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Old 03-23-2012, 01:35 PM   #16
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I don't doubt there are sympathetic leftists from academia who agree with the AP's socialist agenda - energy and otherwise.

Just as there were "peer review and acceptance" of the East Anglican environmental data...that we now know was cooked up and false !

Believe the AP if you want; like I said, more kool-aid for the Obamazombies.
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Old 03-23-2012, 05:18 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by seedman55 View Post
Because he is a lying dog, that will say and do ANYTHING to re-elect his COMMUNIST ass. Why is it with all the natural gas drilling, the prices have dropped dramatically, oil would absolutley do the same, but the powers that be don't want that. Bring in more fucking windmills, made by GE in FUCKING CHINA... damn, my fucking head is going to explode, freakin politicians, their all a bunch of cocksuckers....
"freaking politicians, they're all a bunch of cocksuckers" Yor sir, are a modern day Will Rogers. These are words that go right to the heart of the problem.
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Old 03-23-2012, 05:24 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by seedman55 View Post
Because he is a lying dog, that will say and do ANYTHING to re-elect his COMMUNIST ass. Why is it with all the natural gas drilling, the prices have dropped dramatically, oil would absolutley do the same, but the powers that be don't want that. Bring in more fucking windmills, made by GE in FUCKING CHINA... damn, my fucking head is going to explode, freakin politicians, their all a bunch of cocksuckers....
Obama is not a COMMUNIST!!! He is a Socialist that just so happens to think assasinating American citizens at his discretion is okay. Big difference, lol
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Old 03-23-2012, 05:26 PM   #19
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Thanks for the clarification, Rounder.
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Old 03-23-2012, 06:50 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
I don't doubt there are sympathetic leftists from academia who agree with the AP's socialist agenda - energy and otherwise.

Believe the AP if you want; like I said, more kool-aid for the Obamazombies.
Okay, I understand. The AP is just a socialist mouthpiece, and everything they publish is a lie. Thank you for the enlightenment. I have fixed my television so it will only receive FOX News.
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Old 03-23-2012, 06:56 PM   #21
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FOX is just as much a part of the state-controlled media as AP and the rest of them are.
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Old 03-24-2012, 06:26 AM   #22
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Did anybody actually read the article? Whirly, I get that you are incapable of rational thought processes you brainwashed idiot....but, facts are facts. Increased domestic oil drilling does not mean lower gas prices.

To those of you trying to avoid discussing that fact by pointing out that additional drilling means more jobs....I agree. Building a dozen new coal-fired electrical generating plants would create a lot of new jobs too...as would clearing the forests of the great Northwest. Doesn't mean any of that is good idea.

The point is: the constant and never-ending refrain from the repukes that more drilling means cheaper gas is a statistically demonstrable lie.
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Old 03-24-2012, 10:45 AM   #23
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I would say, however, that driving to and from my locations of "drilling" does drive up the overall cost of hobbying.

timpage, you certainly know by now that facts are, at best, optional over there in the deep right field corner. But, kudos to you for tossing them out there.

May they all be granted the opportunity of living out their years in a single-wide built from Chinese sheetrock atop a toxic waste dump located on a drilling site or near a compressor station downwind from a chicken or hog processing plant without a tree in sight. Oh, hell, they're in west Texas! They just need to take one deep breath after another and savor the smell of money. Of course, it's someone else's.
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Old 03-24-2012, 02:24 PM   #24
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Default Food for thought

Here's just a little food for thought. Obama is discussing releasing oil from the strategic reserve in order to help to lower gas prices. Why would this lower gas prices? Because to put more supply on the market, with supply and demand, the price would go down.

What does drilling do? It puts more oil on the market. Why would this NOT do the same as releasing oil from the strategic reserve since it does the exact same thing, putting more oil on the market?

Just a little food for thought.
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Old 03-24-2012, 02:47 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Mbrhooks View Post
Here's just a little food for thought. Obama is discussing releasing oil from the strategic reserve in order to help to lower gas prices. Why would this lower gas prices? Because to put more supply on the market, with supply and demand, the price would go down.

What does drilling do? It puts more oil on the market. Why would this NOT do the same as releasing oil from the strategic reserve since it does the exact same thing, putting more oil on the market?

Just a little food for thought.
Speaking of "food" we should stop wasting so much energy and land growing it since local supply of a commodity does nothing to lower it's price. Let's just import all of our food and leave the land prestine for the unicorns to roam free among the windmills!
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Old 03-24-2012, 03:04 PM   #26
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More sources mean less volatility. The speculators like being able to drive up prices because someone in the middle east farts.
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Old 03-24-2012, 03:53 PM   #27
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While more drilling might not lower the price of gas at the pump, it darn sure will give skilled workers jobs so that they can buy the stuff.
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Old 03-24-2012, 06:02 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
If drilling does not decrease gas prices then why is Obama trying to sell the fantasy that he has more drilling going on?
Originally Posted by seedman55 View Post
. Why is it with all the natural gas drilling, the prices have dropped dramatically, oil would absolutley do the same, but the powers that be don't want that. ....
Oil will not drop because of production increases here in North America. We are in a demand decline. NG prices have dropped because NG is to expensive to export. Thus you have and overabundance of NG. That will never happen with gasoline.

If you could wrap your brains around the simple fact that oil is a global commodity and natural gas is not.

If we put a law into place that no refined crude could be shipped out of this country (like natural gas has in so much the law of economics prevents it from being shipped) , then you would see a glut in gasoline and prices would drop. That in turn would lead to a drop in domestic drilling. Consumers would buy more gas because it was cheap in the normal supply and demand curve would be in effect.

Understand that oil and gasoline are world commodities. They are subject to the same supply and demand laws but just on a world stage. NG prices are subject to North American supply and demand laws. Some very smart people got caught with their pants down learning that lesson and overpaid for companies that had huge NG plays. I'm sure not an expert but if you follow the money and understand basic supply and demand, this isn't to hard.
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Old 03-24-2012, 06:46 PM   #29
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Any release from the Strategic Reserve is purely a political action. I point out the FACT that last June (yes, less than a year ago) there was a release from the strategic reserve to counter the high gasoline prices at the time. What happened? Well, the price of gasoline decreased about 5 to 7 cents per gallon for a short time. Then they rose again in July, and remained above seasonal average through October 2011. As Einstein said (paraphrased): Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
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Old 03-24-2012, 07:12 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by oglfp12 View Post
Any release from the Strategic Reserve is purely a political action. I point out the FACT that last June (yes, less than a year ago) there was a release from the strategic reserve to counter the high gasoline prices at the time. What happened? Well, the price of gasoline decreased about 5 to 7 cents per gallon for a short time. Then they rose again in July, and remained above seasonal average through October 2011. As Einstein said (paraphrased): Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
Exactly...all he would be doing is acting like he is doing something. Why? Because the public is so ill informed in this regard they demand that he do something that he really can do nothing about. So he plays along.

But you can not have it both ways...you can not say that releasing oil will not lower the price at the pump and then demand that he drill drill drill and expect that to lower the price at the pump.

The reason we have politicans doing stupid shit is because we demand they do stupid shit to stay in office. We have no one to blame but ourselves. That includes both parties.
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