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Old 03-18-2012, 05:59 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You do realize we are in their country don't ya? You do understand that politics are different than war.
I do understand that we are in their country, and the politics are different there, how does that justify their indifference to killing our soldiers while expecting us to fall over ourselves apologizing for anything and everything......again, I do not approve of what the us soldier did, I also dont think we need to apologize to anyone over it.
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Old 03-18-2012, 08:47 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by titlover1 View Post
I do understand that we are in their country, and the politics are different there, how does that justify their indifference to killing our soldiers while expecting us to fall over ourselves apologizing for anything and everything......again, I do not approve of what the us soldier did, I also dont think we need to apologize to anyone over it.
There are more than just one faction over there. I doubt that women and children he killed were in the hate our soldiers camp. I see nothing wrong with an apology for this crime. I see no reason to apologize for killing the ones who are trying to kill us.
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Old 03-19-2012, 10:56 AM   #63
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I could recommend some books on the Afghan culture. This predates Islam and apologies come with a price. Our soldiers will pay that price.
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Old 03-19-2012, 11:44 AM   #64
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It would be a simply beautiful tourist attraction. Imagine miles of nothing but glass. I'd pay to see it. (Go ahead... rip for me implying mass murder on an entire region of people. and that I am no better than the terrorist. You are probably right. In the final analysis, I'd defend this way of life over that backwards, murderous, women hating, brutal way any day of the week. I'll own it. I'd love nothing more than to glass the entire region.)
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Old 03-19-2012, 11:58 AM   #65
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Understandable but not going to happen. We could just leave the region. We could never go back. Did you know that there is a part of that region where only like 10% of the population has ever heard of 9\11. If we weren't there we would have no soldiers dying over there. We do not have a draft btw. Everybody over there knew that was a possibility. Part of the job description.
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Old 03-19-2012, 12:02 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
It would be a simply beautiful tourist attraction. Imagine miles of nothing but glass. I'd pay to see it. (Go ahead... rip for me implying mass murder on an entire region of people. and that I am no better than the terrorist. You are probably right. In the final analysis, I'd defend this way of life over that backwards, murderous, women hating, brutal way any day of the week. I'll own it. I'd love nothing more than to glass the entire region.)

you hate the women beaters but you wouldnt mind Nuking the country and killing ALL the women?

makes perfect sense.
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Old 03-19-2012, 12:25 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
It would be a simply beautiful tourist attraction. Imagine miles of nothing but glass. I'd pay to see it. (Go ahead... rip for me implying mass murder on an entire region of people. and that I am no better than the terrorist. You are probably right. In the final analysis, I'd defend this way of life over that backwards, murderous, women hating, brutal way any day of the week. I'll own it. I'd love nothing more than to glass the entire region.)
I agree. I think the only hope of containing the spread of Islamist terrorism is to always show strength even brutality. Never apologize. Every time we accidentaly burn a Koran, publish political cartoon of Mohammad or accidentally show any sort or insensitivity to Islam and apologize the Islamists are emboldened.

We keep showing kindness and compassion thinking our enemie's heart will soften, and instead they just hate us more. We have to stop assuming that Muslims see the world the way we see it. They have been endoctrinated in a toxic hateful belief system from the cradle. To an Islamist, returning good for evil is inconceivable.

I'm not sure the "Chicago way" of taking a gun to a knife fight is going to to be sufficient with Islam. I say if they bring a knife we bring a fifteen thousand pound fuel air bomb.

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Old 03-19-2012, 12:26 PM   #68
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What is it with the right wing that their answer to any foreign policy question is more killing? Why would it be in our best interest to kill even more innocent civilians, including women and children. Why wouldn't the Afghanis be upset if a rogue soldier went out and randomly killed innocent people? Oh, of course, they do it to us, so we can do it to them. An eye for eye, and soon the whole world will be blind.
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Old 03-19-2012, 12:44 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
What is it with the right wing that their answer to any foreign policy question is more killing? Why would it be in our best interest to kill even more innocent civilians, including women and children. Why wouldn't the Afghanis be upset if a rogue soldier went out and randomly killed innocent people? Oh, of course, they do it to us, so we can do it to them. An eye for eye, and soon the whole world will be blind.

