soooo much? I am not talking about the legal aspect - that is just a tax issue - I'm talking about morally. In this day and age, WHO really cares! The people who are set on hurting you. Thats really all it boils down to, isn't it? Those people in your life who are so jealous they are just aiming to prove that they are better than you are, with your Michael Korrs purse! People who make your business, THEIR business, are jealous. Plain and simple, they have a motive. They don't have a life and they are bound and determined that you don't either. The problem is, they usually succeed in their mission. Yeah...I know, I'm venting.
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Old 03-26-2012, 03:42 PM   #2
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everywhere you go any job you have there are those hateful judgmental type that seems like its there whole purpose in life to talk shit about people and try to bring people down. I believe these kind of people are so missrable and simple minded that hate and negitivity is all they know. Since ive started hobbying ive met a lot of wonderful people most of all the girls ive met on eccie have a great personality and I wouldnt mind being friends with them in a civi setting. I dont see anything wrong with the hobby all the girls ive met have never judged me and for the most part everyone ive met talked to or chatted with here have been totally cool. Id hang out in the real world anyday or go to lunch with almost any provider ive met on a non hobby basis. I just wish the civi world was as understanding and non judgemental as the hobby world is and thats my 2 cents
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Old 03-26-2012, 07:18 PM   #3
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Old 03-27-2012, 11:30 AM   #4
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Hey Sugar,

You know I'm a simple man and some of your issues may have shot right over my head (I had some whiskey for lunch LOL)......

But think of it like this, we got together last summer and had a real good time, for a long time, right.

So even though that was a scheduled meeting, it could have also happened because we were at the same bar and hit it off, then one thing let to another...But I don't have time to hang out in bars anymore and I doubt if you do either.....so we just cut out the BS and still had a wild time, just two consenting adults enjoying each other with no harm done.


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Old 03-27-2012, 11:31 AM   #5
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plus 2.
however I was reading all the comments about the 9 ladies that got popped on their face book pages. It was really sad. We have all bad photo days and what may be un attractive or big to one is sexy as hell to another it is just awful.
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Old 03-30-2012, 02:49 AM   #6
Luna Syn
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I was blessed with a family that taught me tolerance, respect, and to always keep an open mind. I have always sort of been open about being deviant. I keep the not so acceptable legally questionable things out of the public, but I've never had to hide who I am as a person. There are plenty of people who think this lifestyle is wrong or not for them. So be it. If you enjoy what you are doing and noone is being hurt.... how is it wrong? Let the haters hate babygirl...
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Old 03-30-2012, 07:02 PM   #7
Chica Chaser
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Uh-Oh, Jessie's got a burr under her saddle! LOL

Just follow my personal motto: Fuck 'em. Who gives agoddamn what other people think of me? My business is my business. Try to maintain as much anonymity as possible from the hobby but in the end....Fuck 'em!
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