Not one of your better posts. "An eye for an eye, and soon the whole world will be blind"; I Googled that one. I'm sure you know that Mahatma Ghandi said it. Don't forget that Ghandi was assassinated by a Muslim. His strategy of non violent resistance worked in gaining India's independance because he was dealing with the English. If he had tried that tactic with the Muslims, it would not have worked. To use part of the Ghandi quote that is part of your permanent posting "A good person will resist an evil system with all his or her soul". I don't think resisting is going to be sufficient with this particluar evil system. I think we are going to have to fight them all out with no regard for what the French or the UN might think.

The Japanese reaction to Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not to retaliate: it was unconditional surrender. The policy of half assed responses to Islamic terror will insure that terrorism will go on indefinitely.

Osama Bin Laden said that when America withdrew from Lebanon after the Marine baracks bombing, and after our weak response in Mogadishu (black hawk down), and our weak response to the USS Cole bombing, he knew that America was cowardly. He said that was why he went ahead with the 911 attack; we had shown weakness. The 911 attack was almost exactly one year after the USS Cole attack.

We can't make the Islamist's love us. But we can make them fear us.
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Old 03-19-2012, 12:56 PM   #70
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an entire country officially breaking the peace like Japan did is entirely different.

thats a conventional war

isolated attcks by splinter cells is just that.

if we used the "at fault" logic why didnt Bush bomb Saudi" 11 of the 15 9-11 terrorists were from Saudi

any gusses?
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Old 03-19-2012, 01:08 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
an entire country officially breaking the peace like Japan did is entirely different.

thats a conventional war

isolated attcks by splinter cells is just that.

if we used the "at fault" logic why didnt Bush bomb Saudi" 11 of the 15 9-11 terrorists were from Saudi

any gusses?

The nature of the war on terrorism is certainly messier than previous wars where the enemy is more clearly defined.

Tom Tancredo (former Republican congressman from Colorado) said that we should put the Islamists on notice, that if they ever use a nuclear device against us, we would nuke Mecca. Maybe that would create a sort of mutually assured destruction scenario. Maybe that would be sufficiently horrific to the Jihadists to cause them to restrain themselves. I think its worth a try. You take Manahattan we take Mecca. You can pray five times a day to a radioactive giant hole in the ground.

I believe that we must always show strength and respond forcefully whenever possible to the Islamists. The policy of nation building and giving everybody a Hershey bar and thinking that's going to decrease terrorism is a mistake.
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Old 03-19-2012, 02:09 PM   #72
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Maybe we should leave them alone, and quit trying to micromanage their country. We went into Afghanistan because, well, we had to attack somebody! I guess we thought OBL was there, but we didn't find him there, but we continued to bomb them anyway. Now OBL is dead, and we are still there. Why? No one knows. But let's see how many Muslims we can kill. That will teach them to not be so bloodthirsty.
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Old 03-19-2012, 02:23 PM   #73
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the entire "war on terror" mantra is horseshit. Its an no win situation any way you cut it. Chasing splinter cells of thugs around the world for all eternity is the most fucked up mindset anyone could possibly imagine.
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Old 03-19-2012, 03:29 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
the entire "war on terror" mantra is horseshit. Its an no win situation any way you cut it. Chasing splinter cells of thugs around the world for all eternity is the most fucked up mindset anyone could possibly imagine.
What do propose we should do? How do we get these bastards to stop fucking with us. This has been going in one form or another for fourteen hundred years.

People seem to think that live and let live is the answer; it's not. The Jihadists are commanded to kill us in the Koran; it's their religion. Unless we convert to Islam, they are commanded to kill us.
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Old 03-19-2012, 03:46 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
What do propose we should do? How do we get these bastards to stop fucking with us. This has been going in one form or another for fourteen hundred years.

People seem to think that live and let live is the answer; it's not. The Jihadists are commanded to kill us in the Koran; it's their religion. Unless we convert to Islam, they are commanded to kill us.

chasing them around THE DAMN WORLD and breaking the budget in the interim IS allowing them to FUCK with us. Bin Ladens claim was to break our economy, Guess what? Those bastards dont have a Navy or an Air Force or a massive, fully armed Army to invade this country , and wouldn't if they could. Use Space images, predator drones, and covert ground intel (spies) to watch everything they do. One rocket from one drone aimed at one specific target (man) works a hell of a lot better than kicking down doors for $12 billion a month and 4000 soldiers lives.

Give me the $$ we spent in the mid east over the last decade and I can sew this place up so tight a hummingbird couldnt shit without us knowing it.

the age old "better there than here" is no longer a viable concept when "there" is EVERYWHERE.
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